Schoolbased family socialization and reading achievement in the inner city uri icon


  • Reading comprehension test scores of 826 black, innercity children in 41 classes, grades one through six, were regressed on scores on comparable tests taken one year earlier, on several other control variables, and on the amount of exposure to a program intended to help parents create conditions in the home to stimulate academic achievement. Two variables (prior readingcomprehension scores and program intensity), accounted for nearly all the reliable variance in the posttest scores in analyses carried out with individuals and class medians as the units. Students and classroom groups intensively exposed to the program gained .5 to .6 grade equivalents more than those less intensively exposed during the year. Copyright 1980 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company

published proceedings

  • Psychology in the Schools

author list (cited authors)

  • Walberg, H. J., Bole, R. E., & Waxman, H. C.

citation count

  • 16

complete list of authors

  • Walberg, Herbert J||Bole, Robert E||Waxman, Hersholt C

publication date

  • October 1980
