publication venue for
- A novel analytical model of fluid leakage through an abandoned well. 185:104644-104644. 2024
- Dynamic coupling between soil properties and water content in shrink-swell soils: Effects on surface hydrologic partitioning. 184:104630-104630. 2024
- Effects of aquitard windows on groundwater fluctuations within a coastal leaky aquifer system: An analytical and experimental study. 177:104473-104473. 2023
- Groundwater mounding due to recharge from ephemeral streams. 174:104421-104421. 2023
- Development of a three-source remote sensing model for estimation of urban evapotranspiration. 161:104126-104126. 2022
- The role of hydrology on enhanced weathering for carbon sequestration I. Modeling rock-dissolution reactions coupled to plant, soil moisture, and carbon dynamics. 154:103934-103934. 2021
- The role of hydrology on enhanced weathering for carbon sequestration II. From hydroclimatic scenarios to carbon-sequestration efficiencies. 154:103949-103949. 2021
- An approximate analytical solution of depth to water table driven by periodical precipitation and evapotranspiration in shallow groundwater zones. 155:104012-104012. 2021
- Non-Darcian flow for an artificial recharge well in a confined aquifer with clogging-related permeability reduction. 147:103820-103820. 2021
- Analytical Pore-Network Approach (APNA): A novel method for rapid prediction of capillary pressure-saturation relationship in porous media (vol 130, pg 147, 2019). 140:103623-103623. 2020
- Information theory-based multi-objective design of rainfall network for streamflow simulation. 135:103476-103476. 2020
- Linking parametric and water-balance models of the Budyko and Turc spaces. 134:103435-103435. 2019
- Stochastic multi-objective modeling for optimization of water-food-energy nexus of irrigated agriculture. 127:209-224. 2019
- Analytical Pore-Network Approach (APNA): A novel method for rapid prediction of capillary pressure-saturation relationship in porous media. 130:147-156. 2019
- A Model for coupled geomechanics and multiphase flow in fractured porous media using embedded meshes. 122:113-130. 2018
- River networks as ecological corridors: A coherent ecohydrological perspective.. 112:27-58. 2018
- Reactive solute transport in an asymmetrical fracture-rock matrix system. 112:224-234. 2018
- The effect of a microscale fracture on dynamic capillary pressure of two-phase flow in porous media. 113:272-284. 2018
- An improved projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) for multiphase flow in fractured reservoirs. 109:267-289. 2017
- Efficient C1-continuous phase-potential upwind (C1-PPU) schemes for coupled multiphase flow and transport with gravity. 108:184-204. 2017
- Optimal moment determination in POME-copula based hydrometeorological dependence modelling. 105:39-50. 2017
- An efficient fully-implicit multislope MUSCL method for multiphase flow with gravity in discrete fractured media. 104:210-222. 2017
- Reactive solute transport in a filled single fracture-matrix system under unilateral and radial flows. 104:183-194. 2017
- C-1-Continuous relative permeability and hybrid upwind discretization of three phase flow in porous media. 96:209-224. 2016
- Rapid computation of directional wellbore drawdown in a confined aquifer via Poisson resummation. 94:238-250. 2016
- A theoretical drought classification method for the multivariate drought index based on distribution properties of standardized drought indices. 92:240-247. 2016
- Field-wide flow simulation in fractured porous media within lattice Boltzmann framework. 96:170-179. 2016
- Integrated aquitard-aquifer flow with a mixed-type well-face boundary and skin effect. 89:42-52. 2016
- Integrating a reservoir regulation scheme into a spatially distributed hydrological model. 98:16-31. 2016
- Hybrid upwind discretization of nonlinear two-phase flow with gravity. 82:27-38. 2015
- A peridynamic model of flow in porous media. 78:22-35. 2015
- On different numerical inverse Laplace methods for solute transport problems. 75:80-92. 2015
- Importance of Reversible Attachment in Predicting E. Coli Transport in Saturated Aquifers From Column Experiments.. 63:120-130. 2014
- Radial reactive solute transport in an aquifer-aquitard system. 61:51-61. 2013
- Rainfall mediations in the spreading of epidemic cholera. 60:34-46. 2013
- Time-of-flight (TOF)-based two-phase upscaling for subsurface flow and transport. 54:119-132. 2013
- Comparisons of diffusive and advective fluxes of gas phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in unsaturated zones under natural conditions. 52:221-231. 2013
- Hydrology as a driver of biodiversity: Controls on carrying capacity, niche formation, and dispersal. 51:317-325. 2013
- Numerical simulation of 3D flow past a real-life marine hydrokinetic turbine. 39:33-43. 2012
- A note on variational multiscale methods for high-contrast heterogeneous porous media flows with rough source terms. 34:1177-1185. 2011
- Curvilinear immersed boundary method for simulating coupled flow and bed morphodynamic interactions due to sediment transport phenomena. 34:829-843. 2011
- Tide-induced airflow in a two-layered coastal land with atmospheric pressure fluctuations. 34:649-658. 2011
