publication venue for
- Widespread Distribution of Dehalococcoides mccartyi in the Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, Texas, Sediments and the Potential for Reductive Dechlorination of PCDD/F in an Estuarine Environment.. 18:630-644. 2016
- Construction and Characterization of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) Library of Pacific White Shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. 12:141-149. 2010
- Construction of two BAC libraries from half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis and identification of clones containing candidate sex-determination genes.. 12:558-568. 2010
- Construction and characterization of two bacterial artificial chromosome libraries of Zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston, and identification of BAC clones containing the genes involved in its innate immune system.. 10:358-365. 2008
- Fishing for answers with transposons.. 7:135-141. 2005
- Analyses of nuclear ldhA gene and mtDNA control region sequences of Atlantic northern bluefin tuna populations.. 4:583-588. 2002
- Dicistronic Gene Expression in Developing Zebrafish.. 1:552-561. 1999
- PCR amplification of microsatellites from single cells of Karenia brevis preserved in Lugol's iodine solution.. 10:122-127.