selected publications academicarticle Zheng, Q. i. (2024). What are we missing in teaching the Luria-Delbrck experiment?. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. Zheng, Q. i. (2023). Methods for two nonstandard problems arising from the Luria-Delbrck experiment. Genetica. 151(6), 369-373. Park, S., Kum, H., Zheng, Q. i., & Lawley, M. A. (2023). Real-World Adherence and Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring Among Medicaid Patients With Diabetes: Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 25, e45033-e45033. Zheng, Q. i. (2022). A Fresh Approach to a Special Type of the Luria-Delbruck Distribution. 11(12), 730-730. Park, S., Kum, H., Morrisey, M. A., Zheng, Q. i., & Lawley, M. A. (2022). Correction: Adherence to Telemonitoring Therapy for Medicaid Patients With Hypertension: Case Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 24(6), e39666-e39666. Zheng, Q. i. (2022). Estimation of Rates of Non-neutral Mutations When Bacteria are Exposed to Subinhibitory Levels of Antibiotics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 84(11), 131. Zheng, Q. i. (2021). webSalvador: a Web Tool for the Luria-Delbrk Experiment. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 10(20), e00314-e00321. Park, S., Kum, H., Morrisey, M. A., Zheng, Q. i., & Lawley, M. A. (2021). Adherence to Telemonitoring Therapy for Medicaid Patients With Hypertension: Case Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 23(9), e29018-e29018. Zheng, Q. i. (2021). New approaches to mutation rate fold change in Luria-Delbrck fluctuation experiments. Mathematical Biosciences. 335, 108572-108572. Schmit, C., Giannouchos, T., Ramezani, M., Zheng, Q. i., Morrisey, M. A., & Kum, H. (2021). US Privacy Laws Go Against Public Preferences and Impede Public Health and Research: Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 23(7), e25266-e25266. Shortz, A. E., Mehta, R. K., Peres, S. C., Benden, M. E., & Zheng, Q. i. (2019). Development of the Fatigue Risk Assessment and Management in High-Risk Environments (FRAME) Survey: A Participatory Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(4), 522-522. Gorman, D. M., Ponicki, W. R., Zheng, Q. i., Han, D., Gruenewald, P. J., & Gaidus, A. J. (2018). Violent crime redistribution in a city following a substantial increase in the number of off-sale alcohol outlets: A Bayesian analysis. Drug and Alcohol Review. 37(3), 348-355. Pickens, A. W., Robertson, L. D., Smith, M. L., Zheng, Q. i., & Song, S. (2018). Headphone Evaluation for App-Based Automated Mobile Hearing Screening. International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology. 22(4), 358-363. Marsalia, A. C., Ferris, T. K., Benden, M. E., & Zheng, Q. i. (2016). Evaluation of Vibrotactile Warning Systems for Supporting Hazard Awareness and Safety of Distracted Pedestrians. IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors. 4(4), 222-235. Vuong, A. M., Shinde, M. U., Brender, J. D., Shipp, E. M., Huber, J. C., Zheng, Q. i., ... National Birth Defects Prevention Study. (2015). Nitrosatable Drug Exposure during Pregnancy and Preterm and Small-for-Gestational-Age Births. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 29(1), 60-71. Shinde, M. U., Vuong, A. M., Brender, J. D., Werler, M. M., Kelley, K. E., Huber, J. C., ... National Birth Defects Prevention Study. (2013). Prenatal exposure to nitrosatable drugs, vitamin C, and risk of selected birth defects. 97(8), 515-531. Huber, J. C., Brender, J. D., Zheng, Q. i., Sharkey, J. R., Vuong, A. M., Shinde, M. U., ... National Birth Defects Prevention Study. (2013). Maternal dietary intake of nitrates, nitrites and nitrosamines and selected birth defects in offspring: a case-control study. Nutrition Journal. 12(1), 34. Miller, K., Benden, M., Pickens, A., Shipp, E., & Zheng, Q. i. (2012). Ergonomics principles associated with laparoscopic surgeon injury/illness. 54(6), 1087-1092. Brender, J. D., Werler, M. M., Kelley, K. E., Vuong, A. M., Shinde, M. U., Zheng, Q. i., ... The National Birth Defects Prevention Study. (2011). Nitrosatable drug exposure during early pregnancy and neural tube defects in offspring: National Birth Defects Prevention Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 174(11), 1286-1295. Zheng, Q. i. (2011). A Bayesian approach for correcting for partial plating in fluctuation experiments. 93(5), 351-356. Zheng, Q. i. (2011). A Bayesian two-level model for fluctuation assay. Genetica. 139(11-12), 1409-1416. Zheng, Q. i. (2010). A new discrete distribution induced by the Luria-Delbruck mutation model. Statistics: a journal of theoretical and applied statistics. 