publisher of
- From Interest to Entry: The Teacher Pipeline From College Application to Initial Employment. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 2023
- Evaluating Achievement Gaps Between Monolingual and Multilingual Students. Educational Researcher. 50:429-441. 2021
- Examining Clinical Teaching Observation Scores as a Measure of Preservice Teacher Quality. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 58:887-920. 2021
- Flexible or Rigid? Exploring Preservice Teachers' Classroom Preferences. Educational Researcher. 50:463-473. 2021
- Reporting Practice in Multilevel Modeling: A Revisit After 10 Years. Review of Educational Research. 91:311-355. 2021
- Simple View of Reading in Chinese: A One-Stage Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling. Review of Educational Research. 91:3-33. 2021
- Teachers' Voices: Perceptions of Effective Professional Development and Classwide Implementation of Self-Regulated Strategy Development in Writing. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 56:753-791. 2019
- Match or Mismatch? Automatic Admissions and College Preferences of Low- and High-Income Students 2019
- Relationships Between Instructional Quality and Classroom Management for Beginning Urban Teachers. Educational Researcher. 46:355-365. 2017
- Efficacy Versus Equity: What Happens When States Tinker With College Admissions in a Race-Blind Era?. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 38:336-363. 2016
- Grade-School Children's Social Collaborative Skills Links With Partner Preference and Achievement. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 51:152-183. 2014
- Learning to Think Critically. Educational Researcher. 43:37-44. 2014
- Determining Predictor Importance in Hierarchical Linear Models Using Dominance Analysis. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 38:3-31. 2013
- Coleman Revisited. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 48:508-535. 2011
- Patching the Pipeline: Reducing Educational Disparities in the Sciences Through Minority Training Programs.. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 33:95-114. 2011
- Influence of a Teachers Scaffolding Moves During Child-Led Small-Group Discussions. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 48:194-230. 2011
- Research in the Midst of Organized School Reform: Versions of Teacher Community in Tension. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 46:598-619. 2009
- The Contested Classroom Space: A Decade of Lived Educational Policy in Texas Schools. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 46:1034-1059. 2009
- Reporting Practices in Quantitative Teacher Education Research: One Look at the Evidence Cited in the AERA Panel Report. Educational Researcher. 37:208-216. 2008
- When Counter Narratives Meet Master Narratives in the Journal Editorial-Review Process. Educational Researcher. 36:14-24. 2007
- Coloring the academic landscape: Faculty of color breaking the silence in predominantly White colleges and universities. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 43:701-736. 2006
- Why is dissemination so difficult? The nature of teacher knowledge and the spread of curriculum reform. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 43:257-293. 2006
- Organizational culture and its impact on African American teachers. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 37:849-876. 2000
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- Letters: Let Whoever Is Without Dogma Cast the First Stone. Educational Researcher. 18:22-22. 1989
- Teachers and School Childrens Stereotypic Perception of The Child of Divorce. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 25:555-571. 1988
- The Place of Values in Needs Assessment. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 4:311-320. 1982
- The Distinction Between Merit and Worth in Evaluation. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 2:61-71. 1980
- Accelerating Early Academic Oral English Development in Transitional Bilingual and Structured English Immersion Programs. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 45:1011-1044.
- An Investigation of the Relationship Between Retention in First Grade and Performance on High Stakes Tests in 3 Grade.. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 32:166-182.
- Clinical Teaching Learning Trajectory: Exploring Field Supervisor Written Feedback on Clinical Teacher Pedagogy. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ).
- Disrupting Three Prominent Racialized Trauma Tropes. Educational Researcher. 52:238-243.
- Effect of Retention in First Grade on Parents' Educational Expectations and Children's Academic Outcomes.. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 50:1336-1359.
- Effects of Extracurricular Participation During Middle School on Academic Motivation and Achievement at Grade 9.. The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ). 53:1343-1375.
- On the Neuroscience of Self-Regulation in Children With Disruptive Behavior Problems: Implications for Education. Review of Educational Research. 86:1085-1110.
- Seeing Race in the Research on Youth Trauma and Education: A Critical Review. Review of Educational Research. 90:583-626.
- Standardized Mean Differences in Two-Level Cross-Classified Random Effects Models. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 39:282-302.
- The Consequences of Ignoring Individuals' Mobility in Multilevel Growth Models: A Monte Carlo Study. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 37:31-56.
- The Politics of Publishing: A National Conversation With Scholars Who Use Their Research About Black Women to Address Intersectionality. Educational Researcher. 50:115-126.
- Toward an Understanding of Intersectionality Methodology: A 30-Year Literature Synthesis of Black Women's Experiences in Higher Education. Review of Educational Research. 90:751-787.
- Why Do You Want to Be a Teacher? A Natural Language Processing Approach. Educational Researcher.
- Exploring a Teacher Residency as a Recruitment and Retention Strategy for High-Need Districts 2023
- The Impact of Training Design in Mediating the Relationship of Participants' Motivation and Work Environment (Poster 20) 2022
- The Impact of Training Design in Mediating the Relationship of Participants' Motivation and Work Environment (Poster 20) 2022
- Virtual Professional Leadership Learning Communities for Building School Leaders' Instructional Capacity 2022
- Critical Race Theory and Education History: Constructing a Race-Centered History of School Desegregation 2021
- Developing School Leaders' Instructional Leadership Through Reflection 2021
- A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyzing Single-Case Data Using Multilevel Modeling 2019
- Benefits of Problem-Posing Activities With Elementary Students and Preservice Teachers 2019
- Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Design Using Multilevel Modeling: Modeling Between-Outcomes Variation in Autocorrelation 2019
- Collective Efficacy and Trust: The Importance of Teachers' Perceptions and School Improvement (Poster 31)
- Neural and Behavioral Effects of Working Memory Training in Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial