publication venue for
- A dynamic flow fetal membrane organ-on-a-chip system for modeling the effects of amniotic fluid motion.. 26:32. 2024
- Uniform sized cancer spheroids production using hydrogel-based droplet microfluidics: a review.. 26:26. 2024
- Measurement of dielectric properties of cells at single-cell resolution using electrorotation.. 24:23. 2022
- Biomedical microdevices: the next phase of highlighting scientific discoveries in the field of micro-nanotechnologies for medicine.. 24:1. 2021
- Eliminating air bubble in microfluidic systems utilizing integrated in-line sloped microstructures.. 22:76. 2020
- Enhancing droplet transition capabilities using sloped microfluidic channel geometry for stable droplet operation.. 22:15. 2020
- Prediction of Microdroplet Breakup Regime in Asymmetric T-Junction Microchannels.. 20:72. 2018
- Assessment of whole blood thrombosis in a microfluidic device lined by fixed human endothelium.. 18:73. 2016
- Microtubule guiding in a multi-walled carbon nanotube circuit.. 17:78. 2015
- A three-dimensional electrode for highly efficient electrocoalescence-based droplet merging.. 17:35. 2015
- Microfluidic geometric metering-based multi-reagent mixture generator for robust live cell screening array.. 16:887-896. 2014
- Micro-macro hybrid soft-lithography master (MMHSM) fabrication for lab-on-a-chip applications.. 12:345-351. 2010
- Microfluidic compartmentalized co-culture platform for CNS axon myelination research.. 11:1145-1153. 2009
- Micro-well texture printed into PEG hydrogels using the FILM nanomanufacturing process affects the behavior of preadipocytes.. 10:839-849. 2008
- Protein functionalized micro hydrogel features for cell-surface interaction.. 10:567-571. 2008
- Mechanical Properties of Mechanical Actuator for Treating Ischemic Stroke. 4:89-96. 2002
- Development and Characterization of Microfluidic Devices and Systems for Magnetic Bead-Based Biochemical Detection. 3:191-200. 2001
- A comparison of polymer substrates for photolithographic processing of flexible bioelectronics.. 15:925-939.
- Array biosensor: optical and fluidics systems.. 1:139-153.
- Laser ablation of micropores for formation of artificial planar lipid bilayers.. 9:863-868.
- Microfluidic fabrication of cell adhesive chitosan microtubes.. 15:465-472.
- Microtubule shuttles on kinesin-coated glass micro-wire tracks.. 16:501-508.
- Modulating malignant epithelial tumor cell adhesion, migration and mechanics with nanorod surfaces.. 13:89-95.