publication venue for
- A Longitudinal Study of Sustainability Attitudes, Intentions, and Behaviors: An Abstract 2020
- A New Method for Benchmarking Marketing Organizations with Inter-Connected Departments 2016
- Assessing Sales Contest Effectiveness: The Role of Salesperson and Sales District Characteristics 2016
- Convexity Neglect in Consumer Decision Making 2015
- Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Service Industries: a Conceptual Model and Research Propositions 2015
- The Need for Speed: Agility Selling 2015
- A Winning Formula for Maximizing Sales Performance through Multi-Dimensional Effort: An Abstract
- Co-creating The Deal. How Salesperson Negotiation Strategies and Customer Persuasion Knowledge Interact to Determine Price Discounts and Customer Satisfaction: A Structured Abstract
- Do Salespeople Compete Ethically? Salespeople Say Yes, Customers Say No: An Extended Abstract
- Examining Negotiation Strategies in the B2C Context: Consumer Persuasion Knowledge vs. Seller Negotiation Techniques: An Extended Abstract
- Investigating the Cost-Benefit of Sponsorship: An Analysis of Price, Exposure, and Marginal Returns in Motorsports
- The Ins and Outs of Incumbent Sales Rep Consultation in the Pre-decision Stage of Organizational Purchasing