selected publications academicarticle Lin, J., Wu, X., & Yang, P. (2022). Dynamic dependence and risk spillovers between RMB onshore spot and offshore NDF markets. Applied Economics. 54(60), 6850-6862. Chen, Y., Lin, J., & Wu, X. (2022). Revisiting the return-volatility relationship of exchange rates: New evidence from offshore RMB. Pacific Economic Review. 27(3), 277-294. Wen, K., Wu, W., & Wu, X. (2022). Electricity demand forecasting and risk management using Gaussian process model with error propagation. Journal of Forecasting. 42(4), 957-969. Wu, W., Wu, X., Zhang, Y. Y., & Leatham, D. (2021). Gaussian process modeling of nonstationary crop yield distributions with applications to crop insurance. Agricultural Finance Review. 81(5), 767-783. Li, D., Wang, L., & Wu, X. (2021). Bayesian estimation of bidding process and bidder's preference under shape restrictions. Empirical Economics. 60(1), 157-176. Lin, J., & Wu, X. (2020). A diagnostic test for specification of copulas under censorship. Econometric Reviews. 39(9), 930-946. Wang, S., Li, A., Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2020). Robust kernels for kernel density estimation. 191, 109138-109138. Wu, X., & Zhang, Y. Y. (2020). A local maximum likelihood model of crop yield distributions. 68(1), 117-125. Yi, F., Ye, H., Wu, X., Zhang, Y. Y., & Jiang, F. (2020). Self-aggravation effect of air pollution: Evidence from residential electricity consumption in China. Energy Economics. 86, 104684-104684. Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2020). Transformation-Kernel Estimation of Copula Densities. Journal of business & economic statistics. 38(1), 148-164. Wu, X. (2019). Robust Likelihood Cross-Validation for Kernel Density Estimation. Journal of business & economic statistics. 37(4), 761-770. Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2019). A guided nonparametric goodness-of-fit test with application to income distributions. Econometrics Journal. 22(3), 207-222. Jithitikulchai, T., Mccarl, B. A., & Wu, X. (2019). DECADAL CLIMATE VARIABILITY IMPACTS ON CLIMATE AND CROP YIELDS. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 51(1), 104-125. Wu, X., & Sickles, R. (2018). Semiparametric estimation under shape constraints. 6, 74-89. Sun, Y., & Wu, X. (2018). Leverage and Volatility Feedback Effects and Conditional Dependence Index: A Nonparametric Study. 11(2), 29-29. Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2017). Smoothed kernel conditional density estimation. 152, 112-116. Lin, J., & Wu, X. (2017). A sequential test for the specification of predictive densities. Econometrics Journal. 20(2), 190-220. Liu, C., Chang, M., Wu, X., & Chui, C. M. (2016). Hedges or safe havensrevisit the role of gold and USD against stock: a multivariate extended skew-t copula approach. 16(11), 1763-1789. Huang, J. Z., Wang, X., Wu, X., & Zhou, L. (2016). Estimation of a probability density function using interval aggregated data. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION. 86(15), 3093-3105. Gustavsen, G. W., Nayga, R., & Wu, X. (2016). Effects of Parental Divorce on Teenage Children's Risk Behaviors: Incidence and Persistence. 37(3), 474-487. Fang, Y., Li, Q. i., Wu, X., & Zhang, D. (2015). A data-driven smooth test of symmetry. Journal of Econometrics. 188(2), 490-501. Wen, K., & Wu, X. (2015). An Improved Transformation-Based Kernel Estimator of Densities on the Unit Interval. 110(510), 773-783. Chang, M., & Wu, X. (2015). Transformation-based nonparametric estimation of multivariate densities. 135(1), 71-88. Gao, Y., Zhang, Y. Y., & Wu, X. (2015). Penalized exponential series estimation of copula densities with an application to intergenerational dependence of body mass index. Empirical Economics. 48(1), 61-81. Lin, J., & Wu, X. (2015). Smooth Tests of Copula Specifications. Journal of business & economic statistics. 33(1), 128-143. Sukcharoen, K., Zohrabyan, T., Leatham, D., & Wu, X. (2014). Interdependence of oil prices and stock market indices: A copula approach. Energy Economics. 44, 331-339. Dang, T., Leatham, D., McCarl, B. A., & Wu, X. (2014). Measuring the efficiency of the Farm Credit System. Agricultural Finance Review. 74(1), 38-+. Villavicencio, X., McCarl, B. A., Wu, X., & Huffman, W. E. (2013). Climate change influences on agricultural research productivity. Climatic Change. 