publication venue for
- Modeling and Analysis of the Leading-Edge Vortex on Flapping Foil Turbines in Swing-Arm Mode. 145. 2023
- Characterization of the Flow and Surface Temperature Around Multiple Vortex Generators. 144. 2022
- Experimental Investigation of the Subchannel Axial Pressure Drop and Hydraulic Characteristics of a 61-Pin Wire Wrapped Rod Bundle. 144. 2022
- Near-Wall Velocimetry in the Impingement-Zones of a Microdroplet and a Round Jet Stream. 143. 2021
- A High Resolution Simulation of a Single Shock-Accelerated Particle. 143. 2021
- Experimental Measurements of the Wake of a Sphere at Subcritical Reynolds Numbers. 143. 2021
- Turbulent Mixing Process of a Round Jet With Slot Lobes. 143. 2021
- Quantitative Analysis of Forced and Unforced Turbulent Multiphase Coaxial Jets. 143. 2021
- Experimental Study on the Effect of Localized Blockages on the Friction Factor of a 61-Pin Wire-Wrapped Bundle. 142. 2020
- Magnetic-Internal-Kinetic Energy Interactions in High-Speed Turbulent Magnetohydrodynamic Jets. 142. 2020
- Effect of Leakage Flow Path Wear on Axial Thrust in Downhole Electrical Submersible Pump Unit. 142. 2020
- Direct Numerical Simulation of the Flow Through a Randomly Packed Pebble Bed. 142. 2020
- Reynolds-Averaged Simulation of the Fully Developed Turbulent Drag Reduction Flow in Concentric Annuli. 142. 2020
- Extending Classical Friction Loss Modeling to Predict the Viscous Performance of Pumping Devices. 141. 2019
- Full-Field Dependence on Inlet Modeling of Non-Isothermal Turbulent Jets Using Validated Large Eddy Simulations. 141. 2019
- A Transient Computational Fluid Dynamics, Phase Modulated, Multifrequency Approach for Impeller Rotordynamic Forces. 141. 2019
- Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow Behavior in a Simplified Helical Coil Steam Generator. 141:021401. 2019
- Simulations of Twin Turbulent Planar-Like Jets Injected Into a Large Volume Using RANS. 140:121108. 2018
- Measured Static and Rotordynamic Characteristics of a Smooth-Stator/Grooved-Rotor Liquid Annular Seal. 140. 2018
- On the Development of Incompressible Round and Equilateral Triangular Jets Due to Reynolds Number Variation. 140:111202. 2018
- Pressure Measurements in a Wire-Wrapped 61-Pin Hexagonal Fuel Bundle. 140. 2018
- Pressure Measurements in a Wire-Wrapped 61-Pin Hexagonal Fuel Bundle. 140:031104-1485. 2018
- Evaporation Effects in Shock-Driven Multiphase Instabilities. 139:071204. 2017
- Instantaneous Wind-Tunnel Model Vibration Measurements Using a Kalman Filtering Approach. 139:071106. 2017
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Pebble Bed Flows: Database Development and Investigation of Low-Frequency Temporal Instabilities. 139:051301. 2017
- Characterization of Tab-Induced Counter-Rotating Vortex Pair for Mixing Applications. 139:031102. 2017
- An Inquiry of the Friction Factor “Jump” Phenomenon in Hole-Pattern Seals. 138:081102. 2016
- Magneto-Gas Kinetic Method for Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamics Flows: Verification Protocol and Plasma Jet Simulations. 137:081302. 2015
- Characterization of the Behavior of Confined Laminar Round Jets. 137:034501. 2015
- Experimental Flow-Field Investigations Downstream a Scaled-Up Micro-Tangential-Jet Scheme Using the Particle Image Velocimetry Technique. 136:071204. 2014
- Simulations and Analysis of the Reshocked Inclined Interface Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability for Linear and Nonlinear Interface Perturbations. 136:071203. 2014
- Thrust Force Characterization of Oscillating Cantilevers Operating Near Resonance. 136:071206. 2014
- Mixing Evaluation of a Passive Scaled-Up Serpentine Micromixer With Slanted Grooves. 135:081102. 2013
- Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of a Scaled-Up Micromixer With Groove Enhanced Division Elements. 135:011201. 2013
- Investigating the Cause of Computational Fluid Dynamics Deficiencies in Accurately Predicting the Efficiency and Performance of High Pressure Turbines: A Combined Experimental and Numerical Study. 134:101104. 2012
- Modeling the Onset of Gas Entrainment in a Reduced T-Junction With Co-Current Stratified Gas-Liquid Flow. 134:081303. 2012
- Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Decay Under the Influence of Uniform or Random Magnetic Fields. 133:081205. 2011
- Co-Current Gas-Liquid Smooth-Stratified Flow in a Horizontal Reduced T-Junction Including Wavy and Slug Regime Transition Boundaries. 133:051301. 2011
- Modeling and Simulation of Capillary Microfluidic Networks Based on Electrical Analogies. 133:054502. 2011
- Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes (PANS) Method for Turbulence Simulations-Flow Past a Square Cylinder. 132:121203. 2010
- Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes (PANS) Method for Turbulence Simulations: Flow Past a Circular Cylinder. 132:121202. 2010
- Experimental Analysis of Microchannel Entrance Length Characteristics Using Microparticle Image Velocimetry. 132:041102-04110213. 2010
- Modeling the Onset of Gas Entrainment in a Single Downward Discharge From a Stratified Gas-Liquid Region With Liquid Crossflow. 131:031304-0313048. 2009
- A Hybrid Model to Predict the Onset of Gas Entrainment With Surface Tension Effects. 131:011305-01130510. 2009
- Numerically Investigating the Effects of Cross-Links in Scaled Microchannel Heat Sinks. 130:121103-12110313. 2008
- Turbulence structure modification and drag reduction by microbubble injections in a boundary layer channel flow. 130:111304-1113048. 2008
- A runback criterion for water drops in a turbulent accelerated boundary layer. 130:061302. 2008
- Effect of surface roughness on single cryogen droplet spreading. 130:041402. 2008
- Incipience of Liquid Entrainment From a Stratified Gas-Liquid Region in Multiple Discharging Branches. 130:011301-01130110. 2008
- Effect of turbulence intensity and periodic unsteady wake flow condition on boundary layer development, separation, and reattachment along the suction surface of a low-pressure turbine blade. 129:747-763. 2007
- DSMC Simulation of Subsonic Flows in Parallel and Series Microchannels. 128:1153-1163. 2006
- Experimental Investigation on the Onset of Gas Entrainment from a Stratified Two-Phase Region Through Multiple Branches Mounted on a Curved Surface. 128:726-733. 2006
- Modeling of the Onset of Gas Entrainment From a Stratified Two-Phase Region Through Branches on a Curved Surface. 128:717-725. 2006
- Investigation of microbubble boundary layer using particle tracking velocimetry. 128:507-519. 2006
- Modeling of the Onset of Gas Entrainment Through a Finite-Side Branch. 125:902-909. 2003
- Effect of unsteady wake passing frequency on boundary layer transition, experimental investigation, and wavelet analysis. 125:251-266. 2003
- Simulation and analysis of a magnetoelastically driven micro-pump. 123:435-438. 2001
- Optimization of trailing edge ejection mixing losses: A theoretical and experimental study. 121:118-125. 1999
- Development of a two-dimensional turbulent wake in a curved channel with a positive streamwise pressure gradient. 118:292-299. 1996
- Assessment of a Reynolds stress closure model for appendage hull junction flows. 117:557-563. 1995
- Theoretical and experimental study of development of two-dimensional steady and unsteady wakes within curved channels. 117:593-598. 1995
- Pressure oscillation in the leakage annulus between a shrouded impeller and its housing due to impeller-discharge-pressure disturbances. 114:61-67. 1992
- Flow and Pressure Characteristics Downstream of a Segmental Blockage in a Turbulent Pipe Flow. 101:200-206. 1979
- Aiding Airway Obstruction Diagnosis With Computational Fluid Dynamics and Convolutional Neural Network: A New Perspective and Numerical Case Study. 144.
- Pulsating Flow Past a Square Cylinder: Analysis of Force Coefficient Spectra and Vortex Structure Development 2020
- On the Influence of Gas Content on the Rotordynamic Force Coefficients of a Three-Wave (Air in Oil) Annular Seal for Multiple Phase Pumps 2020
- Flow Field Characterization at the Onset of Gas Entrainment in a Single Downward Discharge Using Particle Image Velocimetry 2007
- Numerical Investigation of Multistage Viscous Micropump Configurations 2005
- Optimization of trailing edge ejection mixing losses: A theoretical and experimental study 1999