selected publications academicarticle Arthurs, S. P., Heinz, K. M., & Mitchell, F. L. (2018). Comparison of Frankliniella fusca and Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) as Vectors for a Peanut Strain of Tomato Spotted Wilt Orthotospovirus. Environmental Entomology. 47(3), 623-628. Mitchell, F. L., & Lasswell, J. L. (2018). Population Characteristics of the Dragonfly Pantala flavescens (F.) Colonizing Small Constructed Ponds. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 43(4), 833-839. Kurwadkar, S., Evans, A., DeWinne, D., White, P., & Mitchell, F. (2016). Modeling photodegradation kinetics of three systemic neonicotinoids-dinotefuran, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam-in aqueous and soil environment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 35(7), 1718-1726. Armstrong, J. S., Camelo, L. A., Zhu-Salzman, K., & Mitchell, F. L. (2016). Effects of Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitors scN and E-64 on Southern Corn Rootworm(1) Larval Development. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 41(2), 337-345. Kurwadkar, S., Wheat, R., McGahan, D. G., & Mitchell, F. (2014). Evaluation of leaching potential of three systemic neonicotinoid insecticides in vineyard soil. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 170, 86-94. Yoon, J., Hrynkiv, V., Morano, L., Nguyen, A. T., Wilder, S., & Mitchell, F. (2014). Mathematical modeling of glassy-winged sharpshooter population. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 11(3), 667-677. Kurwadkar, S., Sicking, V., Lambert, B., McFarland, A., & Mitchell, F. (2013). Preliminary studies on occurrence of monensin antibiotic in Bosque River Watershed. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 25(2), 268-273. Kurwadkar, S. T., Dewinne, D., Wheat, R., McGahan, D. G., & Mitchell, F. L. (2013). Time dependent sorption behavior of dinotefuran, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 48(4), 237-242. Brady, J. A., Faske, J. B., Ator, R. A., Castaeda-Gill, J. M., & Mitchell, F. L. (2012). Probe-based real-time PCR method for multilocus melt typing of Xylella fastidiosa strains. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 89(1), 12-17. Brady, J. A., Faske, J. B., Castaeda-Gill, J. M., King, J. L., & Mitchell, F. L. (2011). High-throughput DNA isolation method for detection of Xylella fastidiosa in plant and insect samples. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 86(3), 310-312. Morano, L., Yoon, J., Abedi, A., & Mitchell, F. (2010). Evaluation of Xylem-Feeding Insects (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) in Texas Vineyards: Distribution along State-Wide Environmental Gradients. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 35(4), 503-512. Hail, D., Mitchell, F., Lauzire, I., Marshall, P., Brady, J., & Bextine, B. (2010). Detection and analysis of the bacterium, Xylella fastidiosa, in glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis, populations in Texas. JOURNAL OF INSECT SCIENCE. 10(168), 168-11. Marshall, P., Hail, D., Mitchell, F., & Bextine, B. (2010). Impacts of an Orange Oil Solvent and Stickem on the Detection of Xylella fastidiosa DNA in Glassy-Winged Sharpshooters, Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Florida Entomologist: an international journal for the Americas. 93(3), 378-384. Mitchell, F. L., Brady, J., Bextine, B., & Lauzire, I. (2009). Seasonal increase of Xylella fastidiosa in hemiptera collected from central Texas vineyards. Journal of Economic Entomology. 102(5), 1743-1749. Lauzire, I., Sheather, S., & Mitchell, F. (2008). Seasonal abundance and spatio-temporal distribution of dominant xylem fluid-feeding hemiptera in vineyards of central Texas and surrounding habitats. Environmental Entomology. 37(4), 925-937. Mitchell, F. L., Snowden, K., Fuxa, J. R., & Vinson, S. B. (2006). Distribution of Thelohania solenopsae (Microsporida : Thelohaniidae) infecting red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) in Texas. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 31(4), 297-306. Wayadande, A., Bruton, B., Fletcher, J., Pair, S., & Mitchell, F. (2005). Retention of Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease Bacterium Serratia marcescens Through Transstadial Molt of Vector Anasa tristis (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 98(6), 770-774. Mitchell, F. L. (2004). Protozoan fire-ant biocontrol agent. Industrial Bioprocessing. 26(6), 3. Milks, M. L., Sokolova, Y. Y., Isakova, I. A., Fuxa, J. R., Mitchell, F., Snowden, K. F., & Vinson, S. B. (2004). Comparative effectiveness of light-microscopic techniques and PCR in detecting Thelohania solenopsae (Microsporidia) infections in red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 51(2), 187-191. Mitchell, F. L., & Knutson, A. E. (2004). Investigation of red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, damage to peanut, Arachis hypogaea. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 29(1), 13-21. Pair, S. D., Bruton, B. D., Mitchell, F., Fletcher, J., Wayadande, A., & Melcher, U. (2004). Overwintering squash bugs harbor and transmit the causal agent of cucurbit yellow vine disease. Journal of Economic Entomology. 