- Bayesian uncertainty quantification for flows in heterogeneous porous media using reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. 33:241-256. 2010
- Flow relevant covariance localization during dynamic data assimilation using EnKF. 33:129-145. 2010
- A new solution and data analysis for gas flow to a barometric pumping well. 33:1444-1455. 2010
- Stochastic observation error and uncertainty in water quality evaluation. 32:1526-1534. 2009
- A new solution of transient confined-unconfined flow driven by a pumping well. 32:1213-1222. 2009
- A finite element solution for the fractional advection-dispersion equation. 31:1578-1589. 2008
- An analytical solution for non-Darcian flow in a confined aquifer using the power law function. 31:44-55. 2008
- Non-Darcian flow to a well in an aquifer-aquitard system. 31:1754-1763. 2008
- Two-region non-Darcian flow toward a well in a confined aquifer. 31:818-827. 2008
- Coarsening of three-dimensional structured and unstructured grids for subsurface flow. 30:2177-2193. 2007
- Pumping induced depletion from two streams. 30:1016-1026. 2007
- Travel-time distribution from a finite line contamination source to an extraction well with regional flow. 30:389-398. 2007
- Functional relationship to describe temporal statistics of soil moisture averaged over different depths. 28:553-566. 2005
- New frontiers of hydrology. 28:541-542. 2005
- Multiscale data integration using coarse-scale models. 28:303-314. 2005
- On the coupled geomorphological and ecohydrological organization of river basins. 28:69-86. 2005
- The impact of interannual rainfall variability on the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation in a water-limited ecosystem. 27:83-95. 2004
- Fuzzy logic algorithm for runoff-induced sediment transport from bare soil surfaces. 26:1249-1256. 2003
- Stability and accuracy of two-dimensional kinematic wave overland flow modeling. 26:1189-1198. 2003
- Significance of AIC differences for precipitation intensity distributions. 26:457-464. 2003
- Hydrologic controls on soil carbon and nitrogen cycles. I. Modeling scheme. 26:45-58. 2003
- Hydrologic controls on soil carbon and nitrogen cycles. II. A case study. 26:59-70. 2003
- Ecohydrology of water-controlled ecosystems. 25:1335-1348. 2002
- The influence of the pattern of moving rainstorms on overland flow. 25:817-828. 2002
- Hydraulics of a finite-diameter horizontal well with wellbore storage and skin effect. 25:389-400. 2002
- Stability and accuracy of finite element schemes for the one-dimensional kinematic wave solution. 25:427-438. 2002
- Multiscale analysis of vegetation surface fluxes: from seconds to years. 24:1119-1132. 2001
- Plants in water-controlled ecosystems: active role in hydrologic processes and response to water stress I. Scope and general outline. 24:695-705. 2001
- Plants in water-controlled ecosystems: active role in hydrologic processes and response to water stress IV. Discussion of real cases. 24:745-762. 2001
- Analytical and semi-analytical solutions of horizontal well capture times under no-flow and constant-head boundaries. 23:835-848. 2000
- Transport of waste leakage in stratified formations. 22:159-168. 1998
- Phase-space analysis of daily streamflow: characterization and prediction. 21:463-475. 1998
- Evaluation of the impact of rainfall on soil moisture variability. 21:375-384. 1998
- Analytical framework for the characterization of the space-time variability of soil moisture. 17:35-45. 1994
- Special issue: Hydroclimatology and global hydrology. 17:1. 1994
- Exploring complexity in the structure of rainfall. 14:162-167. 1991
- Reply. 11:48-49. 1988
- On statistical intercomparison of EV1 estimators by Monte Carlo simulation. 10:87-107. 1987
- Evaluating flood retarding structures. 9:236-244. 1986
- Derivation of some frequency distributions using the principle of maximum entropy (POME). 9:91-106. 1986
- Meixner functions for derivation of the unit hydrograph. 6:157-164. 1983
- Analytical solutions of kinematic equations for erosion on a plane II. Rainfall of finite duration. 6:88-95. 1983
- Analytical solutions of kinematic equations for erosion on a plane I. Rainfall of indefinite duration. 6:2-10. 1983
- Diverging overland flow. 4:117-124. 1981
- Diverging overland flow.. 4. 1981
- An analysis of the Chow-Kulandaiswamy GHS model. 3:173-180. 1980
- A modified isotope-based method for potential high-frequency evapotranspiration partitioning. 160:104103-104103.
- A new method for effective parameterization of catchment-scale aquifer through event-scale recession analysis. 174:104408-104408.
- Accuracy evaluation of weather data generation and disaggregation methods at finer timescales. 30:1286-1300.
- Efficient uncertainty quantification techniques in inverse problems for Richards' equation using coarse-scale simulation models. 32:329-339.
- On transient qanat discharge in an unconfined aquifer underlain by a fractured aquifer. 195:104874-104874.
- Solution of the nonlinear transport equation using modified Picard iteration. 21:237-249.
- Space-time modeling of soil moisture. 109:343-354.
- Spatio-temporal evolution and time-stable characteristics of soil moisture within remote sensing footprints with varying soil, slope, and vegetation. 24:1051-1067.