selected publications academicarticle Van Wijnsberghe, A., Ida, K. K., Dmitrovic, P., Tutunaru, A., & Sandersen, C. (2022). Neuromuscular blockade effects of cisatracurium in 11 cats undergoing ophthalmological surgery anaesthetised with isoflurane. 24(4), 402-406. Carnicelli, P., Otsuki, D. A., Monteiro Filho, A., Kahvegian, M., Ida, K. K., Auler-Jr, J., Rouby, J., & Fantoni, D. T. (2022). Effects of dexmedetomidine on hemodynamic, oxygenation, microcirculation, and inflammatory markers in a porcine model of sepsis. Acta Cirurgica Brasileira. 37(7), e370703. Fantoni, D. T., Ida, K. K., Soares, J., & Ambrosio, A. M. (2022). Editorial: Mechanical ventilation in anesthesia and critical care small animal patients. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 9, 942731. Marolf, V., Ida, K. K., Siluk, D., Struck-Lewicka, W., Markuszewski, M. J., & Sandersen, C. (2021). Effects of perineural administration of ropivacaine combined with perineural or intravenous administration of dexmedetomidine for sciatic and saphenous nerve blocks in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 82(6), 449-458. Van Wijnsberghe, A., Marolf, V., Claeys, S., Sandersen, C., & Ida, K. K. (2020). Effects of fentanyl-lidocaine-ketamine versus sufentanil-lidocaine-ketamine on the isoflurane requirements in dogs undergoing total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 47(5), 595-603. Ida, K. K., Van-Wijnsberghe, A. S., Tutunaru, A., Limpens, V., Sauvage, A., Serteyn, D., & Sandersen, C. (2020). Onset and duration of cis-atracurium neuromuscular block during fentanyl and lidocaine infusions in isoflurane-anaesthetised dogs. Veterinary Record. 187(5), e33-e33. Portier, K., & Ida, K. K. (2020). Editorial: Anesthetic Risk and Complications in Veterinary Medicine. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 7, 397. Andrade, F. S., Fac, L. L., Ida, K. K., Silva, L. C., Fantoni, D. T., & Ambrsio, A. M. (2019). Effects of 12 and 17 cmH2O positive end-expiratory pressure applied after alveolar recruitment maneuver on pulmonary gas exchange and compliance in isoflurane-anesthetized horses. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 46(1), 64-73. Tutunaru, A., Dupont, J., Gougnard, A., Ida, K., Serteyn, D., & Sandersen, C. (2019). Retrospective evaluation of clinical use of cis-atracurium in horses. 14(8), e0221196-e0221196. Sajic, M., Ida, K. K., Canning, R., Gregson, N. A., Duchen, M. R., & Smith, K. J. (2018). Mitochondrial damage and "plugging" of transport selectively in myelinated, small-diameter axons are major early events in peripheral neuroinflammation. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 15(1), 61. Ida, K. K., Chisholm, K. I., Malbouisson, L., Papkovsky, D. B., Dyson, A., Singer, M., Duchen, M. R., & Smith, K. J. (2018). Protection of cerebral microcirculation, mitochondrial function, and electrocortical activity by small-volume resuscitation with terlipressin in a rat model of haemorrhagic shock. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 120(6), 1245-1254. Ida, K. K., Sandersen, C., Noel, S., & Marolf, V. (2018). Cardiovascular complications during anaesthesia for surgical correction of an aberrant right subclavian artery in a dog. 6(1), e000529. Cruz-Benedetti, I., Bublot, I., Ribas, T., Fourel, I., Vogl, C., Dubois, C., ... Portier, K. (2018). Pharmacokinetics of intramuscular alfaxalone and its echocardiographic, cardiopulmonary and sedative effects in healthy dogs. PLoS ONE. 13(9), e0204553-e0204553. Portier, K., & Ida, K. K. (2018). The ASA Physical Status Classification: What Is the Evidence for Recommending Its Use in Veterinary Anesthesia?-A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 5, 204. Mantovani, M. M., Fantoni, D. T., Gimenes, A. M., de Castro, J. R., Flor, P. B., Ida, K. K., & Schwartz, D. S. (2017). Clinical monitoring of cardiac output assessed by transoesophageal echocardiography in anaesthetised dogs: a comparison with the thermodilution technique. BMC Veterinary Research. 