selected publications academicarticle Salehin, S., Rajan, N., Mowrer, J., Casey, K. D., Somenahally, A. C., & Bagavathiannan, M. (2024). Greenhouse gas emissions during decomposition of cover crops and poultry litter with simulated tillage in 90day soil incubations. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 88(5), 1870-1890. Leon, I. M., Auvermann, B. W., Bush, K. J., Casey, K., Pinchak, W. E., Vinasco, J., ... Norman, K. N. (2024). Assessing the Resilience of Enteric Bacteria in Manure in Response to Changes in Relative Humidity and UV-B Light. Environments - MDPI. 11(9), 197-197. Min, B. R., Willis, W., Casey, K., Castleberry, L., Waldrip, H., & Parker, D. (2022). Condensed and Hydrolyzable Tannins for Reducing Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Dairy Manure-A Laboratory Incubation Study. Animals. 12(20), 2876-2876. Waldrip, H., Parker, D., Miller, S., Durso, L. M., Min, B. R., Miller, D. N., ... Spiehs, M. J. (2022). Microbial community structure from southern High Plains beef cattle feedyard manure and relationship with nitrous oxide emissions. Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment. 5(3), Husz, T. C., Smith, W., Lockard, C., Homolka, M., Anderson, P., Gentry, W., ... Casey, K. (2021). Comparison of Monensin Sodium Sources for Finishing Beef Cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 99(Supplement_1), 34-34. Husz, T. C., Smith, W. N., Lockard, C. G., Homolka, M. N., Anderson, P. T., Gentry, W. W., ... Jennings, J. S. (2021). Comparison of monensin sodium sources for finishing beef cattle. Translational Animal Science. 5(2), txab090. Zapata, D., Rajan, N., Mowrer, J., Casey, K., Schnell, R., & Hons, F. (2021). Long-term tillage effect on with-in season variations in soil conditions and respiration from dryland winter wheat and soybean cropping systems. Scientific Reports. 11(1), 2344. Parker, D. B., Casey, K. D., Willis, W., & Meyer, B. (2021). NITROUS OXIDE AND METHANE EMISSIONS FROM BEEF CATTLE FEEDYARD PENS FOLLOWING LARGE RAINFALL EVENTS. Transactions of the ASABE. 64(4), 1211-1225. Parker, D. B., Casey, K. D., Waldrip, H. M., Min, B., Woodbury, B. L., Spiehs, M., ... Willis, W. (2021). TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF METHANE EMISSIONS FROM TEXAS OPEN-LOT BEEF CATTLE FEEDYARD PENS. Transactions of the ASABE. 64(6), 1781-1794. Min, B. R., Parker, D., Casey, K., Willis, W., Castleberry, L., Meyer, B., Robbe, H., & Waldrip, H. (2020). PSXI-25 The effect of plant tannins on methane and nitrous oxide emissions from dairy manure under laboratory conditions. Journal of Animal Science. 98(Supplement_4), 387-387. Norris, A. B., Tedeschi, L. O., Muir, J. P., Foster, J. L., Casey, K. D., & Pinchak, W. E. (2020). Effect of quebracho condensed tannin extract on fecal gas flux in steers. Journal of Environmental Quality. 49(5), 1225-1235. Waldrip, H. M., Parker, D. B., Miller, S., Miller, D. N., Casey, K. D., Todd, R. W., ... Woodbury, B. (2020). Nitrous Oxide from Beef Cattle Manure: Effects of Temperature, Water Addition and Manure Properties on Denitrification and Nitrification. Atmosphere. 11(10), 1056-1056. Dowhower, S. L., Teague, W. R., Casey, K. D., & Daniel, R. (2020). Soil greenhouse gas emissions as impacted by soil moisture and temperature under continuous and holistic planned grazing in native tallgrass prairie. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 287, 106647-106647. Parker, D. B., Casey, K. D., Hales, K. E., Waldrip, H. M., Min, B., Cortus, E. L., ... Willis, W. (2020). TOWARD MODELING OF NITROUS OXIDE EMISSIONS FOLLOWING PRECIPITATION, URINE, AND FECES DEPOSITION ON BEEF CATTLE FEEDYARD SURFACES. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(5), 1371-1384. Sharma, S., Rajan, N., Cui, S., Maas, S., Casey, K., Ale, S., & Jessup, R. (2019). Carbon and evapotranspiration dynamics of a non-native perennial grass with biofuel potential in the southern US Great Plains. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 269, 285-293. Parker, D. B., Casey, K. D., Waldrip, H. M., Min, B. R., Woodbury, B. L., Spiehs, M. J., & Willis, W. (2019). NITROUS OXIDE EMISSIONS FROM AN OPEN-LOT BEEF CATTLE FEEDYARD IN TEXAS. Transactions of the ASABE. 62(5), 1173-1183. McDonald, M. D., Lewis, K. L., Ritchie, G. L., DeLaune, P. B., Casey, K. D., & Slaughter, L. C. (2019). Carbon dioxide mitigation potential of conservation agriculture in a semi-arid agricultural region. AIMS Agriculture and Food. 4(1), 206-222. Parker, D. B., Jennings, T., Meyer, B., Jennings, J., Cole, N. A., Waldrip, H., & Casey, K. D. (2018). 363 Enteric Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Beef Feedlot Cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 96(suppl_2), 196-196. Parker, D. B., Meyer, B., Jennings, T., Jennings, J., Dougherty, H., Cole, N. A., & Casey, K. (2018). Enteric nitrous oxide emissions from beef cattle 1 1 Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the USDA. Professional Animal Scientist. 34(6), 594-607. Parker, D. B., Waldrip, H. M., Casey, K. D., Woodbury, B. L., Spiehs, M. J., Webb, K., & Willis, W. M. (2018). HOW DO TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL AFFECT NITROUS OXIDE EMISSIONS FROM OPEN-LOT BEEF CATTLE FEEDYARD PENS?. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(3), 1049-1061. Parker, D. B., Waldrip, H. M., Casey, K. D., Todd, R. W., Willis, W. M., & Webb, K. (2017). Temporal Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Beef Cattle Feedlot Manure after a Simulated Rainfall Event. Journal of Environmental Quality. 46(4), 733-740. Shreck, A. L., Ebert, P. J., Bailey, E. A., Jennings, J. S., Casey, K. D., Meyer, B. E., & Cole, N. A. (2017). Effects of energy supplementation on energy losses and nitrogen balance of steers fed green-chopped wheat pasture I: Calorimetry. Journal of Animal Science. 95(5), 2133-2143. Parker, D. B., Casey, K. D., Todd, R. W., Waldrip, H. M., Marek, G. W., Auvermann, B. W., ... Meyer, B. (2017). IMPROVED CHAMBER SYSTEMS FOR RAPID, REAL-TIME NITROUS OXIDE EMISSIONS FROM MANURE AND SOIL. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(4), 1235-1258. Waldrip, H. M., Casey, K. D., Todd, R. W., & Parker, D. B. (2017). NITROUS OXIDE EMISSIONS FROM SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS BEEF CATTLE FEEDYARDS: MEASUREMENT AND MODELING. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(4), 1209-1221. Sharma, S., Rajan, N., Cui, S., Casey, K., Ale, S., Jessup, R., & Maas, S. (2017). Seasonal variability of evapotranspiration and carbon exchanges over a biomass sorghum field in the Southern US Great Plains. Biomass and Bioenergy. 105, 392-401. Waldrip, H. M., Todd, R. W., Parker, D. B., Cole, N. A., Rotz, C. A., & Casey, K. D. (2016). Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Open-Lot Cattle Feedyards: A Review. Journal of Environmental Quality. 45(6), 1797-1811. Todd, R. W., Cole, N. A., Hagevoort, G. R., Casey, K. D., & Auvermann, B. W. (2015). Ammonia losses and nitrogen partitioning at a southern High Plains open tot dairy. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 110, 75-83. Jerez, S. B., Mukhtar, S., Faulkner, W., Casey, K. D., Borhan, M. S., & Smith, R. A. (2013). EVALUATION OF ELECTROSTATIC PARTICLE IONIZATION AND BIOCURTAIN (TM) TECHNOLOGIES TO REDUCE AIR POLLUTANTS FROM BROILER HOUSES. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 29(6), 975-984. Parker, D., Ham, J., Woodbury, B., Cai, L., Spiehs, M., Rhoades, M., ... Cole, A. (2013). Standardization of flux chamber and wind tunnel flux measurements for quantifying volatile organic compound and ammonia emissions from area sources at animal feeding operations. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 66, 72-83. Todd, R. W., Cole, N. A., Rhoades, M. B., Parker, D. B., & Casey, K. D. (2011). Daily, monthly, seasonal, and annual ammonia emissions from Southern High Plains cattle feedyards. Journal of Environmental Quality. 40(4), 1090-1095. Todd, R. W., Cole, N. A., Casey, K. D., Hagevoort, R., & Auvermann, B. W. (2011). Methane emissions from southern High Plains dairy wastewater lagoons in the summer. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 166-67, 575-580. Parker, D. B., Caraway, E. A., Rhoades, M. B., Cole, N. A., Todd, R. W., & Casey, K. D. (2010). EFFECT OF WIND TUNNEL AIR VELOCITY ON VOC FLUX FROM STANDARD SOLUTIONS AND CAFO MANURE/WASTEWATER. Transactions of the ASABE. 53(3), 831-845. Casey, K. D., Gates, R. S., Shores, R. C., Thoma, E. D., & Harris, D. B. (2010). Ammonia emissions from a U.S. broiler house--comparison of concurrent measurements using three different technologies. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 60(8), 939-948. Gates, R. S., Casey, K. D., Xin, H., & Burns, R. T. (2009). BUILDING EMISSIONS UNCERTAINTY ESTIMATES. 52(4), 1345-1351. Singh, A., Casey, K. D., King, W. D., Pescatore, A. J., Gates, R. S., & Ford, M. J. (2009). Efficacy of urease inhibitor to reduce ammonia emission from poultry houses. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 18(1), 34-42. Topper, P. A., Wheeler, E. F., Zajaczkowski, J. S., Gates, R. S., Xin, H., Liang, Y., & Casey, K. D. (2008). Ammonia emissions from two empty broiler houses with built-up litter. Transactions of the ASABE. 51(1), 219-225. Casey, K. D., Gates, R. S., Wheeler, E. F., Xin, H., Liang, Y., Pescatore, A. J., & Ford, M. J. (2008). On-Farm Ventilation Fan Performance Evaluations and Implications. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 17(2), 283-295. Gates, R. S., Casey, K. D., Wheeler, E. F., Xin, H., & Pescatore, A. J. (2008). US broiler housing ammonia emissions inventory. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 42(14), 3342-3350. Casey, K. D., Ford, S. E., McClure, J. W., Zhang, Y., & Gates, R. S. (2007). Determining fan performance using fans: An investigation of performance impacts. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23(3), 333-338. Redding, M. R., Skerman, A., Ritchie, J., & Casey, K. D. (2007). How effective are broad-scale nutrient mass balances for determining the sustainability of lot-feed manure application?. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 120(2-4), 166-178. Hudson, N., McGahan, E., Casey, K., Lowe, S., Galvin, G., Jeston, P., & Dunlop, M. (2007). Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. 1. Results of a three season, 14-month survey. Bioresource Technology. 98(10), 1877-1887. Hudson, N., Bell, K., McGahan, E., Lowe, S., Galvin, G., & Casey, K. (2007). Odour emissions from anaerobic piggery ponds. 2: improving estimates of emission rate through recognition of spatial variability. Bioresource Technology. 98(10), 1888-1897. Wheeler, E. F., Casey, K. D., Gates, R. S., Xin, H., Zajaczkowski, J. L., Topper, P. A., Liang, Y., & Pescatore, A. J. (2006). Ammonia emissions from twelve US broiler chicken houses. 49(5), 1495-1512. Liang, Y., Xin, H., Li, H., Gates, R. S., Wheeler, E. F., & Casey, K. D. (2006). Effects of measurement intervals on estimation of ammonia emissions from layer houses. Transactions of the ASABE. 