44(5), 529-540. Zheng, Q. i. (2009). On a logical difficulty in the directed mutation debate. 91(1), 5-7. Zheng, Q. i. (2009). Letter to the Editor. Journal of Applied Probability. 46(4), 1221-1224. Zheng, Q. i. (2009). Remarks on the asymptotics of the Luria-Delbruck and related distributions. Journal of Applied Probability. 46(4), 1221-1224. Zheng, Q. i. (2008). A note on plating efficiency in fluctuation experiments. Mathematical Biosciences. 216(2), 150-153. Zheng, Q. i. (2008). On Bartlett's formulation of the Luria-Delbrck mutation model. Mathematical Biosciences. 215(1), 48-54. Singh, P., Camazine, B., Jadhav, Y., Gupta, R., Mukhopadhyay, P., Khan, A., ... Erickson, R. A. (2007). Endoscopic ultrasound as a first test for diagnosis and staging of lung cancer: a prospective study. 175(4), 345-354. Zheng, Q. i. (2007). On Haldane's formulation of Luria and Delbrck's mutation model. Mathematical Biosciences. 209(2), 500-513. Zheng, Q. i. (2005). Update on estimation of mutation rates using data from fluctuation experiments. Genetics. 171(2), 861-864. Zheng, Q. i. (2005). New algorithms for Luria-Delbrck fluctuation analysis. Mathematical Biosciences. 196(2), 198-214. Zheng, Q. i. (2003). Mathematical issues arising from the directed mutation controversy. Genetics. 164(1), 373-379. Zheng, Q. i. (2002). Computing Relations between Moments and Cumulants. Computational Statistics. 17(4), 507-515. Zheng, Q. i. (2002). Statistical and algorithmic methods for fluctuation analysis with SALVADOR as an implementation. Mathematical Biosciences. 176(2), 237-252. Kodell, R. L., Young, J. F., Delongchamp, R. R., Turturro, A., Chen, J. J., Gaylor, D. W., Howard, P. C., & Zheng, Q. (2001). A mechanistic approach to modelling the risk of liver tumours in mice exposed to fumonisin B1 in the diet. Food Additives and Contaminants. 18(3), 237-253. Zheng, Q. (2001). On the dispersion index of a Markovian molecular clock. Mathematical Biosciences. 172(2), 115-128. LaBorde, J. B., Wall, K. S., Bolon, B., Kumpe, T. S., Patton, R., Zheng, Q., Kodell, R., & Young, J. F. (1999). Haematology and serum chemistry parameters of the pregnant rat. Laboratory Animals. 33(3), 275-287. Zheng, Q. (1999). Progress of a half century in the study of the Luria-Delbrck distribution. Mathematical Biosciences. 162(1-2), 1-32. Zheng, Q. i. (1999). Solution to the hazard function of some two-stage carcinogenesis models when normal cell growth is piecewise linear. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 28(8), 1921-1929. Zheng, Q. (1998). To use or not to use? Backward equations in stochastic carcinogenesis models. Biometrics. 54(1), 384-388. Zheng, Q. (1998). A stochastic two-phase growth model. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 60(1), 151-161. Zheng, Q. (1998). Computer algebra is indispensable in some problems of mathematical biology. Mathematical Biosciences. 151(2), 219-227. Zheng, Q. (1998). Note on the non-homogeneous Prendiville process. Mathematical Biosciences. 148(1), 1-5. Zheng, Q. i. (1998). On a trinity role of the survival and hazard functions of the two-stage carcinogenesis models. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. 27(1), 137-145. Zheng, Q. (1997). Remarks on a model of labeling indices. Carcinogenesis. 18(12), 2461-2462. Zheng, Q. (1997). A unified approach to a class of stochastic carcinogenesis models. Risk Analysis. 17(5), 617-624. Gaylor, D. W., & Zheng, Q. (1997). A note on the relationship between lifetime tumor risk and expected time to tumor. Risk Analysis. 17(1), 5-7. Zheng, O., Lutz, W. K., & Gaylor, D. W. (1997). A carcinogenesis model describing mutational events at the DNA adduct level. Mathematical Biosciences. 144(1), 23-44. Zheng, Q. i. (1997). On a BirthandDeath Process Induced Distribution. Biometrical Journal. 39(6), 699-705. Gaylor, D. W., & Zheng, Q. (1996). Risk assessment of nongenotoxic carcinogens based upon cell proliferation/death rates in rodents. 16(2), 221-225. Zheng, Q. (1995). On the MVK stochastic carcinogenesis model with Erlang distributed cell life lengths. Risk Analysis. 15(4), 495-502. Zheng, Q. i. (1995). A note on an approximation to neyman type a distributions. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. 24(4), 889-895. Matis, J. H., Zheng, Q., & Kiffe, T. R. (1995). Describing the spread of biological populations using stochastic compartmental models with births. Mathematical Biosciences. 