Preparing Effectively For Abet Accreditation: What Does It All Mean?
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The simple word, ABET, invokes different emotions from people, which can range from pleasant to complete frustration. In most cases, people seem to favor the latter emotion. People many times get so caught up in the minute details that they lose sight of the fact the main purpose of ABET is to assure quality within your program. While many programs have sailed successfully through previous ABET visits, they find the newer process of outcomes-based accreditation somewhat overwhelming and are unsure of how to proceed. Many programs have finally accepted some comfort with terms, such as objectives and outcomes, but find this newer terminology, including continuous improvement and performance criteria or measures, somewhat terrifying. The purpose of this paper is to assist both established and newer programs with navigating successfully through the ABET requirements. The authors are both from an established ABET department but have incorporated newer methods and procedures to streamline the accreditation process. Suggestions will be provided on how to convert a 'death by data' department into an efficient ABET program. The authors will discuss the role that specific course information plays in the process and the importance of properly defining learning outcomes. Many departments find they have a list of learning outcomes, but most people do not know what is actually meant by the particular outcome. This paper will detail potential struggles found in incorporating new methods and will provide strategies utilized to effectively overcome these. In addition, before and after showcases will be shown, so that the reader can observe the effectiveness and clarity of the newer methods. These showcases include data collection methods, assessment methods, and definitions of the process. Both experienced and new personnel working with ABET programs will discover practical, effective methods in this paper. American Society for Engineering Education, 2008.