publication venue for
- Wettability-tuned silica particles for emulsion-templated microcapsules. 2023
- In situ investigation of the rheological and dielectric properties of a cross-linking carbon nanotube-thermosetting epoxy.. 19:6168-6175. 2023
- pH- and temperature-responsive supramolecular assemblies with highly adjustable viscoelasticity: a multi-stimuli binary system.. 19:5609-5621. 2023
- Rheological dynamics and structural characteristics of supramolecular assemblies of -cyclodextrin and sulfonic surfactants.. 19:2231-2240. 2023
- SAXS-guided unbiased coarse-grained Monte Carlo simulation for identification of self-assembly nanostructures and dimensions.. 18:5282-5292. 2022
- Selective hydrogen bonding controls temperature response of layer-by-layer upper critical solution temperature micellar assemblies.. 17:2181-2190. 2021
- Deep learning for characterizing the self-assembly of three-dimensional colloidal systems.. 17:989-999. 2021
- In situ observation of fast surface dynamics during the vapor-deposition of a stable organic glass. 16:10860-10864. 2020
- Micellar growth and network formation in acidic solutions of a sulfobetaine zwitterionic surfactant triggered by an inorganic salt.. 16:4494-4501. 2020
- Grand canonical inverse design of multicomponent colloidal crystals.. 16:3187-3194. 2020
- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy investigation of water microenvironments in polyelectrolyte multilayers at varying temperatures.. 16:2291-2300. 2020
- Comparing water-mediated hydrogen-bonding in different polyelectrolyte complexes.. 15:7823-7831. 2019
- Unusually fast and large actuation from multilayer polyelectrolyte thin films.. 15:2311-2314. 2019
- Substrate-rigidity dependent migration of an idealized twitching bacterium.. 15:6224-6236. 2019
- Investigation of failure behavior of a thermoplastic elastomer gel.. 14:7958-7969. 2018
- Self-assembly of anisotropic red blood cell (RBC)-like colloidal particles. 14:7954-7957. 2018
- Assembly of three-dimensional binary superlattices from multi-flavored particles.. 14:6303-6312. 2018
- Anatomy of triply-periodic network assemblies: characterizing skeletal and inter-domain surface geometry of block copolymer gyroids.. 14:3612-3623. 2018
- Large-scale chirality in an active layer of microtubules and kinesin motor proteins.. 14:3221-3231. 2018
- Multi-scale progressive failure mechanism and mechanical properties of nanofibrous polyurea aerogels.. 14:7801-7808. 2018
- Thermo-responsive gels based on supramolecular assembly of an amidoamine and citric acid.. 14:432-439. 2018
- New insights into the flow and microstructural relaxation behavior of biphasic cellulose nanocrystal dispersions from RheoSANS.. 13:8451-8462. 2017
- Assembly of multi-flavored two-dimensional colloidal crystals.. 13:5397-5408. 2017
- Staged phase separation in the I–I–N tri-phase region of platelet–sphere mixtures. 13:4457-4463. 2017
- Synthetic hydrogel mimics of the nuclear pore complex display selectivity dependent on FG-repeat concentration and electrostatics.. 12:9477-9484. 2016
- Magnetically-active Pickering emulsions stabilized by hybrid inorganic/organic networks.. 12:9342-9354. 2016
- Self-assembly of trimer colloids: effect of shape and interaction range.. 12:4170-4179. 2016
- Polymerized ionic liquid diblock copolymers: impact of water/ion clustering on ion conductivity.. 12:1133-1144. 2016
- The influence of ionic strength and mixing ratio on the colloidal stability of PDAC/PSS polyelectrolyte complexes.. 11:7392-7401. 2015
- Equilibrium and nonequilibrium dynamics of soft sphere fluids.. 11:5274-5281. 2015
- Observation of isotropic–isotropic demixing in colloidal platelet–sphere mixtures. 11:5775-5779. 2015
- Interlayer structure and self-healing in suspensions of brush-stabilized nanoplatelets with smectic order.. 11:954-971. 2015
- Structural tailoring of hydrogen-bonded poly(acrylic acid)/poly(ethylene oxide) multilayer thin films for reduced gas permeability.. 11:1001-1007. 2015
- Prediction and validation of diffusion coefficients in a model drug delivery system using microsecond atomistic molecular dynamics simulation and vapour sorption analysis.. 10:7480-7494. 2014
- The effect of nanoparticle location and shape on thermal transitions observed in hydrated layer-by-layer assemblies.. 10:8107-8115. 2014
- Thermo-sensitive discotic colloidal liquid crystals. 10:7692-7695. 2014
- Thermal transitions in hydrated layer-by-layer assemblies observed using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.. 10:6467-6476. 2014
- Adsorption and removal dynamics of polymeric micellar nanocarriers loaded with a therapeutic agent on silica surfaces. 9:10155-10164. 2013
- Responsive organogels formed by supramolecular self assembly of PEG-block-allyl-functionalized racemic polypeptides into -sheet-driven polymeric ribbons.. 9:5951-5958. 2013
- Stabilization of Pickering foams by high-aspect-ratio nano-sheets. 9:1327-1336. 2013
- Thermo-responsive discotic nematic hydrogels. 9:10257-10264. 2013
- Ultra-strong thermoresponsive double network hydrogels. 9:2912-2919. 2013
