publication venue for
- Plasmon-Determined Selectivity in Photocatalytic Transformations on Gold and Gold-Palladium Nanostructures 2023
- Ultrafast Terahertz Self-Induced Absorption and Phase Modulation on a Graphene-Based Thin Film Absorber. 9:3075-3082. 2022
- Deep Learning-Enabled Detection and Classification of Bacterial Colonies Using a Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Image Sensor. 9:2455-2466. 2022
- A 100 Gb/s PAM4 Two-Segment Silicon Microring Resonator Modulator Using a Standard Foundry Process. 9:1165-1171. 2022
- Submicron Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Radiative Cooling Coatings for Stable, Ultrathin, and Lightweight Solar Cells. 9:1327-1337. 2022
- Pseudospin-Orbit Coupling for Chiral Light Routings in Gauge-Flux-Biased Coupled Microring Resonators. 9:586-596. 2022
- Probing the Redox Selectivity on Au@Pd and Au@Pt Bimetallic Nanoplates by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. 8:2112-2119. 2021
- Femtosecond Time-Resolved Infrared-Resonant Third-Order Sum-Frequency Spectroscopy. 8:1137-1142. 2021
- Phenotypic Analysis of Microalgae Populations Using Label-Free Imaging Flow Cytometry and Deep Learning. 8:1232-1242. 2021
- Femtosecond Broadband Frequency Switch of Terahertz Three-Dimensional Meta-Atoms. 8:1097-1102. 2021
- Resolving the Sequence of RNA Strands by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. 8:424-430. 2021
- Polarization and Spatial Mode Structure of Mid-Infrared-Driven Terahertz-to-Microwave Radiation. 8:1988-1996. 2021
- Confronting Racism in Chemistry Journals. 7:1586-1588. 2020
- Update to Our Reader, Reviewer, and Author Communities-April 2020. 7:1080-1081. 2020
- All-Optical Brain Thermometry in Freely Moving Animals. 7:5353-5360. 2020
- Fiber-Optic Quantum Thermometry with Germanium-Vacancy Centers in Diamond. 6:1690-+. 2019
- Metasurfaces for Near-Eye Augmented Reality. 6:864-870. 2019
- Experimental Demonstration of Ultrafast THz Modulation in a Graphene-Based Thin Film Absorber through Negative Photoinduced Conductivity.. 6:720-727. 2019
- Giant Chemical Surface Enhancement of Coherent Raman Scattering on MoS2. 5:4960-4968. 2018
- Passive Mode-Locking of 3.25 m GaSb-Based Cascade Diode Lasers. 5:4978-4985. 2018
- Deep Learning Enhanced Mobile-Phone Microscopy. 5:2354-2364. 2018
- Ultracompact Amplitude Modulator by Coupling Hyperbolic Polaritons over a Graphene-Covered Gap. 5:544-551. 2018
- Label-Free Bioaerosol Sensing Using Mobile Microscopy and Deep Learning. 5:4617-4627. 2018
- Edge States in Dynamical Superlattices. 4:2250-2256. 2017
- Enhanced Second Harmonic Generation Efficiency via Wavefront Sha. 4:1790-1796. 2017
- Visualizing Optical Phase Anisotropy in Black Phosphorus. 3:1176-1181. 2016
- Efficient Time-Dependent Monte Carlo Simulations of Stimulated Raman Scattering in a Turbid Medium. 1:1322-1329. 2014
- Tunable Lyotropic Photonic Liquid Crystal Based on Graphene Oxide. 1:79-86. 2014
- Long-Range Resonant Energy Transfer Using Optical Topological Transitions in Metamaterials. 5:2737-2741.
- Room-Temperature Coupling of Single Photon Emitting Quantum Dots to Localized and Delocalized Modes in a Plasmonic Nanocavity Array. 8:576-584.