selected publications academicarticle Lin, J., Wu, X., & Yang, P. (2022). Dynamic dependence and risk spillovers between RMB onshore spot and offshore NDF markets. Applied Economics. 54(60), 6850-6862. Chen, Y., Lin, J., & Wu, X. (2022). Revisiting the return-volatility relationship of exchange rates: New evidence from offshore RMB. Pacific Economic Review. 27(3), 277-294. Wen, K., Wu, W., & Wu, X. (2022). Electricity demand forecasting and risk management using Gaussian process model with error propagation. Journal of Forecasting. 42(4), 957-969. Wu, W., Wu, X., Zhang, Y. Y., & Leatham, D. (2021). Gaussian process modeling of nonstationary crop yield distributions with applications to crop insurance. Agricultural Finance Review. 81(5), 767-783. Li, D., Wang, L., & Wu, X. (2021). Bayesian estimation of bidding process and bidder's preference under shape restrictions. Empirical Economics. 60(1), 157-176. Lin, J., & Wu, X. (2020). A diagnostic test for specification of copulas under censorship. Econometric Reviews. 39(9), 930-946. Wang, S., Li, A., Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2020). Robust kernels for kernel density estimation. 191, 109138-109138. Wu, X., & Zhang, Y. Y. (2020). A local maximum likelihood model of crop yield distributions. 68(1), 117-125. Yi, F., Ye, H., Wu, X., Zhang, Y. Y., & Jiang, F. (2020). Self-aggravation effect of air pollution: Evidence from residential electricity consumption in China. Energy Economics. 86, 104684-104684. Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2020). Transformation-Kernel Estimation of Copula Densities. Journal of business & economic statistics. 38(1), 148-164. Wu, X. (2019). Robust Likelihood Cross-Validation for Kernel Density Estimation. Journal of business & economic statistics. 37(4), 761-770. Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2019). A guided nonparametric goodness-of-fit test with application to income distributions. Econometrics Journal. 22(3), 207-222. Jithitikulchai, T., Mccarl, B. A., & Wu, X. (2019). DECADAL CLIMATE VARIABILITY IMPACTS ON CLIMATE AND CROP YIELDS. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 51(1), 104-125. Wu, X., & Sickles, R. (2018). Semiparametric estimation under shape constraints. 6, 74-89. Sun, Y., & Wu, X. (2018). Leverage and Volatility Feedback Effects and Conditional Dependence Index: A Nonparametric Study. 11(2), 29-29. Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2017). Smoothed kernel conditional density estimation. 152, 112-116. Lin, J., & Wu, X. (2017). A sequential test for the specification of predictive densities. Econometrics Journal. 20(2), 190-220. Liu, C., Chang, M., Wu, X., & Chui, C. M. (2016). Hedges or safe havensrevisit the role of gold and USD against stock: a multivariate extended skew-t copula approach. 16(11), 1763-1789. Huang, J. Z., Wang, X., Wu, X., & Zhou, L. (2016). Estimation of a probability density function using interval aggregated data. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION. 86(15), 3093-3105. Gustavsen, G. W., Nayga, R., & Wu, X. (2016). Effects of Parental Divorce on Teenage Children's Risk Behaviors: Incidence and Persistence. 37(3), 474-487. Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2015). An Improved Transformation-Based Kernel Estimator of Densities on the Unit Interval. 110(510), 773-783. Chang, M., & Wu, X. (2015). Transformation-based nonparametric estimation of multivariate densities. 135(1), 71-88. Gao, Y., Zhang, Y. Y., & Wu, X. (2015). Penalized exponential series estimation of copula densities with an application to intergenerational dependence of body mass index. Empirical Economics. 48(1), 61-81. Lin, J., & Wu, X. (2015). Smooth Tests of Copula Specifications. Journal of business & economic statistics. 33(1), 128-143. Sukcharoen, K., Zohrabyan, T., Leatham, D., & Wu, X. (2014). Interdependence of oil prices and stock market indices: A copula approach. Energy Economics. 44, 331-339. Dang, T., Leatham, D., McCarl, B. A., & Wu, X. (2014). Measuring the efficiency of the Farm Credit System. Agricultural Finance Review. 74(1), 38-+. Villavicencio, X., McCarl, B. A., Wu, X., & Huffman, W. E. (2013). Climate change influences on agricultural research productivity. Climatic Change. 119(3-4), 815-824. Chang, M., & Wu, X. (2011). A Transformation-Based Nonparametric Estimator of Multivariate Densities with an Application to Global Financial Markets Gustavsen, G. W., Nayga, R., & Wu, X. (2011). OBESITY AND MORAL HAZARD IN DEMAND FOR VISITS TO PHYSICIANS. 