13(1), 325. Fantoni, D. T., Ida, K. K., Gimenes, A. M., Mantovani, M. M., Castro, J. R., Patrcio, G., Ambrsio, A. M., & Otsuki, D. A. (2017). Pulse pressure variation as a guide for volume expansion in dogs undergoing orthopedic surgery. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 44(4), 710-718. Ambrosio, A. M., Carvalho-Kamakura, T., Ida, K. K., Varela, B., Andrade, F., Fac, L. L., & Fantoni, D. T. (2017). Ventilation distribution assessed with electrical impedance tomography and the influence of tidal volume, recruitment and positive end-expiratory pressure in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 44(2), 254-263. Chisholm, K. I., Ida, K. K., Davies, A. L., Tachtsidis, I., Papkovsky, D. B., Dyson, A., ... Smith, K. J. (2016). Hypothermia protects brain mitochondrial function from hypoxemia in a murine model of sepsis. 36(11), 1955-1964. Fantoni, D. T., Ida, K. K., Lopes, T., Otsuki, D. A., Auler, J., & Ambrsio, A. M. (2016). A comparison of the cardiopulmonary effects of pressure controlled ventilation and volume controlled ventilation in healthy anesthetized dogs. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. 26(4), 524-530. Spagnolo, J. D., Sinhorini, I. L., Arantes Baccarin, R. Y., Ambrosio, A. M., de Mello Souto, M. T., Ida, K. K., & Lopes Correia da Silva, L. C. (2016). Internal inguinal ring closure by laparoscopy using homologous pericardium grafts in horses. Ciencia Rural. 46(2), 318-323. Cardoso de Castro, L. U., Ida, K. K., Otsuki, D. A., Sanches, T. R., Volpini, R. A., Borges, E., Malbouisson, L., & Andrade, L. (2016). Vasopressin analog terlipressin attenuates kidney injury in hemorrhagic shock. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open. 1(1), e000039-e000039. Chisholm, K. I., Ida, K. K., Davies, A. L., Papkovsky, D. B., Singer, M., Dyson, A., ... Smith, K. J. (2016). In Vivo Imaging of Flavoprotein Fluorescence During Hypoxia Reveals the Importance of Direct Arterial Oxygen Supply to Cerebral Cortex Tissue. 876, 233-239. Fantoni, D. T., Ida, K. K., de Almeida, T. I., & Ambrsio, A. M. (2015). A comparison of pre and post-operative vedaprofen with ketoprofen for pain control in dogs. BMC Veterinary Research. 11(1), 24. Ida, K. K., Otsuki, D. A., Sasaki, A., Borges, E. S., Castro, L., Sanches, T. R., ... Malbouisson, L. (2015). Effects of terlipressin as early treatment for protection of brain in a model of haemorrhagic shock. 19(1), 107. Oshiro, A. H., Otsuki, D. A., Hamaji, M., Rosa, K. T., Ida, K. K., Fantoni, D. T., & Auler, J. (2015). Pulse pressure variation and stroke volume variation under different inhaled concentrations of isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane in pigs undergoing hemorrhage. Clinics. 70(12), 804-809. Chisholm, K. I., Davies, A. L., Singer, M., Dyson, A., Ida, K. K., Tachtsidis, I., Duchen, M. R., & Smith, K. J. (2014). 0033. Hypothermia protects brain mitochondrial function from hypoxia in sepsis. 2(Suppl 1), o6. Ida, K. K., Malbouisson, L., Otsuki, D. A., Chisholm, K. I., Dyson, A., Singer, M., Duchen, M. R., & Smith, K. J. (2014). 0036. Confocal imaging of impaired mitochondrial function in the cerebral cortex of rats during haemorrhagic shock in vivo. 2(Suppl 1), o9. De Castro, L., Ida, K., Otsuki, D., Sanches, T., Shimizu, M. H., Seguro, A., Malbouisson, L., & Andrade, L. (2013). Terlipressin (a vasopressin analog) Attenuates Organ Injury in Hemorrhagic Shock. Critical Care Medicine. 41(12), a246-a247. Sajic, M., Ida, K. K., Gregson, N. A., & Smith, K. J. (2013). Compensatory increase in mitochondrial trafficking induced by focal mitochondrial damage results in selective block of transport in small diameter axons. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 333, e373-e374. Ida, K. K., Fantoni, D. T., Ibiapina, B. T., Souto, M., Zoppa, A., Silva, L., & Ambrsio, A. M. (2013). Effect of postoperative xylazine administration on cardiopulmonary function and recovery quality after isoflurane anesthesia in horses. 