Frequency range selection for impedance-based structural health-monitoring uri icon


  • Impedance-based structural health monitoring uses collocated piezoelectric transducers to locally excite a structure at high frequencies. The response of the structure is measured by the same transducer. Changes in this response indicate damage. Frequency range selection for monitoring with impedance-based structural health monitoring has, in the past, been done by trial and error methods or has been selected after analysis by engineers familiar with the method. This study aims to determine if, in future applications, it is possible to automatically select preferred frequency ranges based on sensor characteristics, perhaps even before installing the system. In addition, the paper demonstrates a method for determining preferable frequency ranges for monitoring. The study examines the analysis of the measurement change through a damage metric and relates the results of the analysis to characteristics of the measurement. Specifically, outlier detection concepts were used to statistically evaluate the damage detection ability of the transducers at various frequency ranges. The variation in undamaged measurements is compared to the amount of change in the measurement upon various levels of damage. Testing was performed with both solid piezoceramic transducers and macrofiber composite piezoelectric devices of different sizes bonded to aluminum and fiber reinforced composite structures. The results indicate that characteristics of the structure, not the sensor alone, determine the optimal monitoring frequency ranges.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Peairs, D. M., Tarazaga, P. A., & Inman, D. J.

citation count

  • 34

publication date

  • December 2007