United States Air Force - (Arlington, Virginia, United States)
awards grant
(MURI 09) Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling of Functionally Graded Multifunctional Hybrid Composites for Extreme Environments
A Holistic Approach to Networked Information Systems Design and Analysis-
A Self-Assemblying Protein Hydrogel Technology for Enzyme Incorporation onto Electrodes in Biofuel Cells
Actuation-Induced Failure of High Temperature Shape-Memory Alloys
Additive Manufacturing of High Strength Steels for Lightweighting and Location-Specific Fragmentation
An Integrated Approach to the Space Situational Awareness Problem
Analysis of Strongly Attack-Tolerant Clusters in Complex Networks
Aramid Nanofiber-Functionalized Graphene Electrodes for Structural Energy and Power
Boundary Layer Transition (BOLT) - Experiment and Simulation (Concave Curvature and Leading Edge Sweep Effects)
C1160: An Integrated Approach to Space Situational Awareness , dated 03 Aug 2015 and revised 28 APR 2016
Clique Relaxations in Biological and Social Network Analysis: Foundations and Algorithms
Cloud Computing Based Robust Space Situational Awareness
Collaborative Research: Exploring Nonlinear Optical Properties of Graphene from Microwave to Mid-Infraed Frequencies-
Collective Attention Threats: Models and Deterrence
Context Aware Mission Auditing System (CAMAS):-A Framework of Mission Discovery, Learning, and Adaptation Algorithms for Mission Optimization
Context-Aware Biomarker Discovery and Health Monitoring by Adaptive Integration of Heterogeneous Smartphone Signals
Crossflow Instability Receptivity to Environmental Disturbances at Hypersonic Speeds
Detail Mechanism of the Visual Process I: Understanding and Improving Scotoscopic, Long Wavelength and Motion Vision
Dynamic, Data-Driven Modeling of Nanoparticle Self Assembly Processes
Elucidating Actuation-Induced Failure Mechanisms in High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys
Entropy Viscosity and L-1 Based Approximations of Pdes: Exploiting Sparsity
Evaluation of Creep Properties of Metals at High Temperature
Extremal Field Maps for Maneuverable Satellites: Reachability Analysis for Space Situational Awareness
Go Ahead of Malware's Infections and Controls : Towards New Techniques for Proactive Cyber Defense
Go Ahead of Malware's Infections and Controls : Towards New Techniques for Proactive Cyber Defense
Go Ahead of Malware's Infections and Controls : Towards New Techniques for Proactive Cyber Defense
Hypersonic Boundary Layer Turbulance (BOLT-II) Flight Test Experiment
Leveraging Nucleated Graphitization for Super-Strong and Deformation Sensing Hybrid Nanomaterials
Microstructural Instabilities in Single Crystal Metals for Extreme Environments
Modeling, Characterization, & Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Low-Cost Martensitic Steels-
Morphological and Interfacial Effects in Aramid-Graphene Composites for Structural Energy and Power -
Multi-Field Compliant Mechanisms of Adaptive Foldable Structures
Multi-Material Bulk Deposition and Characterization System for Accelerated Materials Discovery and Design
Nano-Precipitation Hardened Novel High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys with Dimensional and Thermal Stability
Non-linear growth and breakdown toward turbulence in Hypersonic Boundary layers: Investigation of-fundamental physical mechanisms
Online Modeling of Heterogeneous Autonomy
Organic Electrodes for Structural Energy and Power
Picard Trajectory Approximation Iteration for Efficient Orbit Propagation
Quantum Approaches to Biophysical Systems, Imaging and Sensing
Relative Motion Modeling and Autonomous Navigation Accuracy
Robust Approximation of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems
Robust and Accurate Approximation of Hyperbolic Systems
SecAF 2030 S&T Study
State Constrained Adaptive Flight Control
Thermal and Mechanical Non-Equilibrium Effects on Turbulent Flows: Fundamental Studies of Energy Exchanges through Direct Numerical Simulations, Molecular Simulations and Experiments
Thermoelectric Cooling and Waste Heat Recovery Using Polymer Nanocomposites-
Turbulence Control Through Thermal Non-Equilibrium: Molecular Relaxation Models and Implications for Turbulence Modeling
USAFA: Hypersonic Turbulent Wall Heat Transfer Prediction and Validation
Unified Theory and Experimentation for Fatigue and Fracture of High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys
Virtual Backbones in Networked Systems
YIP12: Detecting, Analyzing, Modeling, and Predicting Strategic Manipulation and Adversarial Propaganda in Social Media