publisher of
- Osteopontin (OPN)/Secreted Phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1) Binds Integrins to Activate Transport of Ions Across the Porcine Placenta.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 27:117-117. 2022
- Arginine Promotes the Expression of Aquaporin-3 and Water Transport in Porcine Trophectoderm Cells Through NO- and cAMP-Dependent Mechanisms.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 27:83-083. 2022
- The CorInnova Implantable Cardiac Assist System for Direct Cardiac Compression. Reviews in cardiovascular medicine. 23:211-211. 2022
- Time-varying testosterone level and risk of myocardial infarction and stroke among hypogonadal men: a longitudinal study in Germany. Journal of Men's Health. 18:23-1. 2022
- Trilactic glyceride regulates lipid metabolism and improves gut function in piglets.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 25:1324-1336. 2020
- Simvastatin improves lysosome function via enhancing lysosome biogenesis in endothelial cells.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 25:283-298. 2020
- Analysis of repeated measures data in nutrition research.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 24:1377-1389. 2019
- Establishment of a porcine model of indomethacin-induced intestinal injury.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 23:2166-2176. 2018
- Establishment of a recombinant Escherichia coli-induced piglet diarrhea model.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 23:1517-1534. 2018
- Homeostatic regulation of plasma amino acid concentrations.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 23:640-655. 2018
- Sphingolipids in obesity and related complications.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 22:96-116. 2017
- Differential proteome analysis along jejunal crypt-villus axis in piglets.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 21:343-363. 2016
- Gene expression profiles in the intestine of lipopolysaccharide-challenged piglets.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 21:487-501. 2016
- L-arginine improves DNA synthesis in LPS-challenged enterocytes.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 20:989-1003. 2015
- Beneficial roles of dietary oleum cinnamomi in alleviating intestinal injury.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 20:814-828. 2015
- Metabolomic analysis of plasma and liver from surplus arginine fed Atlantic salmon. Frontiers in Bioscience. 7:77-89. 2015
- Metabolomic analysis of plasma and liver from surplus arginine fed Atlantic salmon.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 7:67-78. 2015
- N-acetylcysteine and intestinal health: a focus on its mechanism of action.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 20:872-891. 2015
- Nutritional and regulatory roles of leucine in muscle growth and fat reduction.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 20:796-813. 2015
- Analysis of energy expenditure in diet-induced obese rats.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 19:967-985. 2014
- Use of the Ussing chamber technique to study nutrient transport by epithelial tissues.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 18:1266-1274. 2013
- Roles of heat-shock protein 70 in protecting against intestinal mucosal damage.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 18:356-365. 2013
- Nutritional and regulatory role of branched-chain amino acids in lactation.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 17:2725-2739. 2012
- Regulatory roles for L-arginine in reducing white adipose tissue.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 17:2237-2246. 2012
- Maternal protein restriction regulates IGF2 system in placental labyrinth.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 4:1434-1450. 2012
- Biomarkers for optimal requirements of amino acids by animals and humans.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar. 3:1298-1307. 2011
- Metabonomics and its role in amino acid nutrition research.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 16:2451-2460. 2011
- Specific roles of threonine in intestinal mucosal integrity and barrier function.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 3:1192-1200. 2011
- Tetrahydrobiopterin attenuates superoxide-induced reduction in nitric oxide.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar. 3:1263-1272. 2011
- Brown adipose tissue growth and development: significance and nutritional regulation.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 16:1589-1608. 2011
- Alpha-Ketoglutarate and intestinal function.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 16:1186-1196. 2011
- Amino acid metabolism in intestinal bacteria: links between gut ecology and host health.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 16:1768-1786. 2011
- Obesity in pregnancy: problems and potential solutions.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 3:442-452. 2011
- Regulation of protein expression by L-arginine in endothelial cells.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar. 3:655-661. 2011
- Regulation of protein metabolism by glutamine: implications for nutrition and health.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 16:578-597. 2011
- Roles of phytochemicals in amino acid nutrition.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar. 3:372-384. 2011
- Therapeutic applications of NSAIDS in cancer: special emphasis on tolfenamic acid.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar. 3:797-805. 2011
- Tryptophan metabolism in animals: important roles in nutrition and health.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar. 3:286-297. 2011
- Structural answers and persistent questions about how nicotinic receptors work.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 13:5479-5510. 2008
- Factors associated with suicide among African American adult men: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Men's Health. 5:274-281. 2008
- Long-term consequences of maternal smoking and developmental chronic nicotine exposure.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 13:636-649. 2008
- Biology of progesterone action during pregnancy recognition and maintenance of pregnancy.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 7:d1879-d1898. 2002
- Biology of progesterone action during pregnancy recognition and maintenance of pregnancy. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 7:d1879-d1898. 2002
- Entry into host cells by Legionella.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 7:d1-11. 2002
- Entry mechanisms of mycobacteria.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 6:D737-D747. 2001
- Aquaporins in the female reproductive system of mammals.. Frontiers in Bioscience. 20:838-871.
- Efficiency moderates the relationship between sleep-onset insomnia and resting-state electroencephalogram microstate.. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. 21:52.
- Health Neuroscience-How the Brain/Mind and Body Affect our Health Behavior and Outcomes.. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. 23:69.
- Microarray analysis reveals an important role for dietary L-arginine in regulating global gene expression in porcine placentae during early gestation.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark. 27:33.
- Uterine receptivity to implantation of blastocysts in mammals.. Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar. 3:745-767.