Beneficial roles of dietary oleum cinnamomi in alleviating intestinal injury. uri icon


  • Cinnamon is a traditional herb used for treatment of many human diseases. The most important chemical compounds of the essential oil are cinnamaldehyde and eugenol. Oleum cinnamomi (OCM, cinnamon oil) is increasingly used as a feed additive to animal diets. Beneficial effects of OCM in protecting tissues from inflammation and injury by endogenous and exogenous agents (such as hydrogen peroxide and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)) may result, in part, from its action on regulating amino acid metabolism in cells to favor the synthesis of glutathione (a major low-molecular-weight antioxidant) from cysteine, glycine and glutamate. In support of this notion, results of recent studies indicate that supplementing OCM (50 mg/kg diet) to a corn- and soybean meal-based diet for piglets weaned at 21 days of age enhances intestinal anti-oxidative capacity and reduces the incidence of diarrhea. Additionally, dietary supplementation with OCM ameliorates LPS-induced mucosal barrier dysfunction and mucosal damage in the small intestine. OCM holds great promise for protecting the gut from injury under conditions of inflammation, infections, and oxidative stress.

published proceedings

  • Front Biosci (Landmark Ed)

altmetric score

  • 12.5

author list (cited authors)

  • Wang, L., Hou, Y., Yi, D., Ding, B., Zhao, D. i., Wang, Z., ... Wu, G.

citation count

  • 16

complete list of authors

  • Wang, Lei||Hou, Yongqing||Yi, Dan||Ding, Binying||Zhao, Di||Wang, Zhongxing||Zhu, Huiling||Liu, Yulan||Gong, Joshua||Assaad, Houssein||Wu, Guoyao

publication date

  • January 2015