126(2), 215-247. Zheng, Q. (1995). On a compartmental analysis result. Mathematical Biosciences. 130(2), 203-206. Zheng, Q. (1994). On the exact hazard and survival functions of the MVK stochastic carcinogenesis model. Risk Analysis. 14(6), 1081-1084. ZHENG, Q., & MATIS, J. H. (1994). CORRELATION-COEFFICIENT REVISITED. American Statistician. 48(3), 240-241. Zheng, Q. i., & Matis, J. H. (1994). Correlation Coefficient Revisited. American Statistician. 48(3), 240-241. ZHENG, Q., & MATIS, J. H. (1993). APPROXIMATING DISCRETE MULTIVARIATE DISTRIBUTIONS FROM KNOWN MOMENTS. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 22(12), 3553-3567. ZHENG, Q., & MATIS, J. H. (1993). SOME APPLICATIONS, PROPERTIES AND CONJECTURES FOR HIGHER-ORDER CUMULANTS OF A MARKOVIAN STEPPING-STONE MODEL. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 22(12), 3305-3319. Hutchison, R. W., Govathoti, D. A., Fehlis, K., Zheng, Q. i., Cottrell, J. H., Franklin, N., & Montgomery, G. M. Improving severe sepsis outcomes: cost and time to first antibiotic dose. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 30(5), 277-282. Brender, J. D., Weyer, P. J., Romitti, P. A., Mohanty, B. P., Shinde, M. U., Vuong, A. M., ... National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Prenatal nitrate intake from drinking water and selected birth defects in offspring of participants in the national birth defects prevention study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 121(9), 1083-1089. conference paper Shinde, M., Vuong, A., Brender, J., Werler, M., Kelley, K., Huber, J. J., ... Malik, S. (2012). PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO NITROSATABLE DRUGS, VITAMIN C, AND RISK OF SELECTED BIRTH DEFECTS. American Journal of Epidemiology. S57-S57. Huber, J. J., Zheng, Q., Sharkey, J., Brender, J., Vuong, A., Shinde, M., ... Malik, S. (2011). DIETARY NITRATES, NITRITES AND NITROSATABLE COMPOUNDS AND NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS, ORAL CLEFTS AND LIMB DEFICIENCIES. American Journal of Epidemiology. S297-S297. Brender, J., Werler, M., Kelley, K., Vuong, A., Shinde, M., Huber, J., ... Malik, S. (2011). NITROSATABLE DRUGS, DIETARY NITRITES, AND NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS. American Journal of Epidemiology. S210-S210. Turner, N. D., Popovic, N., Taddeo, S. S., Sanders, L. M., Paulhill, K. J., Mann, J. C., ... Lupton, J. R. (2003). High energy LET radiation as a risk modifier in colon carcinogenesis. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 1334S-1334S. institutional repository document Park, S., Kum, H., Zheng, Q. i., & Lawley, M. A. (2022). Real-World Adherence and Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring Among Medicaid Patients With Diabetes: Retrospective Cohort Study (Preprint) Park, S., Kum, H., Morrisey, M. A., Zheng, Q. i., & Lawley, M. A. (2022). Correction: Adherence to Telemonitoring Therapy for Medicaid Patients With Hypertension: Case Study (Preprint) Park, S., Kum, H., Morrisey, M. A., Zheng, Q. i., & Lawley, M. A. (2021). Adherence to Telemonitoring Therapy for Medicaid Patients With Hypertension: Case Study (Preprint) Schmit, C., Giannouchos, T., Ramezani, M., Zheng, Q. i., Morrisey, M. A., & Kum, H. (2020). US Privacy Laws Go Against Public Preferences and Impede Public Health and Research: Survey Study (Preprint) webpage Zheng, Q. i. (2023). Bacteria can develop resistance to drugs they havent encountered before scientists figured this out decades ago in a classic experiment
teaching activities PHEB602 Biostatistics I Instructor PHEB603 Biostatistics Ii Instructor PHEB606 Survival Analysis Instructor PHEB609 Categorical Data Analysis Instructor PHEB614 Analysis Of Lngtdnl Multi Data Instructor PHEB685 Directed Studies Instructor PHEB686 Directed Research Instructor PHEB689 Sptp:r Programming Instructor PHEB691 Research Instructor PHEB791 Doctoral Capstone Instructor PHLT315 Pub Hlth Data Mgt Assmnt Ii Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Statistics, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1993 B.A. in Mathematics, Zhejiang University - (Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China) 1982
mailing address Texas A&M Health Science Center Epidemiology & Biostatistics 1266 TAMUS College Station, TX 77843-1266 USA
In the News Texas A&M professor developing new web tool to fight against antibacterial resistance News Release Texas A&M researcher develops software tool to help bacteria mutation research News Release webSalvador: New tool simplifies analysis for mutation rates in bacteria News Release