selected publications academicarticle Villareal, S. S., De Gyvez, J. P., & Weichold, M. H. (2004). A CMOS implementation of a 1-bit multi-cell encoded - Cellular Neural Network. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. 39(1), 95-108. Villareal, S., Weichold, M., & Pineda, J. (1998). Simulation study of compact quantising circuits using multiple-resonant tunnelling transistors. Electronics Letters. 34(2), 161-161. Villareal, S., Wynn, C., & Zoghi, B. (1998). Web-based tutorials emphasizing computer-animated simulations. Computers in Education Journal. 8(4), 6-10. WEICHOLD, M. H., VILLAREAL, S. S., & LUX, R. A. (1989). ANALYSIS OF DEFECT-ASSISTED TUNNELING BASED ON LOW-FREQUENCY NOISE MEASUREMENTS OF RESONANT TUNNEL-DIODES. Solid-State Electronics. 32(12), 1551-1555. WEICHOLD, M. H., VILLAREAL, S. S., & LUX, R. A. (1989). Low‐frequency noise measurements on AlGaAs/GaAs resonant tunnel diodes. Applied Physics Letters. 55(19), 1969-1971. WEICHOLD, M. H., VILLAREAL, S. S., & LUX, R. A. (1989). Analysis of defect‐assisted tunneling based on low‐frequency noise measurements of resonant tunnel diodes. Applied Physics Letters. 55(7), 657-659. conference paper Villareal, S., Wynn, C., Eastwood, D., & Zoghi, B. (1998). The design, development and evolution of web-based materials featuring Computer-Animated Simulations. Frontiers in Education Conference. 588-593. Villareal, S., & Zoghi, B. (1996). A collaborative multimedia, web-based electronics course: Project description and survey. Frontiers in Education Conference. 39-43. VILLAREAL, S. S., & SEETHARAM, A. (1994). THE IMPACT OF CAI EMPHASIZING VISUAL FEEDBACK ON INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION STUDENTS AT TEXAS-A&M. Frontiers in Education Conference. 521-523.
teaching activities CLEN181 Engr Lc Success Seminar Instructor CLEN181 Engr Lc Success Seminar-gv Instructor CLEN261 The Engineering Profession-gv Instructor ECEN215 Prin Of Electrical Engr Instructor ECEN248 Intro To Dgtl Sym Dsgn Instructor ECEN314 Signals And Systems Instructor ECEN404 Electrical Design Lab Ii Instructor ECEN420 Linear Conrol Systems Instructor ECEN485 Directed Studies Instructor ECEN485 Directed Studies: In-absentia Instructor ENGR102 Engr Lab I Computation Instructor ENGR216 Ex Phys Engr Lab Ii Mech-gv Instructor ENGR489 Sptp:applctn Eng Ethic & Fund Instructor PHYS216 Ex Phys Engr Lab Ii Mech-gv Instructor PHYS216 Ex Phys Engr Lab Ii Mech-gv Instructor PHYS216 Ex Phys Engr Lab Ii Mechanics Instructor
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