29(4), 620-633. Egbendewe-Mondzozo, A., Musumba, M., McCarl, B. A., & Wu, X. (2011). Climate change and vector-borne diseases: an economic impact analysis of malaria in Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 8(3), 913-930. Wu, X., & Wang, S. (2011). Maximum Entropy Approximations for Asymptotic Distributions of Smooth Functions of Sample Means. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 38(1), 130-146. Stengos, T., & Wu, X. (2010). INFORMATION-THEORETIC DISTRIBUTION TEST WITH APPLICATION TO NORMALITY. 29(3), 307-329. Wu, X. (2010). Exponential Series Estimator of multivariate densities. 156(2), 354-366. Wu, X. (2009). A Weighted Generalized Maximum Entropy Estimator with a Data-driven Weight. Entropy. 11(4), 917-930. Depositario, D., Nayga, R., Wu, X., & Laude, T. P. (2009). Effects of Information on Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Golden Rice. 23(4), 457-476. Corrigan, J. R., Depositario, D., Nayga, R., Wu, X., & Laude, T. P. (2009). Comparing Open-Ended Choice Experiments and Experimental Auctions: An Application to Golden Rice. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 91(3), 837-853. Depositario, D., Nayga, R., Wu, X., & Laude, T. R. (2009). Should students be used as subjects in experimental auctions?. Economics Letters. 102(2), 122-124. Chui, C., & Wu, X. (2009). Exponential series estimation of empirical copulas with application to financial returns. Advances in Econometrics. 25, 263-290. McCarl, B. A., Villavicencio, X., & Wu, X. (2008). Climate Change and Future Analysis: Is Stationarity Dying ?. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 90(5), 1241-1247. Perloff, J. M., & Wu, X. (2007). Tax incidence varies across the price distribution. 96(1), 116-119. Wu, X., & Perloff, J. M. (2007). GMM estimation of a maximum entropy distribution with interval data. 138(2), 532-546. Nayga, Jr., R. M., Wu, X., & Brummett, R. G. (2007). On the Use of Cheap Talk in New Product Valuation. 2(1), 1-9. Brummett, R. G., Nayga, R. M., & Wu, X. (2007). On the use of cheap talk in new product valuation. Economics Bulletin. 2(1), 1-9. Wu, X., Perloff, J. M., & Golan, A. (2006). Effects of government policies on urban and rural income inequality. Review of Income and Wealth. 52(2), 213-235. Wu, X., & Perloff, J. M. (2006). Information-Theoretic Deconvolution Approximation of Treatment Effect Distribution Wu, X., & Wang, S. (2006). Information-Theoretic Approximation of Small Sample Distributions Wu, X., & Stengos, T. (2005). Partially adaptive estimation via the maximum entropy densities. Econometrics Journal. 8(3), 352-366. Wu, X., & Stengos, T. (2005). Partially Adaptive Estimation via Maximum Entropy Densities Wu, X., & Perloff, J. M. (2005). China's Income Distribution, 19852001. Review of Economics and Statistics. 87(4), 763-775. Wu, X., & Perloff, J. M. (2004). China's Income Distribution Over Time: Reasons for Rising Inequality Wu, X. (2003). Calculation of maximum entropy densities with application to income distribution. Journal of Econometrics. 115(2), 347-354. Wu, X. (2002). Nonparametric Estimation of Labor Supply under the Earned Income Tax Credit and Welfare Programs Wu, X. (2002). Calculation of Maximum Entropy Densities with Application to Income Distribtuions Fang, Y., Li, Q. i., Wu, X., & Zhang, D. A data-driven smooth test of symmetry. Journal of Econometrics. 188(2), 490-501. Amegashie, J. A., & Wu, X. Adverse Selection in Competing All-pay Auctions chapter Bessler, D. A., McCarl, B. A., Wu, X., & Love, H. A. (2014). Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics. Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems. (pp. 1-10). Elsevier.
investigator on Food for Progress Monitoring and Evaluation Sustainability awarded by United States Department of Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2018 - 2022
teaching activities AGEC661 Appl Ecmt Mtds Ag Resour I Instructor AGEC676 Frontiers Mkts&info Econ Instructor AGEC684 Professional Internship Instructor AGEC684 Professional Internship: In-ab Instructor AGEC691 Research Instructor AGEC693 Professional Study Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley - (Berkeley, California, United States) 2003 B.A. in Economics, Peking University - (Beijing, Beijing, China) 1998
mailing address Texas A&M University Agricultural Economics 2124 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2124 USA