selected publications academicarticle Khuimphukhieo, I., Marconi, T., Enciso, J., & da Silva, J. A. (2023). The use of UAS-based high throughput phenotyping (HTP) to assess sugarcane yield. 11, 100501-100501. Chavez, J. C., Ganjegunte, G. K., Jeong, J., Rajan, N., Zapata, S. D., Ruiz-Alvarez, O., & Enciso, J. (2022). Radiation Use Efficiency and Agronomic Performance of Biomass Sorghum under Different Sowing Dates. Agronomy. 12(6), 1252-1252. Pokhrel, P., Rajan, N., Jifon, J., Rooney, W., Jessup, R., da Silva, J., Enciso, J., & Attia, A. (2022). Evaluation of the DSSAT-CANEGRO model for simulating the growth of energy cane (Saccharum spp.), a biofuel feedstock crop. 62(1), 466-478. Chaganti, V. N., Ganjegunte, G., Niu, G., Ulery, A., Enciso, J. M., Flynn, R., Meki, N., & Kiniry, J. R. (2021). Yield response of canola as a biofuel feedstock and soil quality changes under treated urban wastewater irrigation and soil amendment application. Industrial Crops and Products. 170, 113659-113659. Beauvais, W., Englishbey, A. K., Marconi, C. M., Cholula, U., Belias, A. M., Wemette, M., ... Ivanek, R. (2021). The effectiveness of treating irrigation water using ultraviolet radiation or sulphuric acid fertilizer for reducing generic Escherichia coli on fresh produce-a controlled intervention trial. 131(3), 1360-1377. Jimenez-Jimenez, S. I., Ojeda-Bustamante, W., Marcial-Pablo, M., & Enciso, J. (2021). Digital Terrain Models Generated with Low-Cost UAV Photogrammetry: Methodology and Accuracy. 10(5), 285-285. Chaganti, V. N., Ganjegunte, G., Somenahally, A., Hargrove, W. L., Ulery, A., Enciso, J. M., & Flynn, R. (2021). Response of soil organic carbon and soil health indicators to treated wastewater irrigation in bioenergy sorghum production on an arid soil. Land Degradation and Development. 32(6), 2197-2209. Chang, A., Jung, J., Yeom, J., Maeda, M. M., Landivar, J. A., Enciso, J. M., Avila, C. A., & Anciso, J. R. (2021). Unmanned Aircraft System- (UAS-) Based High-Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) for Tomato Yield Estimation. Journal of Sensors. 2021, 1-14. Lee, J., Jayaprakasha, G. K., Enciso, J., Avila, C. A., Crosby, K. M., & Patil, B. S. (2021). Production system influences tomato phenolics and indoleamines in a cultivar-specific manner. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 140, 110016-110016. Simpson, C. R., Gonzales, J., Enciso, J., Nelson, S. D., & Setamou, M. (2020). Root distribution and seasonal fluctuations under different grove floor management systems in citrus. Scientia Horticulturae. 272, 109364-109364. Kandel, D. R., Marconi, T. G., Badillo-Vargas, I. E., Enciso, J., Zapata, S. D., Lazcano, C. A., Crosby, K., & Avila, C. A. (2020). Yield and fruit quality of high-tunnel tomato cultivars produced during the off-season in South Texas. Scientia Horticulturae. 272, 109582-109582. Pokhrel, P., Rajan, N., Jifon, J., Rooney, W., Jessup, R., da Silva, J., Enciso, J., & Attia, A. (2020). Agronomic performance of the lignocellulosic feedstock crop energy cane in the Texas Rolling Plains. 112(5), 3816-3831. Cholula, U., da Silva, J. A., Marconi, T., Thomasson, J. A., Solorzano, J., & Enciso, J. (2020). Forecasting Yield and Lignocellulosic Composition of Energy Cane Using Unmanned Aerial Systems. Agronomy. 10(5), 718-718. Chaganti, V. N., Ganjegunte, G., Niu, G., Ulery, A., Flynn, R., Enciso, J. M., Meki, M. N., & Kiniry, J. R. (2020). Effects of treated urban wastewater irrigation on bioenergy sorghum and soil quality. Agricultural Water Management. 228, 105894-105894. Garza, B. N., Ancona, V., Enciso, J., Perotto-Baldivieso, H. L., Kunta, M., & Simpson, C. (2020). Quantifying Citrus Tree Health Using True Color UAV Images. Remote Sensing. 