Triton X-100 as a complete liquid scintillation cocktail for counting aqueous solutions and ionic nutrient salts uri icon


  • Triton X-100, used alone, was found to act as a complete liquid scintillation cocktail. Triton X-100 acted as a scintillator and the effect was not due to erenkov radiation. A variety of other commercially available surfactants also acted as scintillators, but with different levels of efficiency. Triton X-100/water combinations were suitable for counting aqueous solutions of 33P and 86Rb and the count rate was stable over extended periods of time. Triton X-100/toluene combinations also yielded high counting efficiencies, Triton X-100 was more sensitive to quenching than standard cocktails containing fluors. 1984.

published proceedings

  • Applied Radiation and Isotopes

author list (cited authors)

  • Reed, D. W.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Reed, David WM

publication date

  • January 1984