publication venue for
- Machine learning prediction of factors affecting Major League Baseball (MLB) game attendance: algorithm comparisons and macroeconomic factor of unemployment. 25:382-395. 2024
- Examining valuation of corporate naming rights partnerships in collegiate sports and their impact on consumer behavior. 24:871-890. 2023
- Paradoxical relationship between esports toxicity and toxicity tolerance: moderated mediation by gender and positive reappraisal coping. 24:737-752. 2023
- Emphasizing effort vs talent in personal trainers' performance: consumption response of personal fitness training customers. 24:359-374. 2023
- Competence inference from muscle: how and when trainers' muscle mass impacts service purchase of personal fitness training. 23:804-822. 2022
- Motivational determinants of digital ticketing: the mediating effect of service satisfaction and the moderating effect of psychological discomfort. 23:326-345. 2022
- Effect of background music and hierarchy-of-effects in watching women's running shoes advertisements. 23:41-58. 2022
- Rasch calibration and optimal categorization of the sport fandom questionnaire. 23:75-92. 2022
- Sport consumer flow and shopping well-being in online shopping. 22:721-736. 2021
- Transformative marketing: health and well-being of Special Olympic athletes. 22:477-492. 2021
- Adding insult to rivalry: Exploring the discord communicated between rivals. 21:633-649. 2020
- How multiple identities shape behavioral intention: place and team identification on spectator attendance. 21:719-734. 2020
- Investigating sponsor decision-making: the role of schema theory, agency conflicts, and signaling theory in the persistence of naming rights agreements. 21:467-486. 2020
- An examination of the effects of outsourcing ticket sales force management. 21:205-223. 2020
- From knowing the game to enjoying the game: EEG/ERP assessment of emotional processing. 21:305-323. 2020
- Developing a sport fan equity index. 21:247-266. 2020
- The influence of stadium environment on attendance intentions in spectator sport The moderating role of team loyalty. 20:276-290. 2019
- The moderating effect of identification on return on investment from sponsor brand integration. 19:41-57. 2018
- Trends in sport sponsorship evaluation and measurement: insights from the industry. 19:2-10. 2018
- Mary Ann to her Ginger: comparing the extended brand identity of two elite female athletes. 18:347-362. 2017
- Air Qiaodan An examination of transliteration and trademark squatting in China based on Jordan vs Qiaodan Sports. 18:95-105. 2017
- Potential negative outcomes from sports sponsorship. 16:20-34. 2015
- Potential negative outcomes from sports sponsorship. 16:179-193. 2015
- The importance of winning: an analysis of the relationship between an athlete's performance and sponsor exposure during televised sports events. 13:282-294. 2012
- Does sponsorship pay off? An examination of the relationship between investment in sponsorship and business performance. 12:352-364. 2011
- Business management in the football industry from a supply chain management perspective. 22:737-763.
- Gender differences in the effects of nostalgia on conspicuous consumption and impulsive buying. ahead-of-print.
- Inter- and intra-team differences in professional sport fans environmental attitudes. ahead-of-print:1-13.