Improvements in determinations using the Cu-64 annihilation gamma rays. uri icon


  • The method of gammagamma coincidence counting has been applied to the determination of Cu via the (64)Cu annihilation gamma rays. Preliminary experiments show that at least an order of magnitude reduction in (24)Na interference may be obtained by employing the 511-511 keV coincidence peak rather than the singles 511-keV peak. The effect of the sample matrix on the yield of (24)Na pair-production events was investigated by a combination of experimental measurements and Monte Carlo calculations.

published proceedings

  • Appl Radiat Isot

author list (cited authors)

  • Tomlin, B. E., & Zeisler, R.

citation count

  • 2

complete list of authors

  • Tomlin, Bryan E||Zeisler, Rolf

publication date

  • January 2009