49(1), 183-186. Liang, Y., Xin, H., Wheeler, E. F., Gates, R. S., Li, H., Zajaczkowski, J. S., ... Zajaczkowski, F. J. (2005). Ammonia emissions from US laying hen houses in Iowa and Pennsylvania. 48(5), 1927-1941. Pescatore, A. J., Casey, K. D., & Gates, R. S. (2005). Ammonia emissions from broiler houses. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 14(3), 635-637. Gates, R. S., Xin, H., Casey, K. D., Liang, Y., & Wheeler, E. F. (2005). Method for measuring ammonia emissions from poultry houses. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 14(3), 622-634. Chinivasagam, H. N., Thomas, R. J., Casey, K., McGahan, E., Gardner, E. A., Rafiee, M., & Blackall, P. J. (2004). Microbiological status of piggery effluent from 13 piggeries in the south east Queensland region of Australia. 97(5), 883-891. Gates, R. S., Casey, K. D., Xin, H., Wheeler, E. E., & Simmons, J. D. (2004). Fan Assessment Numeration System (FANS) design and calibration specifications. 47(5), 1709-1715. Singh, A., Bicudo, J. R., Tinoco, A. L., Tinoco, I. F., Gates, R. S., Casey, K. D., & Pescatore, A. J. (2004). Characterization of nutrients in built-up broiler litter using trench and random walk sampling methods. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 13(3), 426-432. Hudson, N., Casey, K., Melvin, S., & Nicholas, P. (2001). Laboratory investigation of supported permeable organic covers for the management of odour emissions from anaerobic piggery waste ponds. Water Science and Technology. 44(9), 317-326. conference paper Parker, D. B., Casey, K. D., Cortus, E. L., Min, B. R., Waldrip, H. M., Woodbury, B., & Spiehs, M. (2019). Empirical Model of Annual Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Open-Lot Beef Cattle Feedyard Pens (Version 2) Parker, D. B., Jennings, T., Meyer, B., Jennings, J., Cole, N. A., Waldrip, H., & Casey, K. D. (2018). Enteric Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Beef Feedlot Cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 196-196. Parker, D. B., Cortus, E., Casey, K. D., Marek, G. W., Heflin, K. R., & Waldrip, H. M. (2018). Empirical Model of Annual Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Open-Lot Beef Cattle Feedyard Pens in the Southern High Plains Norris, A. B., Tedeschi, L. O., Casey, K. D., Dubeux, J., Foster, J. L., Muir, J. P., & Pinchak, W. E. (2018). Effects of Feeding Different Levels of Quebracho (Schinopsis balansae) Extract in a High-Roughage Total Mixed Ration on Manure Gas Emissions. Journal of Animal Science. 19-20. Casey, K. D., Todd, R. W., Rhoades, M. B., & Parker, D. B. (2018). Emissions of Hydrogen Sulfide from the Pen Area of a Beef Cattle Feedyard in the Texas High Plains Parker, D. B., Casey, K. D., Waldrip, H. M., Jennings, J., Hales, K., & Todd, R. (2018). Enteric and Simulated Pen Surface Emissions of Nitrous Oxide from Beef Cattle Feedyards Casey, K. D., Parker, D. B., Waldrip, H. M., & Todd, R. W. (2017). Diurnal Variability in Nitrous Oxide Flux from Simulated Open-Lot Beef Cattle Feedyard Pen Surfaces Casey, K. D., Caramanica, A. P., Cortus, E. L., & Heber, A. J. (2012). Ammonia emissions from a pig breeder facility in the Oklahoma panhandle. 797-802. Sama, M. P., Morello, G. M., Pepple, L., Lopes, I. M., Day V, G. B., Earnest, J., ... Casey, K. D. (2012). Calibration drift assessment and upgrades to the fan assessment numeration system (FANS). 2395-2407. Jerez, S. B., Mukhtar, S., Faulkner, W., Casey, K. D., Borhan, M. S., & Smith, R. A. (2011). Evaluation of electrostatic particle ionization and BioCurtain technologies to reduce air pollutants from broiler houses. 