publication venue for
- Quantifying coherence of quantum measurements. 22:093019-093019. 2020
- Revisiting turbulence small-scale behavior using velocity gradient triple decomposition. 22:063015-063015. 2020
- Identical spin rotation effect and electron spin waves in quantum gas of atomic hydrogen. 20:055010-055010. 2018
- Sufficient condition for a quantum state to be genuinely quantum non-Gaussian (vol 20, 023046, 2018). 20:039601-039601. 2018
- Sufficient condition for a quantum state to be genuinely quantum non-Gaussian. 20:023046-023046. 2018
- Canonical ensemble ground state and correlation entropy of Bose-Einstein condensate. 20:013002-013002. 2018
- Skyrmion production on demand by homogeneous DC currents. 19:092001-092001. 2017
- Precision measurement of the nuclear polarization in laser-cooled, optically pumped K-37. 18:073028-073028. 2016
- Pulsed cooperative backward emissions from non-degenerate atomic transitions in sodium. 16:103017-103017. 2014
- Precise qubit control beyond the rotating wave approximation. 16:093022-093022. 2014
- Dual-tip-enhanced ultrafast CARS nanoscopy. 16:083004-083004. 2014
- Transient lasing without inversion. 15:053044-053044. 2013
- Cryogenic optomechanics with a Si3N4 membrane and classical laser noise. 14:115018-115018. 2012
- Engineering non-Gaussian entangled states with vortices by photon subtraction. 13:073008-073008. 2011
- Sensing external spins with nitrogen-vacancy diamond. 13:055004-055004. 2011
- Magnetic field imaging with nitrogen-vacancy ensembles. 13:045021-045021. 2011
- Transport moments beyond the leading order. 13:063020-063020. 2011
- Linear amplification and quantum cloning for non-Gaussian continuous variables. 12:103010-103010. 2010
- Coherent-light-boosted, sub-shot noise, quantum interferometry. 12:083014-083014. 2010
- Controlled modification of erbium lifetime by near-field coupling to metallic films. 11:015003-015003. 2009
- Solitonic behaviour in coupled multi atomcavity systems. 11:013059-013059. 2009
- Broadband generation in a Raman crystal driven by a pair of time-delayed linearly chirped pulses. 10:025032-025032. 2008
- Electromagnetic field induced modification of branching ratios for emission in structured vacuum. 10:013014-013014. 2008
- Spin-flip and spin-conserving optical transitions of the nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond. 10:045004-045004. 2008
- Entangling pairs of nano-cantilevers, Cooper-pair boxes and mesoscopic teleportation. 8:34-34. 2006
- Exchange interaction effects in NO core-level photoionization cross-sections. 7:189-189. 2005
- A search for an excited muon decaying to a muon and two jets in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. 18:073021-073021.
- Edge waves in plates with resonators: an elastic analogue of the quantum valley Hall effect. 19:025001-025001.
- Entangling nanomechanical oscillators in a ring cavity by feeding squeezed light. 11:103044-103044.
- Experimental violation of a Bell-like inequality with optical vortex beams. 17:113046-113046.
- Inseparability inequalities for higher order moments for bipartite systems. 7:211-211.
- Larmor power limit for cyclotron radiation of relativistic particles in a waveguide. 26:083021-083021.
- Nanomechanical inverse electromagnetically induced transparency and confinement of light in normal modes. 16:033023-033023.
- Parity detection in quantum optical metrology without number-resolving detectors. 12:113025-113025.
- Search for scalar leptoquarks in pp collisions at s=13TeV with the ATLAS experiment. 18:093016-093016.
- Strong squeezing via phonon mediated spontaneous generation of photon pairs. 16:113004-113004.
- The dynamics of pinned charge density wave in NbSe3 nanoribbons revealed by noise spectroscopy. 26:123002-123002.
- Turbulence closure modeling with data-driven techniques: physical compatibility and consistency considerations. 22:093023-093023.
- Weak value amplification of atomic cat states. 17:093032-093032.
- Selfconsistent evaluation of charm and charmonium in the quark-gluon plasma 2011
- Strong squeezing via phonon mediated spontaneous generation of photon pairs