selected publications academicarticle Randolph, J., Perry, J., Donaldson, J. P., Rethman, C., & Erukhimova, T. (2022). Female physics students gain from facilitating informal physics programs. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 18(2), 020123. Rethman, C., Perry, J., Donaldson, J. P., Choi, D., & Erukhimova, T. (2021). Impact of informal physics programs on university student development: Creating a physicist. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 17(2), 020110. Dew, M., Perry, J., Ford, L., Bassichis, W., & Erukhimova, T. (2021). Gendered performance differences in introductory physics: A study from a large land-grant university. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 17(1), 010106. Dew, M., Ford, L., Nodurft, D. T., Erukhimova, T., & Perry, J. (2021). Student Responses to Changes in Introductory Physics Learning Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Physics Teacher. 59(3), 162-165. Perry, J. D., Erukhimova, T. L., & Bassichis, W. H. (2019). New video resource for calculus-based introductory physics, design and assessment. I. Electricity and magnetism. American Journal of Physics. 87(5), 335-340. Erukhimova, T., Zhang, R., & Bowman, K. P. (2009). The climatological mean atmospheric transport under weakened Atlantic thermohaline circulation climate scenario. 32(2-3), 343-354. Erukhimova, T., & Bowman, K. P. (2006). Role of convection in global-scale transport in the troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres. 111(D3), Bowman, K. P., & Erukhimova, T. (2004). Comparison of global-scale Lagrangian transport properties of the NCEP reanalysis and CCM3. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE. 17(5), 1135-1146. Erukhimova, T. L., & Suvorov, E. V. (2001). Reconstruction of ozone-density and atmospheric-temperature profiles using the spectra of microwave absorption in two rotational ozone lines. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Radiofizika. 44(1-2), 140-148. Erukhimova, T. L., & Suvorov, E. V. (2001). Retrieval of Ozone-Density and Atmospheric-Temperature Profiles using the Spectra of Microwave Absorption in Two Rotational Ozone Lines. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 44(1-2), 129-136. Erukhimova, T. L., Tokman, M. D., & Trakhtengerts, V. Y. (1998). Quasi-linear theory of interactions between internal gravity waves and shear flows. Russian Academy of Sciences, Izvestiya: Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 34(6), 743-750. Mocheneva, O. S., Erukhimova, T. L., & Suvorov, E. V. (1995). On a method of microwave measurement of ozone. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 38(8), 499-510. Erukhimova, T. L., & Trakhtengerts, V. Y. (1995). A mechanism of atmospheric ozone disturbance by internal gravity wave in a stratified shear flow. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. 57(2), 135-139. Kulikov, Y. Y., Kuznetsov, I. V., Andriyanov, A. F., Borisov, O. N., Dryagin, S. Y., Erukhimova, T. L., ... Yurkov, V. M. (1994). Stratospheric ozone variability in high latitudes from microwave observations. Journal of Geophysical Research. 99(D10), 21109-21116. Perry, J., Wang, A., Garrett, C., Head, J., Belyanin, A., Dutta, B., Erukhimova, T., & Dew, M. The Mitchell Institute Physics Enhancement ProgramSupporting the Development of Out-of-Field, In-Service Teachers of High School Physics. Physics Teacher. 62(6), 480-483. book North, G. R., & Erukhimova, T. L. Atmospheric Thermodynamics. Ed. 9780521899635. Cambridge University Press (CUP). conference paper Perry, J., Donaldson, J. P., & Erukhimova, T. (2022). Comparing the impact of informal physics program on undergraduate versus graduate student facilitators. 333-338. Ozmetin, A., Dew, M., Erukhimova, T., & Perry, J. (2022). Does Instructor Gender Matter for Student Performance in Introductory Physics?. 321-326. Randolph, J., Hay, E., Rethman, C., Erukhimova, T., Donaldson, J. P., & Perry, J. (2022). Impact of informal physics programs on female university students. 359-364. Hodge, J. Q., Hobson, M., Yalvac, B., Lagoudas, M. Z., Froyd, J. E., Ostrovskaya, N., Erukhimova, T., & Malave, C. O. (2011). Undergraduate academic experience for first-year engineering students through a summer bridge program. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. Erukhimova, T. L., & Trakhtengerts, V. Y. (1993). Ozone variations in the stratosphere due to gravity waves in stratified shear flows. Proceedings of SPIE. 83-91. Hodge, J. Q., Hobson, M., Yalvac, B., Lagoudas, M. Z., Froyd, J. E., Ostrovskaya, N., Erukhimova, T., & Malave, C. O. Undergraduate Academic Experience for First-Year Engineering Students Through a Summer Bridge Program. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 22.1561.1-22.1561.11. institutional repository document Randolph, J., Perry, J., Donaldson, J. P., Rethman, C., & Erukhimova, T. (2021). Do female physics students benefit from informal physics programs they facilitate? Wang, A., Perry, J., Dew, M., Head, M., & Erukhimova, T. (2021). Training the trainer: Professional Development for High School Physics Teachers with Low Physics Background Rethman, C., Perry, J., Donaldson, J., Choi, D., & Erukhimova, T. (2020). Creating a Physicist: The Impact of Informal Programs on University Student Development Dew, M., Perry, J., Ford, L., Nodurft, D., & Erukhimova, T. (2020). Student Responses to Changes in Introductory Physics Learning due to COVID-19 Pandemic Dew, M., Perry, J., Ford, L., Bassichis, W., & Erukhimova, T. (2020). Gendered Performance Differences in Introductory Physics: A Study from a Large Land-Grant University
teaching activities PHYS206 Hnr-newtonian Mech Engr & Sci Instructor PHYS206 Newtonian Mechanics Engr & Sci Instructor PHYS207 Elec & Magnetism Engr & Sci Instructor PHYS285 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS291 Research Instructor PHYS485 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS491 Hnr-research Instructor PHYS685 Directed Studies Instructor PHYS691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Physics, Institute of Applied Physics - (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) 1999
awards and honors AAAS Fellow, conferred by American Association For The Advancement of Science - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States), 2023 Dwight Nicholson Medal for Outreach, conferred by American Physical Society - (College Park, Maryland, United States), 2023 Provost Academic Professional Track Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2021 University Professorships for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2021 Association of Former Students University-Level Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2019 Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2015 John E. Trott, Jr. Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2013 Association of Former Students University-Level Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2012 Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, The, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2009
mailing address Texas A&M University Physics And Astronomy 4242 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4242 USA