publication venue for
- Precise test of internal-conversion theory: K measurements for transitions in nine nuclei spanning 45 Z 78.. 134:406-409. 2018
- Fission product decontamination factors for plutonium separated by PUREX from low-burnup, fast-neutron irradiated depleted UO2.. 118:38-42. 2016
- FT values measured to 0.1% for superallowed beta transitions: metrology at sub-second time scales.. 87:297-301. 2014
- Precise test of internal-conversion theory: transitions measured in five nuclei spanning 50Z78.. 87:87-91. 2014
- Collection of fission and activation product elements from fresh and ocean waters: a comparison of traditional and novel sorbents.. 69:205-216. 2011
- Improvements in determinations using the Cu-64 annihilation gamma rays.. 67:2075-2078. 2009
- Production of Co-60 sources for high-accuracy efficiency calibrations of gamma-ray spectrometers.. 56:215-221. 2002
- Distribution of 239,240Pu and 238Pu concentrations in sediments from the Ob and Yenisey Rivers and the Kara Sea.. 46:1109-1119. 1995
- Triton X-100 as a complete liquid scintillation cocktail for counting aqueous solutions and ionic nutrient salts. 35:367-370. 1984
- Background characterization of an ultra-low background liquid scintillation counter.. 126:168-170.
- Dose characterization of the rad source 2400 X-ray irradiator for oyster pasteurization.. 67:334-339.
- Do radioactive half-lives vary with the Earth-to-Sun distance? 2012
- Tests of nuclear half-lives as a function of the host medium and temperature: refutation of recent claims. 2010
- Precise tests of internal-conversion theory. 2008
- Test of internal-conversion theory with precise gamma- and X-ray spectroscopy. 2006
- Precise efficiency calibration of an HPGe detector up to 3.5 MeV, with measurements and Monte Carlo calculations. 2004
- Precise efficiency calibration of an HPGe detector: source measurements and Monte Carlo calculations with sub-percent precision. 2002