42(7), 877-884. Ida, K. K., Otsuki, D. A., Castro, L. U., Sanches, T. R., Shimizu, M. H., Andrade, L. C., Auler-Jr, J. O., & Malbouisson, L. M. (2013). Impact of different haemodynamic resuscitation strategies on brain perfusion and tissue oedema markers in a model of severe haemorrhagic shock. 17(Suppl 2), p218-P218. Ambrsio, A. M., Casaes, A. G., Ida, K. K., de Melo Rego Souto, M. T., da Silva Zechetto, L., Furtado, P. V., ... Fantoni, D. T. (2013). Diferenas no aumento da glicemia entre equinos recebendo xilazina e detomidina para procedimentos clnicos cirrgicos e no-cirrgicos. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science. 49(6), 493-499. Fantoni, D. T., Marchioni, G. G., Ida, K. K., Belo, J., Zoppa, A., Silva, L., & Ambrsio, A. M. (2013). Effect of ephedrine and phenylephrine on cardiopulmonary parameters in horses undergoing elective surgery. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 40(4), 367-374. Ida, K. K., Fantoni, D. T., Souto, M., Otsuki, D. A., Zoppa, A., Silva, L., & Ambrsio, A. M. (2013). Effect of pressure support ventilation during weaning on ventilation and oxygenation indices in healthy horses recovering from general anesthesia. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 40(4), 339-350. Ambrsio, A. M., Ida, K. K., Souto, M. T., Oshiro, A. H., & Fantoni, D. T. (2013). Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure titration on gas exchange, respiratory mechanics and hemodynamics in anesthetized horses. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 40(6), 564-572. Flr, P. B., Yazbek, K., Ida, K. K., & Fantoni, D. T. (2013). Tramadol plus metamizole combined or not with anti-inflammatory drugs is clinically effective for moderate to severe chronic pain treatment in cancer patients. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 40(3), 316-327. Ambrsio, A. M., Ida, K. K., de Melo Rego Souto, M. T., da Silva, L., Soares, P. B., Ibiapina, B. T., ... Fantoni, D. T. (2012). Reduo significante dos valores de hematcrito em equinos saudveis durante anestesia. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science. 49(2), 139-145. Belli, C. B., Baccarin, R., Ida, K. K., & Fernandes, W. R. (2011). Appropriate secondary absolute erythrocytosis in a horse. Veterinary Record. 169(23), 609-609. Ida, K. K. (2010). Avaliao de dois protocolos de desmame da ventilao mecnica em equinos Hankins, K. L., Reed, S. K., Ida, K. K., Watkins, J. P., & White, S. A. Case report: Scapulohumeral arthrodesis in a reindeer. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 10, 1270471. conference paper Malbouisson, L. M., Ida, K. K., Otsuki, D. A., Castro, L. U., Sanches, T. R., Shimizu, M. M., Andrade, L. C., & Carmona, M. C. (2013). IMPACT OF DIFFERENT HAEMODYNAMIC RESUSCITATION STRATEGIES ON BRAIN PERFUSION AND TISSUE EDEMA MARKERS IN A MODEL OF SEVERE HAEMORRHAGIC SHOCK. Shock. 94-94. Sajic, M., Ida, K. K., Gregson, N. A., & Smith, K. J. (2013). INCREASE IN MITOCHONDRIAL TRAFFICKING INDUCED BY INFLAMMATORY OR PHOTO-TOXIC DAMAGE OF MITOCHONDRIA RESULTS IN SELECTIVE BLOCK OF TRANSPORT IN SMALL DIAMETER SENSORY FIBRES. JOURNAL OF THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 100-100. Sasaki, A., Otsuki, D. A., Ida, K. K., Auler, J., & Malbouisson, L. (2012). RESUSCITATION WITH FLUID OR TERLIPRESSLN DOES NOT INFLUENCE COAGULATION STATUS IN A MODEL OF SEVERE CONTROLLED HAEMORRHAGIC SHOCK. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE. S25-S25. Ida, K. K., Otsuki, D. A., Sasaki, A., Auler, J., & Malbouisson, L. (2012). TERLIPRESSLN IS SUPERIOR TO LACTATED RLNGER SOLUTION FOR CEREBRAL PERFUSION PRESSURE DURING RESUSCITATION IN A MODEL OF HAEMORRHAGIC SHOCK. INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE. S24-S25.
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