publisher of
- A Heterogeneous, Multiscale, 2D Model for Depletion from Naturally Fractured Reservoirs With Subscale Fractures. 1-9. 2022
- Forward Modeling of Seismic-While-Drilling Data in Anisotropic Viscoelastic Media with Anisotropic Attenuation. 1-5. 2022
- Successive Full-Waveform Inversion of Surface Seismic and Seismic-While-Drilling Datasets without Low Frequencies. 1-5. 2021
- Coupled Forward Simulation of Seismicity: a Stick-Slip Model for Fractures and Transient Geomechanics. 1-21. 2020
- Geothermal Wells Crucial Problems in Cementing Applications. 1-5. 2020
- Multiscale Matrix-Fracture Transfer Functions for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using an Analytical Discrete Fracture Model. 1-18. 2020
- Reconstruction of P-Wave Velocity Model through Geostatistical Inversion of Seismic Travel Time for Offshore Site Characterization. 1-5. 2020
- Joint Least-Squares RTM of Surface Seismic and Seismic-While-Drilling Datasets. 1-5. 2019
- A Coupled XFEM-EDFM Numerical Model For Hydraulic Fracture Propagation. Conference proceedings. 2018
- Localized Linear Systems For Fully-Implicit Simulation Of Multiphase Multicomponent Flow In Porous Media. Conference proceedings. 2018
- Illumination Compensation with Seismic-While-Drilling Plus Surface Seismic Imaging. Conference proceedings. 2018
- Proxy reservoir simulation model for IOR operations. Conference proceedings. 2018
- Application Of Fiberglass Casing And Tubing In Injection Wells. Conference proceedings. 2017
- Application Of Ultrasonic Waves To Remove Near Wellbore Damage To Enhance Injectivity And/Or Productivity Of Wells. Conference proceedings. 2017
- The Impact Of Hard Data Uncertainty In Reservoirs Modelling. Conference proceedings. 2017
- Application of NMR Technology in the Evaluation of Properties of Petroleum Reservoirs. Conference proceedings. 2017
- An Efficient Fully-implicit High-resolution MFD-MUSCL Method for Two-phase Flow with Gravity in Discrete Fractured Media. Conference proceedings. 2016
- C1-PPU Schemes for Efficient Simulation of Coupled Flow and Transport with Gravity. Conference proceedings. 2016
- Damping of Newton Iterations Using Automatic Error-control Step-length Selection. Conference proceedings. 2016
- Localized Computation of Newton Updates for General Fully-implicit Reservoir Simulation. Conference proceedings. 2016
- XFEM-EDFM-MINC for Coupled Geomechanics and Flow in Fractured Reservoirs. Conference proceedings. 2016
- A Study of Acoustic Wave Propagation inside Cemented Production Tubings 2014
- The Impact of Porosity Uncertainty in Reservoir Modeling Using Multiple-Point Geostatistics 2013
- How Fast Is Your Newton-Like Nonlinear Solver?. Conference proceedings. 2012
- Asphaltene Flocculation Inhibition with Ultrasonic Wave Radiation. Conference proceedings. 3929-3932. 2012
- The Effects of Ultra-high Pressure and Temperature on the Rheological Properties of Water-based Drilling Fluids. Conference proceedings. 3101-3105. 2012
- A Mathematical and Experimental Analysis of Role of Ultrasonic Wave Radiation on Relative Permeabilties in Gravity Drain. Conference proceedings. 5104-5108. 2011
- Effect of Low Elastic Wave Radiation on Fluid Percolation Through Fractured Media. Conference proceedings. 4415-4419. 2011
- Modeling the Kinetics of Asphaltene Flocculation in a Toluene-Heptane Mixture for the Case of Sonicated Crude Oils. Conference proceedings. 3295-3299. 2011
- The Comparison of Effects of Immiscible Injection of Natural/Nitrogen Gases on Asphaltene Precipitation Process. Conference proceedings. 2009
- Underbalanced Drilling in Depleted Formation Achieves Great Success: A Case Study. Conference proceedings. 2009
- Effect of Gravity on Squeeze Treatment. 93-102. 2009
- Investigating the Effect of Solvent to Oil Volume Ratio on Asphaltene Deposition. 732-742. 2009
- Sensitivity Analysis to Investigate Possibility of Steam Injection in an Iranian Carbonate Heavy Oil Field. 743-759. 2009
- The Comparison of Effects of Injection of Natural/Nitrogen Gases on Asphaltene Precipitation Process. 103-115. 2009
- Adaptively-localized-continuation-Newton; Reservoir Simulation Nonlinear Solvers that Converge All the Time. Conference proceedings. 2008
- Determining the effective viscosity of a shear-induced state (SIS) surfactant, C16TMASal, during injection into a porous medium 2008
- Feasibility study of steam injection in one of Iranian naturally fractured heavy-oil fields 2008
- Fracture Conductivity Using Emulsified Acids: Effects of Emulsifier Concentration and Acid Volume Fraction 2008
- Natural Gas Transportation Infrastructure Concepts 2008