selected publications academicarticle LOOPSTRA, C. A., & ADAMS, W. T. (1989). PATTERNS OF VARIATION IN 1ST-YEAR SEEDLING TRAITS WITHIN AND AMONG DOUGLAS-FIR BREEDING ZONES IN SOUTHWEST OREGON. Silvae Genetica: Zeitschrift fuer Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzuechtung. 38(5-6), 235-243. ADAMS, W. T., NEALE, D. B., & LOOPSTRA, C. A. (1988). VERIFYING CONTROLLED CROSSES IN CONIFER TREE-IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS. Silvae Genetica: Zeitschrift fuer Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzuechtung. 37(3-4), 147-152. Loopstra, C. A., Stomp, A. M., & Sederoff, R. R. Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer in sugar pine. Plant Molecular Biology. 15(1), 1-9. Zhang, Y. i., Brown, G., Whetten, R., Loopstra, C. A., Neale, D., Kieliszewski, M. J., & Sederoff, R. R. An arabinogalactan protein associated with secondary cell wall formation in differentiating xylem of loblolly pine. Plant Molecular Biology. 52(1), 91-102. Gonzalez-Ibeas, D., Martinez-Garcia, P. J., Famula, R. A., Delfino-Mix, A., Stevens, K. A., Loopstra, C. A., ... Wegrzyn, J. L. Assessing the Gene Content of the Megagenome: Sugar Pine (Pinus lambertiana). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 6(12), 3787-3802. Lu, M., Krutovsky, K. V., Nelson, C. D., West, J. B., Reilly, N. A., & Loopstra, C. A. Association genetics of growth and adaptive traits in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) using whole-exome-discovered polymorphisms. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 13(3), 57. Palle, S. R., Seeve, C. M., Eckert, A. J., Wegrzyn, J. L., Neale, D. B., & Loopstra, C. A. Association of loblolly pine xylem development gene expression with single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Tree Physiology. 33(7), 763-774. Neale, D. B., Wegrzyn, J. L., Stevens, K. A., Zimin, A. V., Puiu, D., Crepeau, M. W., ... Langley, C. H. Decoding the massive genome of loblolly pine using haploid DNA and novel assembly strategies. 15(3), R59. Lu, M., Loopstra, C. A., & Krutovsky, K. V. Detecting the genetic basis of local adaptation in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) using whole exome-wide genotyping and an integrative landscape genomics analysis approach. Ecology and Evolution. 9(12), 6798-6809. Lu, M., Krutovsky, K. V., Nelson, C. D., Koralewski, T. E., Byram, T. D., & Loopstra, C. A. Erratum to: Exome genotyping, linkage disequilibrium and population structure in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). BMC GENOMICS. 17(1), 869. Lu, M., Krutovsky, K. V., Nelson, C. D., Koralewski, T. E., Byram, T. D., & Loopstra, C. A. Exome genotyping, linkage disequilibrium and population structure in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). BMC GENOMICS. 17(1), 730. Lu, M., Seeve, C. M., Loopstra, C. A., & Krutovsky, K. V. Exploring the genetic basis of gene transcript abundance and metabolite levels in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) using association mapping and network construction. BMC Genetics. 19(1), 100. Stomp, A. M., Loopstra, C., Chilton, W. S., Sederoff, R. R., & Moore, L. W. Extended Host Range of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in the Genus Pinus. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 92(4), 1226-1232. Li, J., West, J. B., Hart, A., Wegrzyn, J. L., Smith, M. A., Domec, J., Loopstra, C. A., & Casola, C. Extensive Variation in Drought-Induced Gene Expression Changes Between Loblolly Pine Genotypes. Frontiers in Genetics. 12, 661440. Sathyan, P., Newton, R. J., & Loopstra, C. A. Genes induced by WDS are differentially expressed in two populations of aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis). Tree Genetics and Genomes. 1(4), 166-173. Alden, J., & Loopstra, C. Genetic diversity and population structure of Piceaglauca on an altitudinal gradient in interior Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 17(12), 1519-1526. No, E. G., & Loopstra, C. A. Hormonal and developmental regulation of two arabinogalactan-proteins in xylem of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM. 110(4), 524-529. No, E., & Loopstra, C. A. Hormonal and developmental regulation of two arabinogalactan-proteins in xylem of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM. 110(4), 524-529. Yang, S. H., van Zyl, L., No, E. G., & Loopstra, C. A. Microarray analysis of genes preferentially expressed in differentiating xylem of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). Plant Science. 166(5), 1185-1195. Palle, S. R., Seeve, C. M., Eckert, A. J., Cumbie, W. P., Goldfarb, B., & Loopstra, C. A. Natural variation in expression of genes involved in xylem development in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Tree Genetics and Genomes. 7(1), 193-206. Lu, M., Krutovsky, K. V., & Loopstra, C. A. Predicting Adaptive Genetic Variation of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Populations Under Projected Future Climates Based on Multivariate Models. JOURNAL OF HEREDITY. 110(7), 857-865. Loopstra, C. A., Puryear, J. D., & No, E. G. Purification and cloning of an arabinogalactan-protein from xylem of loblolly pine. Planta. 210(4), 686-689. Yang, S. H., Wang, H. Y., Sathyan, P., Stasolla, C., & Loopstra, C. A. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) arabinogalactan-protein and arabinogalactan-protein-like genes. PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM. 124(1), 91-106. Yang, S., & Loopstra, C. A. Seasonal variation in gene expression for loblolly pines (Pinus taeda) from different geographical regions. Tree Physiology. 