publication venue for
- PID Principles to Obtain Adaptive Variable Gains for a Bi-order Sliding Mode Control. 18:2456-2467. 2020
- Output Feedback Control for a Quadrotor Aircraft Using an Adaptive High Gain Observer. 18:1474-1486. 2020
- Variable Gains Sliding Mode Control. 17:555-564. 2019
- An Adaptive Backstepping Trajectory Tracking Control of a Tractor Trailer Wheeled Mobile Robot. 17:465-473. 2019
- Finite-time Synchronization of Neural Networks with Multiple Proportional Delays via Non-chattering Control. 16:2473-2479. 2018
- Comparison System Method for a class of Stochastic Systems with Variable-time Impulses. 16:702-708. 2018
- Design of precision positioner with Hall-effect sensors and multivariable control methodology. 14:787-795. 2016
- Impulsive Synchronization for TS Fuzzy Model of Memristor-based Chaotic Systems with Parameter Mismatches. 14:854-864. 2016
- Stability Criterion of Linear Delayed Impulsive Differential Systems with Impulse Time Windows. 14:174-180. 2016
- Stability of Impulsive Systems with Time Window via Comparison Method. 13:1346-1350. 2015
- Experimental analysis and implementation of a multiscale wireless/wired networked control system. 12:102-110. 2014
- Markov-chain-based output feedback control for stabilization of networked control systems with random time delays and packet losses. 10:1013-1022. 2012
- Reliable H Filter Design for a Class of Mixed-Delay Markovian Jump Systems with Stochastic Nonlinearities and Multiplicative Noises via Delay-Partitioning Method. 10:711-720. 2012
- Time-domain fixed-structure closed-loop model identification of an unstable multivariable maglev nanopositioning system. 9:32-41. 2011
- Optimal bandwidth allocation and QoS-adaptive control co-design for networked control systems. 6:596-606. 2008
- Stochastic optimal control and network co-design for networked control systems. 5:515-525. 2007
- Robust control for networked control systems with admissible parameter uncertainties. 5:372-378. 2007
- Modeling and multivariable control of a novel multi-dimensional levitated stage with high precision. 4:1-9. 2006
- Real-time control of networked control systems via Ethernet. 3:591-600. 2005
- Development of a novel direct-drive tubular linear brushless permanent-magnet motor. 2:279-288. 2004
- Nanoscale dynamics, stochastic modeling, and multivariable control of a planar magnetic levitator. 1:1-10. 2003
- Fractional Sliding Mode Control of Underwater ROVs Subject to Non-differentiable Disturbances. 15:1314-1321.
- Underwater Image Dehazing via Unpaired Image-to-image Translation. 18:605-614.