publication venue for
- Characterizing style of participation among Texas inshore recreational fishing guides. 28:18-35. 2023
- Using a styles of participation self-classification measure to characterize highly specialized anglers Styles of participation. 28:36-52. 2023
- Social identity and acceptability of wild pig (Sus scrofa) control actions: A case study of Texas hunters. 27:507-521. 2022
- On the relationship between hunters and pro-environmental intent. 27:116-133. 2022
- Perceptions, concerns, and management of white-tailed deer among municipal officials. 1-21. 2021
- The efficacy of message frames on recreational boaters' aquatic invasive species mitigation behavioral intentions. 23:297-312. 2018
- Factors Affecting Student Tolerance for Free-Roaming Cats. 18:263-278. 2013
- Empirical Linkages Between Serious Leisure and Recreational Specialization. 18:450-462. 2013
- Participation in Wildlife Watching: A Multiple Hierarchy Stratification Perspective. 16:330-344. 2011
- Predicting Private Landowner Intentions to Enroll in an Incentive Program to Protect Endangered Species. 15:77-89. 2010
- Sociodemographics, Motivations, and Behavior: The Case of Texas Anglers 19892004. 15:247-261. 2010
- Segmenting Anglers Using Their Consumptive Orientation Profiles. 12:115-132. 2007
- Measuring Specialization among Birders: Utility of a Self-Classification Measure. 10:53-74. 2005
- Understanding the Birder as Tourist: Segmenting Visitors to the Texas Hummer /Bird Celebration. 8:199-218. 2003
- A National Trends Assessment of Hunter Access Problems: Perceptions of State Wildlife Administrators, 1984-1997. 6:145-146. 2001
- Motivations and commitments among participants in the great Texas birding classic. 4:50-67. 1999
- Segmenting participation in wildlife watching: A comparison of casual wildlife watchers and serious birders. 4:44-61. 1999
- Ecotourism and Conservation: Two Cases from Brazil and Peru. 13:263-279.