publication venue for
- Discriminating goal-directed and habitual cocaine seeking in rats using a novel outcome devaluation procedure.. 29:447-457. 2022
- Nucleus reuniens inactivation does not impair consolidation or reconsolidation of fear extinction.. 29:216-222. 2022
- Computational model of the distributed representation of operant reward memory: combinatoric engagement of intrinsic and synaptic plasticity mechanisms.. 27:236-249. 2020
- Prefrontal cortex projections to the nucleus reuniens suppress freezing following two-way signaled avoidance training.. 27:119-123. 2020
- How can memories last for days, years, or a lifetime? Proposed mechanisms for maintaining synaptic potentiation and memory.. 26:133-150. 2019
- A principled method to identify individual differences and behavioral shifts in signaled active avoidance.. 25:564-568. 2018
- Role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in aversive learning and memory.. 24:480-491. 2017
- Computational model of a positive BDNF feedback loop in hippocampal neurons following inhibitory avoidance training.. 23:714-722. 2016
- Insufficient chunk concatenation may underlie changes in sleep-dependent consolidation of motor sequence learning in older adults.. 23:455-459. 2016
- Relapse of extinguished fear after exposure to a dangerous context is mitigated by testing in a safe context.. 22:170-178. 2015
- Active vs. reactive threat responding is associated with differential c-Fos expression in specific regions of amygdala and prefrontal cortex.. 20:446-452. 2013
- Single prolonged stress disrupts retention of extinguished fear in rats.. 19:43-49. 2012
- The sensitivity of memory consolidation and reconsolidation to inhibitors of protein synthesis and kinases: computational analysis.. 17:428-439. 2010
- Social modulation of learning in rats.. 17:35-42. 2010
- Nuclear disconnection within the amygdala reveals a direct pathway to fear.. 16:766-768. 2009
- The amygdala is not necessary for unconditioned stimulus inflation after Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats.. 16:645-654. 2009
- Reciprocal patterns of c-Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala after extinction and renewal of conditioned fear.. 16:486-493. 2009
- Cocaine self-administration alters the relative effectiveness of multiple memory systems during extinction.. 16:296-299. 2009
- Early extinction after fear conditioning yields a context-independent and short-term suppression of conditional freezing in rats.. 16:62-68. 2009
- Differential roles for hippocampal areas CA1 and CA3 in the contextual encoding and retrieval of extinguished fear.. 15:244-251. 2008
- The central nucleus of the amygdala is essential for acquiring and expressing conditional fear after overtraining.. 14:634-644. 2007
- D-Cycloserine enhances memory consolidation of hippocampus-dependent latent extinction.. 14:468-471. 2007
- Hippocampal regulation of context-dependent neuronal activity in the lateral amygdala.. 14:318-324. 2007
- Feeding behavior of Aplysia: a model system for comparing cellular mechanisms of classical and operant conditioning.. 13:669-680. 2006
- Electrolytic lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex do not interfere with long-term memory of extinction of conditioned fear.. 13:14-17. 2006
- Enhancement of auditory fear conditioning after housing in a complex environment is attenuated by prior treatment with amphetamine.. 12:553-556. 2005
- Electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus disrupt renewal of conditional fear after extinction.. 12:270-276. 2005
- Reinforcement in an in vitro analog of appetitive classical conditioning of feeding behavior in Aplysia: blockade by a dopamine antagonist.. 12:216-220. 2005
- Facilitation of memory for extinction of drug-induced conditioned reward: role of amygdala and acetylcholine.. 11:641-647. 2004
- Factors regulating the effects of hippocampal inactivation on renewal of conditional fear after extinction.. 11:598-603. 2004
- Extending in vitro conditioning in Aplysia to analyze operant and classical processes in the same preparation.. 11:412-420. 2004
- In vitro analog of classical conditioning of feeding behavior in aplysia.. 10:478-494. 2003
- Desensitization of postsynaptic glutamate receptors contributes to high-frequency homosynaptic depression of aplysia sensorimotor connections.. 10:309-313. 2003
- What the amygdala does and doesn't do in aversive learning.. 10:306-308. 2003
- Overexpression of hAPPswe impairs rewarded alternation and contextual fear conditioning in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.. 9:243-252. 2002
- Post-training cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibition impairs memory consolidation.. 9:41-47. 2002
- Contextual and auditory fear conditioning are mediated by the lateral, basal, and central amygdaloid nuclei in rats.. 8:148-155. 2001
- Inertia in value-driven attention.. 27:488-492.
- Semantic generalization of value-based attentional priority.. 26:460-464.