397-413. Todd, R. W., Cole, N. A., Casey, K. D., Hagevoort, R., & Auvermann, B. W. (2010). Methane emissions from a New Mexico dairy lagoon system. 43-52. Wheeler, E. F., Casey, K. D., Gates, R. S., Xin, H., Topper, P. A., & Liang, Y. (2008). Ammonia emissions from usa broiler chicken barns managed with new bedding, built-up litter, or acid-treated litter. 25-32. Heber, A. J., Bogan, B. W., Ni, J. Q., Lim, T. T., Ramirez-Dorronsoro, J. C., Cortus, E. L., ... Zhang, R. (2008). Methods of monitoring barn emissions in the national air emissions monitoring study. 530-534. Heber, A. J., Bogan, W. W., Ni, J. Q., Lim, T. T., Ramirez-Dorronsoro, J. C., Cortus, E. L., ... Zhang, R. (2008). The National Air Emissions Monitoring Study: Overview of barn sources. 199-206. Gates, R. S., Casey, K. D., Xin, H., Burns, R. T., & Li, H. (2008). Uncertainty analysis in animal building aerial emissions measurements. 223-228. Caraway, E. A., Parker, D. B., Casey, K. D., Olsen, M. J., Donnell, C., Rhoades, M. B., & Spears, J. (2008). Diel VOC emissions from a beef cattle feedyard. 3719-3728. Parker, D. B., Caraway, E., Rhoades, M., Donnell, C., Spears, J., Cole, H. A., Todd, R. W., & Casey, K. D. (2008). Effect of wind tunnel air velocity on VOC flux rates from CAFO manure and wastewater. 2417-2442. Perschbacher-Buser, Z. L., Parker, D. B., Casey, K., Green, G., Caraway, E., & Rhoades, M. B. (2007). Quantification of ambient p-cresol concentrations downwind of beef cattle feedyards Parker, D. B., Buser, Z., Caraway, E., Rhoades, M., Olsen, M., Casey, K., Spears, J., & Green, G. (2007). VOC concentrations downwind of beef feedlots during intense odour events Pescatore, A. J., Miller, M. G., Casey, K. D., Gates, R. S., & Overhults, D. G. (2006). Poultry grower education program on current and future issues effecting the poultry industry. Poultry Science. 46-47. King, W. D., Pescatore, A. J., Singh, A., Gates, R. S., Casey, K. D., Ford, M. J., & Cantor, A. H. (2006). The use of an urease inhibitor to control ammonia release from layer manure. Poultry Science. 80-80. King, W. D., Pescatore, A. J., Singh, A., Gates, R. S., Casey, K. D., Ford, M. J., & Cantor, A. H. (2006). The use of a urease inhibitor on broiler litter. Poultry Science. 117-117. Liang, Y., Xin, H., Wheeler, E. F., Gates, R. S., Li, H., Zajaczkowski, J. S., ... Zajaczkowski, F. J. (2004). Ammonia emission for US poultry houses: Laying hens. 5299-5317. Casey, K. D., Gates, R. S., Wheeler, E. F., Xin, H., Zajaczkowski, J. L., Topper, P. A., & Liang, Y. (2004). Ammonia emissions from kentucky broiler houses during winter, spring and summer. Annual meeting & exhibition proceedings CD-ROM Air & Waste Management Association. Meeting. 2095-2102. FOSTER, M. P., LEMIN, C. D., & CASEY, K. D. (1990). ESTIMATING THE COST OF CHANGES TO ENVIRONMENTS IN PIG GROWER SHEDS. 403-406. LEMIN, C. D., CASEY, K. D., & FOSTER, M. P. (1990). MONITORING PIG HOUSING ENVIRONMENTS. 398-402.
principal investigator on Future Challenges in Animal Production Systems: Seeking Solutions through Focused Facilitation awarded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2019 - 2023 Measuring and Mitigating Aerial Pollutant Emissions from Confined Animal Feeding Operations on the Texas High Plains awarded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2018 - 2023
education and training Ph.D. in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky - (Lexington, Kentucky, United States) 2005 M.S. in Agricultural Engineering, Clemson University - (Clemson, South Carolina, United States) 1992 B.E. in Agricultural Engineering, University of Southern Queensland - (Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia) 1981
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