selected publications academicarticle Woodard, J. D., Chiu, L. V., Power, G., Vedenov, D., & Klose, S. (2017). Factors Affecting Changes in Managerial Decisions. Agribusiness. 33(3), 443-465. Juarez-Torres, M., Sanchez-Aragon, L., & Vedenov, D. (2017). Weather Derivatives and Water Management in Developing Countries: An Application for an Irrigation District in Central Mexico. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS. 42(2), 146-163. Vedenov, D., Alhotan, R. A., Wang, R., & Pesti, G. M. (2017). Methods for simulating nutritional requirement and response studies with all organisms to increase research efficiency. British Journal of Nutrition. 117(3), 473-477. Power, G. J., Eaves, J., Turvey, C., & Vedenov, D. (2017). Catching the curl: Wavelet thresholding improves forward curve modelling. Economic Modelling. 64(C), 312-321. Alhotan, R. A., Vedenov, D. V., & Pesti, G. M. (2017). Estimation of the maximum safe level of feed ingredients by spline or broken-line nonlinear regression models. Poultry Science. 96(4), 904-913. Liu, P., Vedenov, D., & Power, G. J. (2017). Is hedging the crack spread no longer all it's cracked up to be?. Energy Economics. 63(C), 31-40. Power, G. J., Burris, M., Vadali, S., & Vedenov, D. (2016). Valuation of strategic options in public-private partnerships. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 90(C), 50-68. Attavanich, W., McCarl, B. A., Ahmedov, Z., Fuller, S. W., & Vedenov, D. V. (2013). Effects of climate change on US grain transport. Nature Climate Change. 3(7), 638-643. Power, G. J., Vedenov, D. V., Anderson, D. P., & Klose, S. (2013). Market volatility and the dynamic hedging of multi-commodity price risk. Applied Economics. 45(27), 3891-3903. Pesti, G. M., & Vedenov, D. (2011). An economic comparison of several models fitted to nutritional response data. Journal of Animal Science. 89(10), 3344-3349. Woodard, J. D., Paulson, N. D., Vedenov, D., & Power, G. J. (2011). Impact of copula choice on the modeling of crop yield basis risk. Agricultural Economics. 42(SUPPL. 1), 101-111. Vedenov, D., & Pesti, G. M. (2010). An economic analysis of a methionine source comparison response model. Poultry Science. 89(11), 2514-2520. Power, G. J., Vedenov, D. V., & Hong, S. (2009). The impact of the average crop revenue election (ACRE) program on the effectiveness of crop insurance. Agricultural Finance Review. 69(3), 330-345. Lu, Z., & Zhu, Y. (2009). Volatility components: The term structure dynamics of VIX futures. Journal of Futures Markets. 30(3), 230-256. Pesti, G. M., Vedenov, D., Cason, J. A., & Billard, L. (2009). A comparison of methods to estimate nutritional requirements from experimental data. British Poultry Science. 50(1), 16-32. Vedenov, D., & Pesti, G. M. (2008). A comparison of methods of fitting several models to nutritional response data. Journal of Animal Science. 86(2), 500-507. Nadolnyak, D., Vedenov, D., & Novak, J. (2008). Meteorology Education and Training. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 90(5), 1248-1255. Vedenov, D., & Wetzstein, M. (2008). Toward an optimal US ethanol fuel subsidy. Energy Economics. 30(5), 2073-2090. Deng, X., Barnett, B. J., & Vedenov, D. V. (2007). Is There a Viable Market for AreaBased Crop Insurance?. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 89(2), 508-519. Deng, X., Barnett, B. J., Vedenov, D. V., & West, J. W. (2007). Hedging dairy production losses using weatherbased index insurance. Agricultural Economics. 36(2), 271-280. Zhang, Z., Vedenov, D., & Wetzstein, M. (2007). Can the U.S. ethanol industry compete in the alternative fuels market?. Agricultural Economics. 37(1), 105-112. Vedenov, D. V., Epperson, J. E., & Barnett, B. J. (2006). Designing catastrophe bonds to securitize systemic risks in agriculture: The case of Georgia cotton. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS. 31(2), 318-338. Vedenov, D. V., Duffield, J. A., & Wetzstein, M. E. (2006). Entry of alternative fuels in a volatile U.S. gasoline market. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS. 31(1), 1-13. Vedenov, D. V., Miranda, M. J., Dismukes, R., & Glauber, J. W. (2006). Portfolio allocation and alternative structures of the standard reinsurance agreement. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS. 31(1), 57-73. French, D. D., Spehar, A., Campbell, R., Chirikos, T. N., Bulat, T., Vedenov, D., & Luther, S. L. (2006). A Medication Surveillance System Model to Improve Patient Safety. Journal of Patient Safety. 2(2), 78-82. Sterling, K. G., Vedenov, D. V., Pesti, G. M., & Bakalli, R. I. (2005). Economically optimal dietary crude protein and lysine levels for starting broiler chicks. Poultry Science. 84(1), 29-36. Vedenov, D. V., & Barnett, B. J. (2004). Efficiency of weather derivatives as primary crop insurance instruments. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS. 29(3), 387-403. Vedenov, D. V., Miranda, M. J., Dismukes, R., & Glauber, J. W. (2004). Economic analysis of the standard reinsurance agreement. Agricultural Finance Review. 64(2), 119-134. Miranda, M., & Vedenov, D. V. (2001). Innovations in Agricultural and Natural Disaster Insurance. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 83(3), 650-655. Vedenov, D. V., & Miranda, M. J. (2001). Numerical solution of dynamic oligopoly games with capital investment. Economic Theory. 18(1), 237-261. conference paper Woodard, J. D., Paulson, N. D., Vedenov, D., & Power, G. J. (2010). Estimation efficiency in the modeling of dependence structures: an application of alternative copulas to insurance rating. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies. PI229-PI244.
principal investigator on Analysis of Risk Management Strategies in Multi-Commodity Setting awarded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2020 - 2025 Analysis of Risk Management Alternatives in Agricultural Production awarded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2015 - 2020 Practical Issues in Empirical Analysis of National Level Farm Risk awarded by United States Department of Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2014 - 2016
investigator on Food for Progress Monitoring and Evaluation Sustainability awarded by United States Department of Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2018 - 2022
teaching activities AGEC402 Srvy Intl Agec Stdy Abrd-franc Instructor AGEC448 Agr Commodity Futures Instructor AGEC485 Directed Studies Instructor AGEC491 Hnr-research Instructor AGEC601 Comm Futures & Options Instructor AGEC630 Fin Anly For Agbus Firms Instructor AGEC684 Professional Internship Instructor AGEC684 Professional Internship: In-ab Instructor AGEC685 Directed Studies Instructor AGEC691 Research Instructor AGEC691 Research Instructor AGEC693 Professional Study Instructor AGEC693 Professional Study Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Filonov, Vitaly (2012-10). Applications of Copulas to Analysis of Efficiency of Weather Derivatives as Primary Crop Insurance Instruments. Juarez Torres, Miriam 77- (2012-08). Copula Based Stochastic Weather Generator as an Application for Crop Growth Models and Crop Insurance. Larsen, Ryan A. (2012-10). Essays on Incorporating Risk Modeling Techniques in Agriculture. Liu, Pan (2017-04). Essays on Risk Management Modeling with Applications to Energy Markets. Sanchez Aragon, Leonardo F (2014-04). Addressing Practical Issues in Designing Weather Insurance Contracts for Risk Management Applications in Developing Countries.
education and training Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States) 2001 M.A. in Economics, The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States) 1998 M.S. in Applied Economics and Computers, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (Dolgoprudnyy, Russia) 1993 B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - (Dolgoprudnyy, Russia) 1991
mailing address Texas A&M University Agricultural Economics 2124 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2124 USA