selected publications academicarticle Neely, H. L., Morgan, C., McInnes, K. J., & Molling, C. C. (2018). Modeling Soil Crack Volume at the Pedon Scale using Available Soil Data. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 82(4), 734-743. Bell, J. M., Schwartz, R., McInnes, K. J., Howell, T., & Morgan, C. (2018). Deficit irrigation effects on yield and yield components of grain sorghum. Agricultural Water Management. 203, 289-296. Ackerson, J. P., McInnes, K. J., Morgan, C., & Everett, M. E. (2017). Measuring Crack Porosity using Three-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 81(5), 1025-1035. Watson, H. D., Neely, H. L., Morgan, C., McInnes, K. J., & Molling, C. C. (2017). Identifying subsoil variation associated with gilgai using electromagnetic induction. Geoderma. 295, 34-40. Neely, H. L., Morgan, C., Hallmark, C. T., McInnes, K. J., & Molling, C. C. (2016). Apparent electrical conductivity response to spatially variable vertisol properties. Geoderma. 263, 168-175. Tokumoto, I., Heilman, J. L., Schwinning, S., McInnes, K. J., Litvak, M. E., Morgan, C., & Kamps, R. H. (2014). Small-scale variability in water storage and plant available water in shallow, rocky soils. Plant and Soil: international journal on plant-soil relationships. 385(1-2), 193-204. Ackerson, J. P., Morgan, C., Everett, M. E., & McInnes, K. J. (2014). The Role of Water Content in Electrical Resistivity Tomography of a Vertisol. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 78(5), 1552-1562. Wherley, B. G., White, R. H., McInnes, K. J., Fontanier, C. H., Thomas, J. C., Aitkenhead-Peterson, J. A., & Kelly, S. T. (2014). Design and construction of an urban runoff research facility. Journal of Visualized Experiments. e51540. Neely, H. L., Ackerson, J. P., Morgan, C., & McInnes, K. J. (2014). Instrumentation to Measure Soil Subsidence and Water Content in a Single Borehole. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 78(4), 1251-1257. Heilman, J. L., Litvak, M. E., McInnes, K. J., Kjelgaard, J. F., Kamps, R. H., & Schwinning, S. (2014). Water-storage capacity controls energy partitioning and water use in karst ecosystems on the Edwards Plateau, Texas. Ecohydrology. 7(1), 127-138. Dinka, T. M., Morgan, C., McInnes, K. J., Kishne, A. S., & Harmel, R. D. (2013). Shrink-swell behavior of soil across a Vertisol catena. Journal of Hydrology. 476, 352-359. Tokumoto, I., Heilman, J. L., McInnes, K. J., Morgan, C., & Kamps, R. H. (2012). Calibration and Use of Neutron Moisture and Gamma Density Probes in Rocky Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 76(6), 2136-2142. Rose-Harvey, K., McInnes, K. J., & Thomas, J. C. (2012). Water Flow Through Sand-based Root Zones Atop Geotextiles. 47(10), 1543-1547. McInnes, K. J., & Thomas, J. C. (2012). Passive Control of Downslope Capillary Wicking of Water in Sand-based Root Zones. 47(2), 275-279. Goebel, T. S., McInnes, K. J., Senseman, S. A., Lascano, R. J., Marchand, L. S., & Davis, T. A. (2011). Modifying polymer flocculants for the removal of inorganic phosphate from water. Tetrahedron Letters. 52(41), 5241-5244. Tokumoto, I., Heilman, J. L., McInnes, K. J., & Kamps, R. H. (2011). Sealing Neutron Probe Access-Tubes in Rocky Soils using Expandable Polyurethane Foam. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 75(5), 1922-1925. McInnes, K. J., & Thomas, J. C. (2011). Water Storage in Putting Greens Constructed with United States Golf Association and Airfield Systems Designs. Crop Science. 51(3), 1261-1267. Bendevis, M. A., Owens, M. K., Heilman, J. L., & McInnes, K. J. (2010). Carbon exchange and water loss from two evergreen trees in a semiarid woodland. Ecohydrology. 3(1), 107-115. Heilman, J. L., McInnes, K. J., Kjelgaard, J. F., Owens, M. K., & Schwinning, S. (2009). Energy balance and water use in a subtropical karst woodland on the Edwards Plateau, Texas. Journal of Hydrology. 373(3-4), 426-435. Kjelgaard, J. F., Heilman, J. L., McInnes, K. J., Owens, M. K., & Kamps, R. H. (2008). Carbon dioxide exchange in a subtropical, mixed C-3/C-4 grassland on the Edwards Plateau, Texas. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 148(6-7), 953-963. Pinuela, J. A., Andina, D., McInnes, K. J., & Tarquis, A. M. (2007). Wavelet analysis in a structured clay soil using 2-D images. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 14(4), 425-434. Neitsch, S. L., McInnes, K. J., Senseman, S. A., White, G. N., & Simanek, E. E. (2006). Melamine-based organoclay to sequester atrazine. Chemosphere. 64(5), 704-710. Fejes, E., Roelke, D., Gable, G., Heilman, J., McInnes, K., & Zuberer, D. (2005). Microalgal productivity, community composition, and pelagic food web dynamics in a subtropical, turbid salt marsh isolated from freshwater inflow. ESTUARIES. 28(1), 96-107. Nobles, M. M., Wilding, L. P., & McInnes, K. J. (2004). Submicroscopic measurements of tracer distribution related to surface features of soil aggregates. Geoderma. 123(1-2), 83-97. Heinsch, F. A., Heilman, J. L., McInnes, K. J., Cobos, D. R., Zuberer, D. A., & Roelke, D. L. (2004). Carbon dioxide exchange in a high marsh on the Texas Gulf Coast: Effects of freshwater availability. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 125(1-2), 159-172. Nobles, M. M., Wilding, L. P., & McInnes, K. J. (2004). Pathways of dye tracer movement through structured soils on a macroscopic scale. SOIL SCIENCE. 169(4), 229-242. West, S. L., White, G. N., Deng, Y., McInnes, K. J., Juo, A., & Dixon, J. B. (2004). Kaolinite, halloysite, and iron oxide influence on physical behavior of formulated soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 68(4), 1452-1460. Krutz, L. J., Senseman, S. A., McInnes, K. J., Zuberer, D. A., & Tierney, D. P. (2003). Adsorption and desorption of atrazine, desethylatrazine, deisopropylatrazine, and hydroxyatrazine in vegetated filter strip and cultivated soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 51(25), 7379-7384. Acosta, E. J., Deng, Y. J., White, G. N., Dixon, J. B., McInnes, K. J., Senseman, S. A., Frantzen, A. S., & Simanek, E. E. (2003). Dendritic Surfactants show evidence for frustrated intercalation: A new organoclay morphology. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. 15(15), 2903-2909. Weaver, R. W., Stecher, M. C., & McInnes, K. J. (2003). Water flow patterns in subsurface flow constructed wetlands designed for on-site domestic wastewater treatment. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom). 24(1), 77-86. Franti, J. M., Weaver, R. W., & McInnes, K. J. (2002). Surfacing of domestic wastewater applied to soil through drip tubing and reduction in numbers of Escherichia coli. Environmental Technology (United Kingdom). 23(9), 1027-1032. Russell, C. A., Fillery, I., Bootsma, N., & McInnes, K. J. (2002). Effect of temperature and nitrogen source on nitrification in a sandy soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 33(11-12), 1975-1989. Atwell, B. J., Fillery, I., McInnes, K. J., & Smucker, A. (2002). The fate of carbon and fertiliser nitrogen when dryland wheat is grown in monoliths of duplex soil. 241(2), 259-269. Campbell, C. S., Heilman, J. L., McInnes, K. J., Wilson, L. T., Medley, J. C., Wu, G. W., & Cobos, D. R. (2001). Seasonal variation in radiation used efficiency of irrigated rice. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 110(1), 45-54. Campbell, C. S., Heilman, J. L., McInnes, K. J., Wilson, L. T., Medley, J. C., Wu, G., & Cobos, D. R. (2001). Diel and seasonal variation in CO2 flux of irrigated rice. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 108(1), 15-27. Heilman, J. L., Heinsch, F. A., Cobos, D. R., & McInnes, K. J. (2000). (E)nergy balance of a high marsh on the Texas Gulf Coast: Effect of water availability. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres. 105(D17), 22371-22377. Schwartz, R. C., Juo, A., & McInnes, K. J. (2000). Estimating parameters for a dual-porosity model to describe non-equilibrium, reactive transport in a fine-textured soil. 229(3-4), 149-167. Campbell, C. S., & McInnes, K. J. (1999). Response of in situ leaf psychrometer to cuticle removal by abrasion. Agronomy Journal. 91(5), 859-862. Heilman, J. L., Cobos, D. R., Heinsch, F. A., Campbell, C. S., & McInnes, K. J. (1999). Tower-based conditional sampling for measuring ecosystem-scale carbon dioxide exchange in coastal wetlands. Estuaries and Coasts. 22(3), 584-591. Schwartz, R. C., McInnes, K. J., Juo, A., & Cervantes, C. E. (1999). The vertical distribution of a dye tracer in a layered soil. SOIL SCIENCE. 164(8), 561-573. Lin, H. S., McInnes, K. J., Wilding, L. P., & Hallmark, C. T. (1999). Effects of soil morphology on hydraulic properties: I. Quantification of soil morphology. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 63(4), 948-954. Lin, H. S., McInnes, K. J., Wilding, L. P., & Hallmark, C. T. (1999). Effects of soil morphology on hydraulic properties: II. Hydraulic pedotransfer functions. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 63(4), 955-961. Schwartz, R. C., McInnes, K. J., Juo, A., Wilding, L. P., & Reddell, D. L. (1999). Boundary effects on solute transport in finite soil columns. Water Resources Research. 35(3), 671-681. Rhykerd, R., Crews, B., McInnes, K., & Weaver, R. W. (1999). Impact of bulking agents, forced aeration, and tillage on remediation of oil-contaminated soil. 67(3), 279-285. Heuvelman, W. J., & McInnes, K. (1999). SOLUTE TRAVEL TIME DISTRIBUTIONS IN SOIL: A FIELD STUDY. SOIL SCIENCE. 164(1), 2-9. McInnes, K. J., Campbell, C. S., & Heilman, J. L. (1998). Separation and dispersion of conditionally sampled eddies through an intake tube. Agronomy Journal. 90(6), 845-850. Rhykerd, R. L., Sen, D., McInnes, K. J., & Weaver, R. W. (1998). Volatilization of crude oil from soil amended with bulking agents. SOIL SCIENCE. 163(2), 87-92. Lin, H. S., McInnes, K. J., Wilding, L. P., & Hallmark, C. T. (1998). Macroporosity and initial moisture effects on infiltration rates in vertisols and vertic intergrades. SOIL SCIENCE. 163(1), 2-8. Lin, H. S., McInnes, K. J., Wilding, L. P., & Hallmark, C. T. (1997). Low tension water flow in structured soils. 77(4), 649-654. Heil, J. W., Juo, A., & McInnes, K. J. (1997). Soil properties influencing surface sealing of some sandy soils in the Sahel. SOIL SCIENCE. 162(7), 459-469. Heuvelman, W. J., & McInnes, K. J. (1997). Spatial variability of water fluxes in soil: A field study. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 61(4), 1037-1041. Lin, H. S., McInnes, K. J., Wilding, L. P., & Hallmark, C. T. (1996). Effective porosity and flow rate with infiltration at low tensions into a well-structured subsoil. Transactions of the ASABE. 39(1), 131-135. Heilman, J. L., McInnes, K. J., Gesch, R. W., Lascano, R. J., & Savage, M. J. (1996). Effects of trellising on the energy balance of a vineyard. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 81(1-2), 79-93. Fernandez, C. J., McInnes, K. J., & Cothren, J. T. (1996). Water status and leaf area production in water- and nitrogen-stressed cotton. 36(5), 1224-1233. Noborio, K., McInnes, K. J., & Heilman, J. L. (1996). Measurements of cumulative infiltration and wetting front location by time domain reflectometry. SOIL SCIENCE. 161(8), 480-483. Noborio, K., McInnes, K. J., & Heilman, J. L. (1996). Two-dimensional model for water, heat, and solute transport in furrow-irrigated soil .1. Theory. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 60(4), 1001-1009. Noborio, K., McInnes, K. J., & Heilman, J. L. (1996). Two-dimensional model for water, heat, and solute transport in furrow-irrigated soil .2. Field evaluation. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 60(4), 1010-1021. McInnes, K. J., Heilman, J. L., & Lascano, R. J. (1996). Aerodynamic conductances at the soil surface in a vineyard. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 79(1-2), 29-37. Fernandez, C. J., Cothren, J. T., & McInnes, K. J. (1996). Partitioning of biomass in water- and nitrogen-stressed cotton during pre-bloom. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 19(3-4), 595-617. Savage, M. J., McInnes, K. J., & Heilman, J. L. (1996). The 'footprints' of eddy correlation sensible heat flux density, and other micrometeorological measurements. South African Journal of Science. 92(3), 137-142. Noborio, K., McInnes, K. J., & Heilman, J. L. (1996). Measurements of soil water content, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity with a single TDR probe. SOIL SCIENCE. 161(1), 22-28. LIN, H. S., & MCINNES, K. J. (1995). WATER-FLOW IN CLAY SOIL BENEATH A TENSION INFILTROMETER. SOIL SCIENCE. 159(6), 375-382. SAVAGE, M. J., MCINNES, K. J., & HEILMAN, J. L. (1995). PLACEMENT HEIGHT OF EDDY-CORRELATION SENSORS ABOVE A SHORT TURFGRASS SURFACE. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 74(3-4), 195-204. Rhykerd, R. L., Weaver, R. W., & McInnes, K. J. (1995). Influence of salinity on bioremediation of oil in soil. Environmental Pollution. 90(1), 127-130. Noborio, K., McInnes, K. J., & Heilman, J. L. (1994). Field measurements of soil electrical conductivity and water content by time-domain reflectometry. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 11(2-3), 131-142. HEILMAN, J. L., MCINNES, K. J., SAVAGE, M. J., GESCH, R. W., & LASCANO, R. J. (1994). SOIL AND CANOPY ENERGY BALANCES IN A WEST TEXAS VINEYARD. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 71(1-2), 99-114. FERNANDEZ, C. J., MCINNES, K. J., & COTHREN, J. T. (1994). CARBON BALANCE, TRANSPIRATION, AND BIOMASS PARTITIONING OF GLYPHOSATE-TREATED WHEAT (TRITICUM-AESTIVUM) PLANTS. 42(3), 333-339. MCINNES, K. J., HEILMAN, J. L., & SAVAGE, M. J. (1994). AERODYNAMIC CONDUCTANCES ALONG A BARE RIDGE-FURROW TILLED SOIL SURFACE. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 68(3-4), 119-131. NOBORIO, K., & MCINNES, K. J. (1993). THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY OF SALT-AFFECTED SOILS. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 57(2), 329-334. FILLERY, I. R., & MCINNES, K. J. (1992). COMPONENTS OF THE FERTILIZER NITROGEN-BALANCE FOR WHEAT PRODUCTION ON DUPLEX SOILS. 32(7), 887-899. FERNANDEZ, C. J., COTHREN, J. T., & MCINNES, K. J. (1991). PARTITIONING OF BIOMASS IN WELL-WATERED AND WATER-STRESSED COTTON PLANTS TREATED WITH MEPIQUAT CHLORIDE. Crop Science. 31(5), 1224-1228. MCINNES, K. J., HEILMAN, J. L., & GESCH, R. W. (1991). MOMENTUM ROUGHNESS AND ZERO-PLANE DISPLACEMENT OF RIDGE-FURROW TILLED SOIL. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 55(1-2), 167-179. McInnes, K. J., & Fillery, I. (1989). Modeling and Field Measurements of the Effect of Nitrogen Source on Nitrification. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 53(4), 1264-1269. Ferguson, R. B., McInnes, K. J., Kissel, D. E., & Kanemasu, E. T. (1988). A comparison of methods of estimating ammonia volatilization in the field. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 15(1), 55-69. McInnes, K. J., Kanemasu, E. T., Kissel, D. E., & Sisson, J. B. (1986). Predicting diurnal variations in water content along with temperature at the soil surface. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 38(4), 337-348. McInnes, K. J., Ferguson, R. B., Kissel, D. E., & Kanemasu, E. T. (1986). Ammonia Loss from Applications of UreaAmmonium Nitrate Solution to Straw Residue. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 50(4), 969-974. conference paper Tarquis, A. M., McInnes, K. J., Key, J. R., Saa, A., Garcia, M. R., & Diaz, M. C. (2006). Multiscaling analysis in a structured clay soil using 2D images. Journal of Hydrology. 236-246. Krutz, L. J., Senseman, S. A., McInnes, K. J., Hoffman, D. W., & Tierney, D. P. (2004). Adsorption and desorption of metolachlor and metolachlor metabolites in vegetated filter strip and cultivated soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 939-945. Nobles, M. M., Wilding, L. P., & McInnes, K. J. (2003). Soil structural interfaces in some Texas Vertisols and their impact on solute transport. Catena. 477-493.
principal investigator on Sand-Capping as a Means to Improve Water Capture in Degraded Soils awarded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture - (Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States) 2018 - 2023
co-principal investigator on Collaborative Research: Impact of Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Soil Cracking On Watershed Hydrology awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2010 - 2015
teaching activities SCSC427 Sport Field Construction Instructor SCSC484 Internship Instructor SCSC611 Intro Environ Biophysics Instructor SCSC685 Directed Studies Instructor SCSC691 Research Instructor SCSC691 Research Instructor SCSC691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Ackerson, Jason Paul (2013-11). Monitoring Cracking of a Smectitic Vertisol using Three-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Bell, Jourdan M (2014-02). Responses of Grain Sorghum to Profile and Temporal Dynamics of Soil Water in a Semi-arid Environment. Bragg, Amanda Leann (2005-02). Phosphorus reduction in dairy effluent through flocculation and precipitation. Dyer, Don Wesley (2017-07). Sand-capping Depth and Subsoil Influence on Turfgrass Establishment, Performance, and Irrigation Requirements. Gardiner, Nathan Thomas (2005-02). Spatial association between the locations of roots and water flow paths in highly structured soil. Goebel, Timothy Steven O'Gara (2012-02). Modification of Polymer Flocculants for the Removal of Soluble Contaminants from Water. Neitsch, Susan Lynn (2004-09). Adsorption and desorption of atrazine on a melamine-based soil amendment. Rose-Harvey, Keisha M. (2010-01). Water Flow Through Geotextiles Used to Support the Root Zone of Turfgrass on Sports Fields.
education and training Ph.D. in Agronomy, Kansas State University - (Manhattan, Kansas, United States) 1985
awards and honors Fellow, conferred by Soil Science Society of America - (Madison, Wisconsin, United States), 2003 ASA Fellow, conferred by American Society of Agronomy - (Madison, Wisconsin, United States), 2001
mailing address Texas A&M University Soil & Crop Science 2474 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2474 USA