Experimental Study of the Transient Turbulence Generated by a Bubble Using PIV Conference Paper uri icon


  • Abstract The particle image velocimetry measurement technique was used to measure the whole-volume, three-dimensional, transient velocity field generated by a single air bubble rising in stagnant water in a small diameter pipe. The three-dimensional flow field was reconstructed using a stereoscopic technique. Conditional averages of the velocity fields for the situations when the bubble rises close to the center of the pipe, and close to the pipe wall were determined, and the turbulent motion generated in the continuous liquid phase for both situations was studied.

name of conference

  • Heat Transfer: Volume 4

published proceedings

  • Heat Transfer: Volume 4

author list (cited authors)

  • Ortiz-Villafuerte, J., Schmidl, W. D., & Hassan, Y. A.

complete list of authors

  • Ortiz-Villafuerte, Javier||Schmidl, William D||Hassan, Yassin A