publication venue for
- Identification of Gut Bacterial Enzymes for Keto-Reductive Metabolism of Xenobiotics.. 17:1665-1671. 2022
- Novel Regioselective Approach to Cyclize Phage-Displayed Peptides in Combination with Epitope-Directed Selection to Identify a Potent Neutralizing Macrocyclic Peptide for SARS-CoV-2.. 17:2911-2922. 2022
- A Capture Strategy for the Identification of Thio-Templated Metabolites.. 16:1737-1744. 2021
- Covalent Inactivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isocitrate Lyase by cis-2,3-Epoxy-Succinic Acid.. 16:463-470. 2021
- A Clinical-Stage Cysteine Protease Inhibitor blocks SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Human and Monkey Cells.. 16:642-650. 2021
- Confronting Racism in Chemistry Journals.. 15:1719-1721. 2020
- Update to Our Reader, Reviewer, and Author Communities-April 2020.. 15:1282-1283. 2020
- Extending the Detection Limit in Fragment Screening of Proteins Using Reverse Micelle Encapsulation.. 14:2224-2232. 2019
- Site-Resolved and Quantitative Characterization of Very Weak Protein-Ligand Interactions.. 14:1398-1402. 2019
- Small-Molecule Inhibition of the C. difficile FAS-II Enzyme, FabK, Results in Selective Activity.. 14:1528-1535. 2019
- Incorporation of Nonproteinogenic Amino Acids in Class I and II Lantibiotics.. 13:951-957. 2018
- Tetraterpene Synthase Substrate and Product Specificity in the Green Microalga Botryococcus braunii Race L.. 12:2408-2416. 2017
- Membrane Oxidation in Cell Delivery and Cell Killing Applications.. 12:1170-1182. 2017
- The Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Hijack of Host Proteins by the 1918 Spanish Influenza Virus.. 12:1199-1203. 2017
- Probing the Catalytic Charge-Relay System in Alanine Racemase with Genetically Encoded Histidine Mimetics.. 11:3305-3309. 2016
- A Chemical Biology Approach to Reveal Sirt6-targeted Histone H3 Sites in Nucleosomes.. 11:1973-1981. 2016
- Sirtuins 1 and 2 Are Universal Histone Deacetylases.. 11:792-799. 2016
- Bacterial Genome Mining of Enzymatic Tools for Alkyne Biosynthesis.. 10:2785-2793. 2015
- Genetic incorporation of seven ortho-substituted phenylalanine derivatives.. 9:884-890. 2014
- Reports from the Chemical Biology of Texas Symposium at the 69th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society.. 9:319-322. 2014
- Discovery of a cAMP deaminase that quenches cyclic AMP-dependent regulation.. 8:2622-2629. 2013
- Discovery and characterization of a new cell-penetrating protein.. 8:2678-2687. 2013
- Deconstruction of stable cross-Beta fibrillar structures into toxic and nontoxic products using a mutated archaeal chaperonin.. 8:2095-2101. 2013
- A genetically encoded acrylamide functionality.. 8:1664-1670. 2013
- Genetic incorporation of twelve meta-substituted phenylalanine derivatives using a single pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase mutant.. 8:405-415. 2013
- Testing the Substrate-Envelope Hypothesis with Designed Pairs of Compounds. 8:2433-2441. 2013
- Discovery of a cytokinin deaminase.. 6:1036-1040. 2011
- Bivalent peptidomimetic ligands of TrkC are biased agonists and selectively induce neuritogenesis or potentiate neurotrophin-3 trophic signals.. 4:769-781. 2009
- 2-Cyanopyrimidine-Containing Molecules for N-Terminal Selective Cyclization of Phage-Displayed Peptides.
- A Novel Y-Shaped, S-O-N-O-S-Bridged Cross-Link between Three Residues C22, C44, and K61 Is Frequently Observed in the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease.. 18:449-455.
- Real-Time Kinetic Probes Support Monothiol Glutaredoxins As Intermediate Carriers in Fe-S Cluster Biosynthetic Pathways.. 11:3114-3121.