- Thermoresponsive nanocomposite double network hydrogels. 8:481-487. 2012
- Colloidal diffusion and hydrodynamic screening near boundaries. 7:6844-6852. 2011
- Microcontact printing for co-patterning cells and viruses for spatially controlled substrate-mediated gene delivery. 7:4993-5001. 2011
- Multicompartment and multigeometry nanoparticle assembly. 7:2500-2506. 2011
- Tissue-engineered fibrin scaffolds containing neural progenitors enhance functional recovery in a subacute model of SCI.. 6:5127-5137. 2010
- Manipulation of hydrophobic interactions in associative polymers using cyclodextrin and enzyme. 6:4237-4245. 2010
- Thermochemical properties of free-standing electrostatic layer-by-layer assemblies containing poly(allylamine hydrochloride) and poly(acrylic acid). 6:3363-3369. 2010
- Silicon oxy carbide nanorings from polystyrene-b-polydimethylsiloxane diblock copolymer thin films. 6:3582-3587. 2010
- Back matter. 5:5042-5042. 2009
- A fundamental investigation of cross-linking efficiencies within discrete nanostructures, using the cross-linker as a reporting molecule. 5:3422-3429. 2009
- Like-charge interactions between colloidal particles are asymmetric with respect to sign.. 5:1931-1936. 2009
- Origins of toroidal micelle formation through charged triblock copolymer self-assembly. 5:1269-1278. 2009
- Composite soft-matter nanoscale objects: Nanocylinder-templated assembly of nanospheres (vol 5, pg 3585, 2009). 5:5045-5045. 2009
- Composite soft-matter nanoscale objects: Nanocylinder-templated assembly of nanospheres. 5:3585-3589. 2009
- Covalent layer-by-layer assembly-an effective, forgiving way to construct functional robust ultrathin films and nanocomposites. 5:23-28. 2009
- Alignment and anchoring transition of liquid crystals on the surface of self-assembled block copolymer films with periodic defects.. 4:739-743. 2008
- Construction of thermoresponsive SCKs through tuning the crystalline melting point of the core domain.. 4:849-858. 2008
- Helix self-assembly through the coiling of cylindrical micelles.. 4:90-93. 2007
- Cross-linked and functionalized polyester materials constructed using ketoxime ether linkages.. 3:1032-1040. 2007
- Electrochemically enabled polyelectrolyte multilayer devices: from fuel cells to sensors.. 3:804-816. 2007
- PNA-directed solution- and surface-assembly of shell crosslinked (SCK) nanoparticle conjugates.. 1:69-78. 2005
- Adhesive contact between a rippled elastic surface and a rigid spherical indenter: from partial to full contact. 7:10728-10736.
- Amphiphilic, thixotropic additives for extrusion-based 3D printing of silica-reinforced silicone.. 17:4133-4142.
- Cellular micromasonry: biofabrication with single cell precision.. 18:8554-8560.
- Chirality effects in molecular chainmail.. 20:7044-7058.
- Decellularized organ biomatrices facilitate quantifiable in vitro 3D cancer metastasis models.. 18:5791-5806.
- Divalent cation effects in the glass transition of poly(diallyldimethylammonium)-poly(styrene sulfonate) polyelectrolyte complexes.
- Dual-responsive, shape-switching bilayers enabled by liquid crystal elastomers.. 13:4349-4356.
- Effect of functionalization on the self-assembling propensity of -sheet forming peptides. 5:660-668.
- Hydrodynamically directed multiscale assembly of shaped polymer fibers. 8:6656-6660.
- Hydrogen-bonded polymer complexes and nanocages of weak polyacids templated by a Pluronic block copolymer.. 12:8744-8754.
- Introduction to soft matter aspects of cancer.. 19:586-587.
- Mesoscale polymer arrays: high aspect ratio surface structures and their digital reconstruction.
- Molecularly-ordered hydrogels with controllable, anisotropic stimulus response.. 15:4508-4517.
- Multilayer-derived, ultrathin, stimuli-responsive hydrogels. 5:4077-4087.
- Network interactions simultaneously enhance stiffness and lubricity of triple-network hydrogels.. 20:8783-8792.
- Nuclear size changes caused by local motion of cell boundaries unfold the nuclear lamina and dilate chromatin and intranuclear bodies.. 15:9310-9317.
- Pickering emulsions stabilized by amphiphilic nano-sheets. 8:10245-10253.
- Rethinking nuclear shaping: insights from the nuclear drop model.. 20:7558-7565.
- Selective water uptake within micelle-containing layer-by-layer films of various architectures: a neutron reflectometry study. 9:410-417.
- Size of liquid metal particles influences actuation properties of a liquid crystal elastomer composite.. 16:5878-5885.
- Stimuli-responsive engineered living materials.. 17:785-809.
- Stimuli-responsive layer-by-layer nanocomposites. 9:5149-5154.
- Three-dimensional blueprinting of molecular patterns in liquid crystalline polymers.. 20:511-522.
- Topology optimization for the design of folding liquid crystal elastomer actuators.. 11:7288-7295.
- Tunable pH and temperature response of weak polyelectrolyte brushes: role of hydrogen bonding and monomer hydrophobicity. 9:5464-5472.
- Tuning swelling pH and permeability of hydrogel multilayer capsules.. 4:1499-1507.
- pH-Triggered softening of crosslinked hydrogen-bonded capsules.. 2:966-972.