25(8), 1063-1073. Stevens, K. A., Wegrzyn, J. L., Zimin, A., Puiu, D., Crepeau, M., Cardeno, C., ... Langley, C. H. Sequence of the Sugar Pine Megagenome. Genetics. 204(4), 1613-1626. No, E., Zhou, Y., & Loopstra, C. A. Sequences upstream and downstream of two xylem-specific pine genes influence their expression. Plant Science. 160(1), 77-86. LOOPSTRA, C. A., WEISSINGER, A. K., & SEDEROFF, R. R. TRANSIENT GENE-EXPRESSION IN DIFFERENTIATING PINE WOOD USING MICROPROJECTILE BOMBARDMENT. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 22(7), 993-996. Kovach, A., Wegrzyn, J. L., Parra, G., Holt, C., Bruening, G. E., Loopstra, C. A., ... Neale, D. B. The Pinus taeda genome is characterized by diverse and highly diverged repetitive sequences. BMC GENOMICS. 11(1), 420. Eckert, A. J., Wegrzyn, J. L., Liechty, J. D., Lee, J. M., Cumbie, W. P., Davis, J. M., ... Neale, D. B. The evolutionary genetics of the genes underlying phenotypic associations for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda, Pinaceae). Genetics. 195(4), 1353-1372. Wegrzyn, J. L., Whalen, J., Kinlaw, C. S., Harry, D. E., Puryear, J., Loopstra, C. A., ... Neale, D. B. Transcriptomic profile of leaf tissue from the leguminous tree, Millettia pinnata. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 12(3), 44. Loopstra, C. A., Mouradov, A., Vivian-Smith, A., Glassick, T. V., Gale, B. V., Southerton, S. G., Marshall, H., & Teasdale, R. D. Two pine endo-beta-1,4-glucanases are associated with rapidly growing reproductive structures. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 116(3), 959-967. Wegrzyn, J. L., Liechty, J. D., Stevens, K. A., Wu, L., Loopstra, C. A., Vasquez-Gross, H. A., ... Neale, D. B. Unique features of the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) megagenome revealed through sequence annotation. Genetics. 196(3), 891-909. Loopstra, C. A., & Sederoff, R. R. Xylem-specific gene expression in loblolly pine. Plant Molecular Biology. 27(2), 277-291. chapter Loopstra, C. A. Proteins of the Conifer Extracellular Matrix. Molecular Biology of Woody Plants. (pp. 287-297). Springer Nature. conference paper Loopstra, C. A., Puryear, J. D., No, E. G., & Wang, H. (1997). Regulation and expression of xylem-specific genes in loblolly pine. Polymers Laminations and Coatings Conference. 79-84. Padmanabhan, V., Dias, D., Loopstra, C. A., & Newton, R. J. (1996). Isolation and characterization of a water deficit induced gene encoding a putative calcium binding protein. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 712-712. Loopstra, C. A., Dias, D., No, E. G., Puryear, J., & Wang, H. Y. (1996). Regulation and function of arabinogalactan-proteins specific to xylem of loblolly pine. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 532-532. OMALLEY, D. M., BAO, W., LIU, W. W., LOOPSTRA, C. A., MACKAY, J. J., SEDEROFF, R. R., VOO, K. S., & WHETTEN, R. (1993). IDENTIFICATION OF GENES AND PROTEINS INVOLVED WITH THE BIOSYNTHESIS OF CELL-WALL COMPONENTS IN LOBLOLLY-PINE XYLEM. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 34-34. Loopstra, C. A., No, E. G., Wang, H., & Puryear, J. Xylem-specific expression of arabinogalactan-protein-like genes. 179-190.
principal investigator on Adaptation of Western Gulf loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) to a changing environment: Understanding water use efficiency and growth awarded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2018 - 2023 Integrating Genomic Data and Physiological Measurements To Identify Fast Growing, Drought-Tolerant Loblolly Pine Varieties awarded by United States Department of Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2019 - 2022
teaching activities BICH491 Hnr-research Instructor BIOT684 Directed Pro Internship: In-ab Instructor BIOT684 Directed Prof Internship Instructor ECCB203 Forest Trees Of N Amer Instructor ECCB285 Directed Studies Instructor ECCB310 Forest Tree Physiology & Breed Instructor ECCB484 Internship Instructor ECCB485 Directed Studies Instructor ECCB491 Research Instructor ECCB681 Seminar Instructor ECCB685 Directed Studies Instructor ECCB691 Research Instructor ESSM203 Forest Trees Of N Amer Instructor ESSM310 Forest Tree Improve And Regen Instructor GENE411 Biotech Crop Improvement Instructor MEPS411 Biotech Crop Improvement Instructor MEPS691 Research Instructor WFSC484 Internship Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Lu, Mengmeng (2016-10). Exome Genotyping and Association Genetics of Quantitative Traits in a Clonally Tested Loblolly Pine Population (Pinus taeda L.). Palle, Sreenath Reddy (2011-10). Gene Expression Analyses and Association Studies of Wood Development Genes in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.). Sathyan, Pratheesh (2005-02). Identification of drought responsive genes in aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda.L). Seeve, Candace Marie (2012-02). Gene Expression and Association Analyses of Stress Responses in Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.). Yang, Suk-Hwan (2005-02). Transcript profiling of differentiating xylem of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.).
education and training Ph.D. in Forestry and Genetics, North Carolina State University - (Raleigh, North Carolina, United States) 1992 M.S. in Forest Science, Oregon State University - (Corvallis, Oregon, United States) 1984
mailing address TEXAS A&M AGRILIFE RESEARCH Ecosystem Science & Management 2126 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2135 USA