Measuring Learning In The Affective Domain Using Reflective Writing About A Virtual International Agriculture Experience uri icon


  • Agricultural educators are familiar with the three domains of learning: 1) cognitive, 2) affective, and 3) psychomotor. When teaching agricultural content, the instructional and assessment strategies are typically focused on the cognitive domain of learning because of the difficulty in measuring gains in the affective domain. The purpose of this study was to measure affective learning after viewing an asynchronously delivered simulation, reflecting (metacognition), and writing about the experience. Research in agricultural education is devoid of writing as an assessment tool to measure learning in the affective domain. Content analysis of 83 reflective writing samples was used to analyze affective learning at the levels of receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and characterization. It was evident in the reflective writing that all students participated at the receiving and responding levels. It is much more difficult to assess students at the higher levels of the affective domain (valuing, organizing, and characterizing). From the analysis of reflective writing, the researchers recognized and determined that some students expressed affective learning at higher levels of the affective taxonomy and increased their level of reflective writing in the process.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Agricultural Education

author list (cited authors)

  • Boyd, B. L., Dooley, K. E., & Felton, S.

citation count

  • 22

complete list of authors

  • Boyd, Barry L||Dooley, Kim E||Felton, Summer

publication date

  • September 2006