97(1), 74-78. Chen, J., Snowden, K., Mitchell, F., Sokolova, J., Fuxa, J., & Bradleigh Vinson, S. (2004). Sources of spores for the possible horizontal transmission of Thelohania solenopsae (Microspora: Thelohaniidae) in the red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 85(3), 139-145. Zhang, Q., Weyant, R., Steigerwalt, A. G., White, L. A., Melcher, U., Bruton, B. D., ... Fletcher, J. (2003). Genotyping of Serratia marcescens Strains Associated with Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease by Repetitive Elements-Based Polymerase Chain Reaction and DNA-DNA Hybridization. Phytopathology. 93(10), 1240-1246. Rascoe, J., Berg, M., Melcher, U., Mitchell, F. L., Bruton, B. D., Pair, S. D., & Fletcher, J. (2003). Identification, Phylogenetic Analysis, and Biological Characterization of Serratia marcescens Strains Causing Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease. Phytopathology. 93(10), 1233-1239. Bruton, B. D., Mitchell, F., Fletcher, J., Pair, S. D., Wayadande, A., Melcher, U., ... Popham, T. W. (2003). Serratia marcescens, a Phloem-Colonizing, Squash Bug -Transmitted Bacterium: Causal Agent of Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease. Plant Disease. 87(8), 937-944. Bextine, B. R., Wayadande, A., Bruton, B. D., Pair, S. D., Mitchell, F., & Fletcher, J. (2003). Artificial feeding system for the squash bug, Anasa tristis (De Geer) (Heteroptera: Coreidae). SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 28(1), 63-67. Armstrong, J. S., Kraemer, G. C., & Mitchell, F. L. (2001). Thrips species associated with west Texas peanut. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 26(4), 345-352. Bextine, B., Wayadande, A., Bruton, B. D., Pair, S. D., Mitchell, F., & Fletcher, J. (2001). Effect of Insect Exclusion on the Incidence of Yellow Vine Disease and of the Associated Bacterium in Squash. Plant Disease. 85(8), 875-878. Mitchell, F. L., & Lasswell, J. L. (2000). Digital Dragonflies. American Entomologist. 46(2), 110-115. Lasswell, J. L., Mitchell, F. L., & Bjork, C. (1998). Historical collection of Odonata from the Navasota River drainage in southeast Texas. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 23(2), 189-198. Lasswell, J. L., & Mitchell, F. L. (1997). Survey of dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera) in ponds of Central Texas. JOURNAL OF THE KANSAS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 70(1), 52-63. Mitchell, F. L., & Smith, J. W. (1996). Influence of Verbesina encelioides (Asterales: Asteraceae) on Thrips (Thysanoptera: Terebrantia) Populations and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Epidemics in South Texas Peanut Fields. Journal of Economic Entomology. 89(6), 1593-1600. LOWRY, V. K., SMITH, J. W., & MITCHELL, F. L. (1992). LIFE-FERTILITY TABLES FOR FRANKLINIELLA-FUSCA (HINDS) AND F-OCCIDENTALIS (PERGANDE) (THYSANOPTERA, THRIPIDAE) ON PEANUT. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 85(6), 744-754. COCKE, J., KNUTSON, R., LUNT, D. K., & MITCHELL, F. L. (1990). CHANGES IN HORN FLY RESPONSE TO DIAZINON AND FENVALERATE FOLLOWING SEASON LONG EXPOSURE TO VARIOUS PYRETHROID AND ORGANOPHOSPHATE EAR TAGS ON RANGE CATTLE IN TEXAS. SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST. 15(3), 265-271. Fuxa, J. R., Mitchell, F. L., & Richter, A. R. (1988). Resistance ofSpodoptera frugiperda [Lep.: Noctuidae] to a nuclear polyhedrosis virus in the field and laboratory. BioControl. 33(1), 55-63. Mitchell, P. L., & Mitchell, F. L. (1986). Parasitism and Predation of Leaffooted Bug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) Eggs. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 79(6), 854-860. MITCHELL, F. L., & SMITH, J. W. (1985). PATHOLOGY AND BIOASSAYS OF THE LESSER CORNSTALK BORER (ELASMOPALPUS-LIGNOSELLUS) ENTOMOPOXVIRUS. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 45(1), 75-80. MITCHELL, F. L., SMITH, G. E., & SMITH, J. W. (1983). CHARACTERIZATION OF AN ENTOMOPOXVIRUS OF THE LESSER CORNSTALK BORER (ELASMOPALPUS-LIGNOSELLUS). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 42(3), 299-305. book Kurwadkar, S. (2015). Dedication. Ed. 1198. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Kurwadkar, S., Zhang, X. J., Ramirez, D., & Mitchell, F. L. (2015). Title, Copyright, Foreword. Ed. 1198. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. chapter Mitchell, F. L. (2013). May you live in interesting times: technology and entomology. MANAGEMENT OF INSECTS IN RECREATION AND TOURISM. (pp. 235-251). Cambridge University Press (CUP). conference paper Alarcon, G. (2013). INTRODUCTION. EPILEPSIA. 1-1. Paasch, M. M., Kenimer, A. L., Sabbagh, G. J., & Mitchell, F. L. (1997). Phosphorous water quality model evaluation and comparison for natural and constructed wetlands. Paper - American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Kenimer, A. L., Mitchell, F. L., & Lasswell, J. L. (1995). A multidisciplinary wetlands research facility. 95-98. LOWRY, V. K., SMITH, J. W., MITCHELL, F. L., & CRUMLEY, C. R. (1995). Thrips vectors responsible for the secondary spread of tomato spotted wilt virus in south Texas peanut. Nato Asi Series a Life Sciences. 167-170. Kenimer, A. L., McFarland, M. J., Mitchell, F. L., Lesikar, B. J., & Lasswell, J. L. (1995). Wetlands application to nonpoint source pollution. 255-261.
education and training Ph.D. in Entomology, Louisiana State University - (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States) 1985