selected publications academicarticle Cory, K. D., Flint, G. D., & Van Fleet, D. D (2013). V-REEL: An Improved Framework for Teaching (and Implementing) the Resource-Based View. Journal of Strategic Management Education. 9(1), Flint, G. D., & Van Fleet, D. D (2011). The Competitive Cohort: An Extension of Strategic Understanding. Journal of Business Strategies. 28(2), 97-122. Van Fleet, E. W., Van Fleet, D. D., & Flint, G. D (2010). Determining Market Segments for Entrepreneurial Ventures: The SPI Matrix. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship. 15(1), 50-65. Flint, G. D., & Koch, H. L. (2007). Kick-Starting a Strategy for Scooters. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management. 8(3), 239-251. Flint, G. D., & Berry, G. R. (2006). Illusion Versus Reality: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Economy. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. 1(2), 117-126. Flint, G. D. (2006). The Chicago View vs. Sustainable Development: Implications Regarding the Promotion of Sustainable Environments. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. 1(2), 139-148. Flint, G. D (2000). What is the meaning of competitive advantage?. Advances in Competitiveness Research. 8(1), 121-129. thesis Flint, G. D An examination of the institutional relationships between governments and business interests
teaching activities BUAD700 Value Creation Instructor IBUS310 Global Context Of Busi: Qat Instructor IBUS320 Globl Sustainable Business:isl Instructor IBUS679 Interntnl Bus Policy Instructor IBUS685 Directed Studies Instructor IBUS685 Directed Studies: Qat Instructor MGMT450 Hnr-internatl Envir Of Bus Instructor MGMT457 Global Entrepreneurship Instructor MGMT466 Hnr-strategic Management Instructor MGMT485 Directed Studies Instructor MGMT637 Fndtns Of Entrpreneurshp Instructor MGMT638 Strategic Entrepreneurship Instructor MGMT679 Interntnl Bus Policy Instructor MGMT680 Business & Corp Strategy Instructor MGMT684 Professional Intrnship: In-ab Instructor MGMT685 Directed Studies Instructor MGMT691 Research Instructor MGMT710 Crafting Business Strategy Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Management, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1997