publication venue for
- The effect of inherent and incidental constraints on bimanual and social coordination.. 239:2089-2105. 2021
- Bimanual coordination associated with left- and right-hand dominance: testing the limb assignment and limb dominance hypothesis.. 239:1595-1605. 2021
- Motor and spatial representations of action: corticospinal excitability in M1 after training with a bimanual skill.. 238:1191-1202. 2020
- Accessing interpersonal and intrapersonal coordination dynamics.. 238:17-27. 2020
- Divergent effects of conditioned pain modulation on subjective pain and nociceptive-related brain activity.. 237:1735-1744. 2019
- Mirror-hand selection is influenced by training perspective and model skill level in a motor-learning task.. 237:417-426. 2019
- Modeling the effects of medial olivocochlear efferent stimulation at the level of the inferior colliculus.. 237:1479-1491. 2019
- Response biases: the influence of the contralateral limb and head position.. 237:3253-3264. 2019
- The simplest acquisition protocol is sometimes the best protocol: performing and learning a 1:2 bimanual coordination task.. 236:539-550. 2018
- Do accuracy requirements change bimanual and unimanual control processes similarly?. 235:1467-1479. 2017
- Bimanual coordination patterns are stabilized under monitoring-pressure.. 235:1909-1918. 2017
- The stuff that motor chunks are made of: Spatial instead of motor representations?. 234:353-366. 2016
- Sleep alterations following exposure to stress predict fear-associated memory impairments in a rodent model of PTSD.. 233:2335-2346. 2015
- A novel approach to enhancing limb control in older adults.. 233:2061-2071. 2015
- Processing of visual information compromises the ability of older adults to control novel fine motor tasks.. 233:3475-3488. 2015
- The perception-action dynamics of action competency are altered by both physical and observational training.. 233:1289-1305. 2015
- Trauma exposure and sleep: using a rodent model to understand sleep function in PTSD.. 232:1575-1584. 2014
- Optimizing the control of high-ID movements: rethinking the power of the visual display.. 231:479-493. 2013
- A guide to performing difficult bimanual coordination tasks: just follow the yellow brick road.. 230:31-40. 2013
- Reacting while moving: influence of right limb movement on left limb reaction.. 230:143-152. 2013
- Micro-movements of varying difficulties: wrist and arm movements.. 229:61-73. 2013
- The role of auditory and visual models in the production of bimanual tapping patterns.. 224:507-518. 2013
- Flexibility in the control of rapid aiming actions.. 229:47-60. 2013
- Additional load decreases movement time in the wrist but not in arm movements at ID 6.. 224:243-253. 2013
- Optimizing the control of high ID movements: rethinking the obvious.. 223:377-387. 2012
- Overcoming the guidance effect in motor skill learning: feedback all the time can be beneficial.. 219:305-320. 2012
- Greater amount of visual information exacerbates force control in older adults during constant isometric contractions.. 213:351-361. 2011
- Impossible is nothing: 5:3 and 4:3 multi-frequency bimanual coordination.. 201:249-259. 2010
- Bimanual 1:1 with 90 degrees continuous relative phase: difficult or easy!. 193:129-136. 2009
- Learning an environment-actor coordination skill: visuomotor transformation and coherency of perceptual structure.. 196:279-293. 2009
- Perceptual influences on Fitts' law.. 190:99-103. 2008
- Compensatory postural adaptations during continuous, variable amplitude perturbations reveal generalized rather than sequence-specific learning.. 187:603-611. 2008
- Observational practice of relative but not absolute motion features in a single-limb multi-joint coordination task.. 191:157-169. 2008
- Target width scaling in a repetitive aiming task: switching between cyclical and discrete units of action.. 175:710-725. 2006
- Learning a single limb multijoint coordination pattern: the impact of a mechanical constraint on the coordination dynamics of learning and transfer.. 156:39-54. 2004
- Discrete and cyclical units of action in a mixed target pair aiming task.. 150:473-489. 2003
- Transitions in a postural task: do the recruitment and suppression of degrees of freedom stabilize posture?. 139:482-494. 2001
- Posturally induced transitions in rhythmic multijoint limb movements.. 94:131-142. 1993
- Order parameters for the neural organization of single, multijoint limb movement patterns.. 85:432-444. 1991
- Effects of ethanol on hypothalamic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in the male rat. An immunocytochemical study.. 54:197-202. 1984
- Great-tailed grackles can independently direct their eyes toward different targets.. 239:2119-2126.
- Optical imaging of phonological processing in two distinct orthographies.. 184:427-433.
- The projections of the retrorubral field A8 to the hippocampal formation in the rat.. 112:244-252.