publication venue for
- Stay in your Lane: A NoC with Low-overhead Multi-packet Bypassing 2022
- Automatic Microprocessor Performance Bug Detection 2021
- Pitstop: Enabling a Virtual Network Free Network-on-Chip 2021
- DRAIN: Deadlock Removal for Arbitrary Irregular Networks 2020
- Active-Routing: Compute on the Way for Near-Data Processing 2019
- Message from the Program Chair 2017
- Minimal Disturbance Placement and Promotion 2016
- Up By Their Bootstraps: Online Learning in Artificial Neural Networks for CMP Uncore Power Management 2014
- Adaptive Placement and Migration Policy for an STT-RAM-Based Hybrid Cache 2014
- Dynamically Detecting and Tolerating IF-Condition Data Races 2014
- Improving Cache Performance Using Read-Write Partitioning 2014
- Improving Multi-Core Performance Using Mixed-Cell Cache Architecture 2013
- Decoupled Dynamic Cache Segmentation 2012
- Pacman: Tolerating Asymmetric Data Races with Unintrusive Hardware 2012
- Regional Congestion Awareness for Load Balance in Networks-on-Chip 2008
- Regional Congestion Awareness for Load Balance in Networks-on-Chip 2008
- A domain-specific on-chip network design for large scale cache systems 2007
- InfoShield: A Security Architecture for Protecting Information Usage in Memory 2006
- A Decoupled KILO-Instruction Processor 2006
- Synthesizing representative I/O workloads for TPC-H 2004
- Performance enhancement techniques for InfiniBand (TM) architecture 2003
- Reconsidering Complex Branch Predictors 2003
- Tradeoffs in buffering memory state for thread-level speculation in multiprocessors 2003