12(1), 170-170. Awika, H. O., Bedre, R., Yeom, J., Marconi, T. G., Enciso, J., Mandadi, K. K., Jung, J., & Avila, C. A. (2019). Developing Growth-Associated Molecular Markers Via High-Throughput Phenotyping in Spinach. Plant Genome. 12(3), 1-19. Chavez, J. C., Enciso, J., Ganjegunte, G., Rajan, N., Jifon, J., & Singh, V. P. (2019). GROWTH RESPONSE AND PRODUCTIVITY OF SORGHUM FOR BIOENERGY PRODUCTION IN SOUTH TEXAS. Transactions of the ASABE. 62(5), 1207-1218. Enciso, J., Avila, C. A., Jung, J., Elsayed-Farag, S., Chang, A., Yeom, J., ... Chavez, J. C. (2019). Validation of agronomic UAV and field measurements for tomato varieties. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 158, 278-283. Enciso, J., Chavez, J. C., Ganjegunte, G., & Zapata, S. D. (2019). Energy Sorghum Production under Arid and Semi-Arid Environments of Texas. Water (Switzerland). 11(7), 1344-1344. Chavez, J. C., Enciso, J., Meki, M. N., Jeong, J., & Singh, V. P. (2018). SIMULATION OF ENERGY SORGHUM UNDER LIMITED IRRIGATION LEVELS USING THE EPIC MODEL. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(1), 121-131. Enciso, J., Jung, J., Chang, A., Chavez, J. C., Yeom, J., Landivar, J., & Cavazos, G. (2018). Assessing land leveling needs and performance with unmanned aerial system. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 12(1), 016001-016001. Enciso, J., Maeda, M., Landivar, J., Jung, J., & Chang, A. (2017). A ground based platform for high throughput phenotyping. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 141, 286-291. Kusakabe, A., Contreras-Barragan, B. A., Simpson, C. R., Enciso, J. M., Nelson, S. D., & Melgar, J. C. (2016). Application of partial rootzone drying to improve irrigation water use efficiency in grapefruit trees. Agricultural Water Management. 178, 66-75. Enciso, J., Jifon, J., Ribera, L., Zapata, S. D., & Ganjegunte, G. K. (2015). Yield, water use efficiency and economic analysis of energy sorghum in South Texas. Biomass and Bioenergy. 81, 339-344. Enciso, J., Jifon, J., Anciso, J., & Ribera, L. (2015). Productivity of Onions Using Subsurface Drip Irrigation versus Furrow Irrigation Systems with an Internet Based Irrigation Scheduling Program. International Journal of Agronomy. 2015, 1-6. Enciso, J., Wiedenfeld, B., Jifon, J., & Nelson, S. (2009). Onion yield and quality response to two irrigation scheduling strategies. Scientia Horticulturae. 120(3), 301-305. Silva, M., Goncalves da Silva, J. A., Enciso, J., Sharma, V., & Jifon, J. (2008). YIELD COMPONENTS AS INDICATORS OF DROUGHT TOLERANCE OF SUGARCANE. Scientia Agricola. 65(6), 620-627. Wiedenfeld, B., & Enciso, J. (2008). Sugarcane responses to irrigation and nitrogen in semiarid South Texas. 100(3), 665-671. Enciso, J., Jifon, J., & Wiedenfeld, B. (2007). Subsurface drip irrigation of onions: Effects of drip tape emitter spacing on yield and quality. Agricultural Water Management. 92(3), 126-130. Assadian, N. W., Di Giovanni, G. D., Enciso, J., Iglesias, J., & Lindemann, W. (2005). The transport of waterborne solutes and bacteriophage in soil subirrigated with a wastewater blend. 111(1-4), 279-291. Enciso, J., & Wiedenfeld, B. (2005). Irrigation guidelines based on historical weather data in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Agricultural Water Management. 76(1), 1-7. Yadav, P. K., Thomasson, J. A., Hardin, R., Searcy, S. W., Braga-Neto, U., Popescu, S. C., ... Wang, T. Detecting volunteer cotton plants in a corn field with deep learning on UAV remote-sensing imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 204, 107551-107551. conference paper Bhandari, M., Marconi, T., Chang, A., Enciso, J., & Landivar, J. (2020). Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-Based Yield Prediction in Tomato. Hortscience. S18-S19. Awika, H. O., Solorzano, J., Rivera, U. C., Laredo, A., Enciso, J., & Avila, C. (2020). Using RGB and Multispectral Sensors to Assess Growth Rate and Water-Use Efficiency in Spinach. Hortscience. S249-S250. Marconi, T. G., Oh, S., Ashapure, A., Chang, A., Jung, J., Landivar, J., & Enciso, J. (2019). Application of Unmanned Aerial System for Management of Tomato Cropping System. Proceedings of SPIE. 1100812-1100812-9. Yadav, P. K., Thomasson, J. A., Enciso, J., Samanta, S., & Shrestha, A. (2019). Assessment of Different Image Enhancement and Classification Techniques in Detection of Volunteer Cotton Using UAV Remote Sensing. Proceedings of SPIE. 110080m-110080m-14. Ashapure, A., Oh, S., Marconi, T. G., Chang, A., Jung, J., Landivar, J., & Enciso, J. (2019). Unmanned Aerial System Based Tomato Yield Estimation Using Machine Learning. Proceedings of SPIE. 110080o-110080o-10. Thomas, G., Enciso, J., Ancona, V., Setamou, M., & Simpson, C. (2019). Comparing Root Distribution in Two Orange Groves with Different Floor Management and Irrigation Practices. Hortscience. S241-S242. Awika, H., Marconi, T., Enciso, J., Jung, J., & Avila, C. (2018). Development of Molecular Markers Associated to Spinach Growth Parameters. Hortscience. S93-S93. Avila, C. A., Marconi, T., Enciso, J., Badillo, I., & Crosby, K. (2018). Extending Tomato Production Season in South Texas Using Protected Structures. Hortscience. S294-S294. Garza, B. N., Ancona, V., Enciso, J., Perotto, H., & Simpson, C. (2018). Quantifying Citrus Tree Health & Disease Progression Using True Color UAS Images. Hortscience. S245-S246. Avila, C. A., Enciso, J., Jung, J., Kurpis, J. K., & Marconi, T. (2017). Development of a High Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) System for Spinach Breeding. Hortscience. S188-S189. Avila, C., Enciso, J., Badillo, I., Zapata, S., & Marconi, T. (2017). Evaluation of Tomato Nethouse Production in South Texas. Hortscience. S438-S439. Fuentes, C., Enciso, J., Nelson, S., Anciso, J., & Setamou, M. (2015). Irrigation Scheduling: A Water Balance Approach to Improve Water Efficiency for South Texas Horticultural Crops. Hortscience. S385-S385. Fuentes, C., Enciso, J., Nelson, S. D., Lopez, R., Ribera, L., & Anciso, J. R. (2014). Comparing Water Use Efficiency in South Texas Furrow and Drip Irrigated Cabbage. Hortscience. S266-S266. Contreras-Barragan, B. A., Kusakabe, A., Melgar, J. C., Nelson, S. D., & Enciso, J. (2014). Partial Rootzone Drying as a Water Conservation Strategy for Tropical Citrus Production. Hortscience. S76-S76. Nelson, S. D., Enciso, J., Perea, H., Beniken, L., Setamou, M., Young, M., & Williams, C. F. (2013). Alternative Flood Irrigation Strategies That Improve Water Conservation in Citrus Production. Hortscience. S32-S33. Nelson, S. D., Young, M., & Enciso, J. (2011). Relating On-Farm Level Irrigation Water Use to 'Rio Red' Grapefruit Pack-Out. Hortscience. S139-S139. Jifon, J. L., Leskovar, D. I., Crosby, K. M., & Enciso, J. (2011). Stand Establishment and Water Productivity of Grafted Watermelons: Effects of Planting Density and Deficit Irrigation. Hortscience. S61-S61. Jifon, J. L., Enciso, J., & Wiedenfeld, B. (2007). Effects of deficit irrigation on water use efficiency and fruit quality of drip-irrigated muskmelon. Hortscience. 459-459. Jifon, J., Enciso, J., & Wiedenfeld, B. (2007). Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on water use efficiency of drip-irrigated muskmelon. Hortscience. 964-964. Yadav, P. K., Thomasson, J. A., Hardin, R. G., Searcy, S. W., Braga-Neto, U., Popescu, S. C., ... Wang, T. Volunteer Cotton Plant Detection In Corn Field With Deep Learning. Proceedings of SPIE. 1211403-1211403-8.