D-Cycloserine enhances memory consolidation of hippocampus-dependent latent extinction. uri icon


  • Adult male Long-Evans rats were trained to run in a straight-alley maze for food reward and subsequently received hippocampus-dependent latent extinction training. Immediately following latent extinction, rats received peripheral injections of the NMDA receptor partial agonist D-cycloserine (DCS, 15 mg/kg), or saline. Twenty-four hours later, rats received four extinction "probe" trials. Relative to saline controls, latencies to reach the goal box on probe trials were significantly higher in rats that had received DCS. These findings indicate that memory consolidation underlying hippocampus-dependent latent extinction, a cognitive form of learning in which the previously rewarded response is not made during extinction training, can be enhanced by NMDA-receptor agonism.

published proceedings

  • Learn Mem

author list (cited authors)

  • Gabriele, A., & Packard, M. G

citation count

  • 28

complete list of authors

  • Gabriele, Amanda||Packard, Mark G

publication date

  • July 2007