In partnership with the U.S. Air Force, the Texas A&M University System is hosting an Air Force Science and Technology 2030 (SecAF 2030 S&T Study) forum. Texas A&M University in College Station, the flagship institution for the System, will be the forum location. Dr. Rodney Bowersox and Dr. L. Diane Hurtado will serve as co-Principal Investigators as we create an environment conducive to encourage innovators to envision the blue-sky technologies needed by the warfighter abroad and Americans living decades from now. This proposal requests partial cost recovery associated with hosting and contributing to the success of this event and the overall SecAF S&T 2030 Study. The event will be held June 28-29, 2018, scheduled at the direction of Major General William T. Cooley, Commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory. Dr. Bowersox, Dr. Hurtado, and the Texas A&M team will work with Major General Cooley to contribute broadly to the discussion regarding the research the Air Force needs to meet its mission in 2030 and beyond. Innovators from academia, industry, and government will be guided during the forum to focus on the technical needs of the Air Force in completion of its mission and be challenged to create insights into developing real national security technical advantages for the United States. Outcomes of this forum will frame the direction needed for the Air Force to meet these challenges and be incorporated into an overall S&T 2030 report to be prepared by the Air Force. Dr. Bowersox along with Dr. Hurtado have expertise as researchers and access to an extensive network of innovators and experts. The Texas A&M University System has state-of-the-art facilities and community backing to accommodate this forum at the highest level in support of the Air Force throughout its execution of the SecAF 2030 S&T Study.