Leadership Education Beyond the Classroom: Characteristics of Student Affairs Leadership Educators uri icon


  • Currently, more students receive leadership education from student affairs offerings than academic leadership courses. Using two simultaneous Delphi panels, Group A 17 student affairs managers and Group B 20 student affairs preparatory program faculty members, this study sought to identify the characteristics of a student affairs leadership educator. While there was agreement (93.8%, n = 32) that student affairs practitioners are leadership educators, there was a disconnect between the two panels in how leadership education should be demonstrated within the context of student affairs. These findings support previous research that student affairs practitioners and preparatory program faculty disagree on the characteristics needed to be a successful student affairs practitioner and expands the impact of these findings into the area of leadership education.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Leadership Education

author list (cited authors)

  • Dunn, A., Moore, L., Odom, S., Bailey, K., & Briers, G.

citation count

  • 2

complete list of authors

  • Dunn, Allison||Moore, Lori||Odom, Summer||Bailey, Krista||Briers, Gary