selected publications academicarticle Brown, S. M., Brison, N. T., Bennett, G., & Brown, K. M. (2022). Do Fans Care About the Activist Athlete? A Closer Look at Athlete Activism Effect on Brand Image. International Journal of Sport Communication. 15(4), 336-344. Yu, B. o., Brison, N. T., & Bennett, G. (2022). Why do women watch esports? A social role perspective on spectating motives and points of attachment. Computers in Human Behavior. 127, 107055-107055. Hussain, U., Yu, B. o., Cunningham, G. B., & Bennett, G. (2021). "I Can be Who I Am When I Play Tekken 7": E-sports Women Participants from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Games and Culture. 16(8), 978-1000. Sharifzadeh, Z., Brison, N. T., & Bennett, G. (2021). Personal branding on Instagram: an examination of Iranian professional athletes. 11(5), 556-574. Oshiro, K. F., Brison, N., & Bennett, G. (2021). Personal branding project in a sport marketing class. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education. 28, 100308-100308. Bennett, G., Keiper, P., & Dixon, M. (2020). Why Can't We All Just Get Along? The Conflict between School and Club Sports in the United States. Quest. 72(1), 85-101. Lobpries, J., Bennett, G., & Brison, N. (2018). How I Perform is Not Enough: Exploring Branding Barriers Faced by Elite Female Athletes. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 27(1), 5-17. Wakefield, L. T., & Bennett, G. (2018). Sports fan experience: Electronic word-of-mouth in ephemeral social media. Sport Management Review. 21(2), 147-159. Lobpries, J., Bennett, G., & Brison, N. (2017). Mary Ann to her Ginger: comparing the extended brand identity of two elite female athletes. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. 18(4), 347-362. Bennett, G. (2017). Building a Strong New Media Brand: The Case of SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 26(3), 153-167. Walker, M., Hodge, C., & Bennett, G. (2017). The Freeloader Effect: Examining the Influence of Engagement and Attitudes in a Virtual Fan Community. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 26(3), 130-139. Brown, B., Bennett, G., & Ballouli, K. (2016). Examining the Effects of Advertisement Setting and Actor Race on African Americans' Intentions to Consume Baseball. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 25(3), 139-151. Kang, C., Bennett, G., & Peachey, J. W. (2016). Five dimensions of brand personality traits in sport. Sport Management Review. 19(4), 441-453. Brown, B., & Bennett, G. (2015). "Baseball Is Whack!": Exploring the Lack of African American Baseball Consumption. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 39(4), 287-307. Ballouli, K., & Bennett, G. (2014). New (Sound) Waves in Sport Marketing: Do Semantic Differences in Analogous Music Impact Shopping Behaviors of Sport Consumers?. SPORT MARKETING QUARTERLY. 23(2), 59-72. Petrick, J. F., Bennett, G., & Tsuji, Y. (2013). Development of a Scale for Measuring Event Attendees' Evaluations of a Sporting Event to Determine Loyalty. Event Management: an international journal. 17(2), 97-110. Hutchinson, M., & Bennett, G. (2012). Core values brand building in sport: Stakeholder attitudes towards intercollegiate athletics and university brand congruency. Sport Management Review. 15(4), 434-447. Bennett, G., Ballouli, K., & Sosa, J. (2011). "Sometimes Good, Sometimes not so Good": Student Satisfaction with a Sport Management Exchange Program. SMEJ / Sport Management Education Journal. 5(1), 14-29. Wakefield, K. L., & Bennett, G. (2010). AFFECTIVE INTENSITY AND SPONSOR IDENTIFICATION. 39(3), 99-111. Tsuji, Y., Bennett, G., & Leigh, J. H. (2009). Investigating Factors Affecting Brand Awareness of Virtual Advertising. Journal of Sport Management. 23(4), 511-544. Ferreira, M., Hall, T. K., & Bennett, G. (2008). Exploring Brand Positioning in a Sponsorship Context: A Correspondence Analysis of the Dew Action Sports Tour. Journal of Sport Management. 22(6), 734-761. Gwinner, K., & Bennett, G. (2008). The impact of brand cohesiveness and sport identification on brand fit in a sponsorship context. Journal of Sport Management. 22(4), 410-426. Dees, W., Bennett, G., & Tsuji, Y. (2006). Attitudes Toward Sponsorship at a State Sports Festival. Event Management: an international journal. 10(2), 89-101. Cianfrone, B., Bennett, G., Siders, R., & Tsuji, Y. (2006). Virtual advertising and brand awareness. International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing. 1(4), 289-289. Bennett, G., Sagas, M., Fleming, D., & Von Roenn, S. (2005). On being a living contradiction: the struggle of an elite intercollegiate Christian coach. Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education. 26(3), 289-300. Tillman, M. D., Hass, C. J., Brunt, D., & Bennett, G. R. (2004). Jumping and landing techniques in elite women's volleyball. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 3(1), 30-36. Bennett, G., Henson, R. K., & Drane, D. (2003). Student Experiences with Service-Learning in Sport Management. Journal of Experiential Education. 26(2), 61-69. Bennett, G., Henson, R. K., & Zhang, J. (2003). Generation Ys Perceptions of the Action Sports Industry Segment. Journal of Sport Management. 17(2), 95-115. Zhang, J. J., Lam, E., Bennett, G., & Connaughton, D. P. (2003). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Spectator Decision-Making Inventory (SDMI). Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science. 7(2), 57-70. Drummond, J. L., McGuire, J. G., & Bennett, G. (2002). Student perceptions of exercise role modelling by secondary health educators. Health Education Journal. 61(1), 78-86. Bennett, G., & Green, F. P. (2001). Student Learning in the Online Environment: No Significant Difference?. Quest. 53(1), 1-13. Bennett, G. (2000). Students Participation Styles in Two University Weight Training Classes. JOURNAL OF TEACHING IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION. 19(2), 182-205. Bennett, G., & Maneval, M. (1998). Leadership Styles of Elite Dixie Youth Baseball Coaches. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS. 87(3), 754-754. Bennett, G., & Maneval, M. (1998). Leadership styles of elite Dixie youth baseball coaches. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS. 87(3 Pt 1), 754-754. Wakefield, L., Wakefield, K., Jensen, J., & Bennett, G. How Name, Image and Likeness "Fit" in Sport Partnerships. Journal of Applied Sport Management. 13(2), 8-12. Lee, H., Chang, K., Neff, P. N., Nite, C., & Bennett, G. Perceived uniqueness of esports: players' hyperconnected digital playground for self-improvement. Sport in Society. 26(11), 1873-1890. conference paper Brown, B. L., Cohen, A., & Bennett, G. (2012). Using Motivational Theories to Enhance Attendance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. A92-A92. Ballouli, K., Hutchinson, M., & Bennett, G. (2010). Assessing the Economic Impact of a Nonprofit State Sports Festival. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 94-95.
teaching activities SPMT334 Sport Communication Instructor SPMT337 Intnl Sport Business: Cri Instructor SPMT370 Fan Behavior In Sport Instructor SPMT370 Fan Behavior In Sport: Cri Instructor SPMT423 Mktg Aspects Of Sport Instructor SPMT470 App Mktg Strategies In Sport Instructor SPMT483 Practicum In Sport Mgmt Instructor SPMT483 Practicum In Sport Mgmt Instructor SPMT485 Directed Studies: Cri Instructor SPMT489 Sptp: Power Of Sport Instructor SPMT615 Sport Marketing Instructor SPMT682 Seminar In Marketing Instructor SPMT683 Practicum In Sport Mgmt Instructor SPMT684 Internship In Spt Mgmt Instructor SPMT685 Directed Studies Instructor SPMT689 Sptp: Theory & Theory Develop Instructor SPMT691 Research Instructor SPMT691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Anderson, Aaron Jacob (2021-04). Place Branding: A Case Study of the Atlanta Hawks' City Edition Campaign. Ballouli, Khalid (2012-10). Building Sport Brands with Music: The Impact of Sport Brand Music on the Shopping Behaviors of Sport Consumers. Brown, Brandon Leigh (2013-08). Addressing the lack of Baseball Consumption amongst African Americans. Brown, Sarah M (2020-07). Let's Get Virtual: Measuring Virtual Influencer's Endorser Effectiveness. Dees, Windy Lynn (2009-05). Personality fit in nascar: does driver-sponsor congruence influence sponsorship effectiveness outcomes?. Hutchinson, Michael Daniel (2011-10). Core Values Based Brand Building: Institutional Stakeholder's Attitudes towards the Texas A&M University Brand. Kang, Chanho (2013-07). Dimensions of Brand Personality: A New Measure of Brand Personality in Sport. Lobpries, Jami Nicole (2014-08). Exploring Brand Identity Creation of Female Athletes: The Case of Jennie Finch and Cat Osterman. Pederson, Joseph Arthur (2016-08). It's Not What You Tweet but How You Tweet It: An Experiment of Orientation, Interactivity, and Valence in Twitter. Reese, Jason 1985- (2012-12). Participatory Pricing in Sport: An Examination of Name-Your-Own-Price and Pay-What-You-Want Pricing. Reese, Jason D. (2011-08). Minor League Fan Satisfaction with the Season Ticket Selling Process. Tsuji, Yosuke 1978- (2009-05). Brand awareness of virtual advertising in sport. Wakefield, Lane Taylor (2016-06). Why Do I Want to Be Your Friend? Engaging with Brands in Ephemeral Media.
education and training Ed.D. in Health and Human Performance, Auburn University - (Auburn, Alabama, United States) 1997 M.S. in Health and Human Performance, University of Tennessee at Knoxville - (Knoxville, Tennessee, United States) 1993 B.S. in Education, Tennessee Technological University - (Cookeville, Tennessee, United States) 1988
awards and honors Fellow, conferred by North American Society for Sport Management - (Vermillion, South Dakota, United States), 2010
mailing address Texas A&M University Kinesiology & Sport Management 4243 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4243 USA