119(3-4), 815-824. Chang, M., & Wu, X. (2011). A Transformation-Based Nonparametric Estimator of Multivariate Densities with an Application to Global Financial Markets Gustavsen, G. W., Nayga, R., & Wu, X. (2011). OBESITY AND MORAL HAZARD IN DEMAND FOR VISITS TO PHYSICIANS. 29(4), 620-633. Egbendewe-Mondzozo, A., Musumba, M., McCarl, B. A., & Wu, X. (2011). Climate change and vector-borne diseases: an economic impact analysis of malaria in Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 8(3), 913-930. Wu, X., & Wang, S. (2011). Maximum Entropy Approximations for Asymptotic Distributions of Smooth Functions of Sample Means. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 38(1), 130-146. Stengos, T., & Wu, X. (2010). INFORMATION-THEORETIC DISTRIBUTION TEST WITH APPLICATION TO NORMALITY. 29(3), 307-329. Wu, X. (2010). Exponential Series Estimator of multivariate densities. 156(2), 354-366. Wu, X. (2009). A Weighted Generalized Maximum Entropy Estimator with a Data-driven Weight. Entropy. 11(4), 917-930. Depositario, D., Nayga, R., Wu, X., & Laude, T. P. (2009). Effects of Information on Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Golden Rice. 23(4), 457-476. Corrigan, J. R., Depositario, D., Nayga, R., Wu, X., & Laude, T. P. (2009). Comparing Open-Ended Choice Experiments and Experimental Auctions: An Application to Golden Rice. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 91(3), 837-853. Depositario, D., Nayga, R., Wu, X., & Laude, T. R. (2009). Should students be used as subjects in experimental auctions?. Economics Letters. 102(2), 122-124. Chui, C., & Wu, X. (2009). Exponential series estimation of empirical copulas with application to financial returns. Advances in Econometrics. 25, 263-290. McCarl, B. A., Villavicencio, X., & Wu, X. (2008). Climate Change and Future Analysis: Is Stationarity Dying ?. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 90(5), 1241-1247. Perloff, J. M., & Wu, X. (2007). Tax incidence varies across the price distribution. 96(1), 116-119. Wu, X., & Perloff, J. M. (2007). GMM estimation of a maximum entropy distribution with interval data. 138(2), 532-546. Nayga, Jr., R. M., Wu, X., & Brummett, R. G. (2007). On the Use of Cheap Talk in New Product Valuation. 2(1), 1-9. Brummett, R. G., Nayga, R. M., & Wu, X. (2007). On the use of cheap talk in new product valuation. Economics Bulletin. 2(1), 1-9. Wu, X., Perloff, J. M., & Golan, A. (2006). Effects of government policies on urban and rural income inequality. Review of Income and Wealth. 52(2), 213-235. Wu, X., & Perloff, J. M. (2006). Information-Theoretic Deconvolution Approximation of Treatment Effect Distribution Wu, X., & Wang, S. (2006). Information-Theoretic Approximation of Small Sample Distributions Wu, X., & Stengos, T. (2005). Partially adaptive estimation via the maximum entropy densities. Econometrics Journal. 8(3), 352-366. Wu, X., & Stengos, T. (2005). Partially Adaptive Estimation via Maximum Entropy Densities Wu, X., & Perloff, J. M. (2005). China's Income Distribution, 19852001. Review of Economics and Statistics. 87(4), 763-775. Wu, X., & Perloff, J. M. (2004). China's Income Distribution Over Time: Reasons for Rising Inequality Wu, X. (2003). Calculation of maximum entropy densities with application to income distribution. Journal of Econometrics. 115(2), 347-354. Wu, X. (2002). Nonparametric Estimation of Labor Supply under the Earned Income Tax Credit and Welfare Programs Wu, X. (2002). Calculation of Maximum Entropy Densities with Application to Income Distribtuions Amegashie, J. A., & Wu, X. Adverse Selection in Competing All-pay Auctions chapter Bessler, D. A., McCarl, B. A., Wu, X., & Love, H. A. (2014). Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics. Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems. (pp. 1-10). Elsevier.
investigator on Food for Progress Monitoring and Evaluation Sustainability awarded by United States Department of Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2018 - 2022
teaching activities AGEC661 Appl Ecmt Mtds Ag Resour I Instructor AGEC676 Frontiers Mkts&info Econ Instructor AGEC684 Professional Internship Instructor AGEC684 Professional Internship: In-ab Instructor AGEC691 Research Instructor AGEC693 Professional Study Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley - (Berkeley, California, United States) 2003 B.A. in Economics, Peking University - (Beijing, Beijing, China) 1998
mailing address Texas A&M University Agricultural Economics 2124 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2124 USA