Motivations and commitments among participants in the great Texas birding classic uri icon


  • The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of individuals who participated in the first annual Great Texas Birding Classic (Birding Classic) in 1997. The Great Texas Birding Classic is modeled after the World Series of Birding in New Jersey. Both events are major birding competitions in North America and are designed to raise money for habitat protection. We examined participants motivations for participating in the event, commitments to birding, and behavioral involvement. Results revealed that participants in the event comprised a highly skilled, committed, and elite group of birders. The majority of participants minimized competition as a motivation for participating in the event. Instead, they participated because they enjoyed searching for birds, being with friends, and contributing to wildlife conservation. The salience assigned to both enjoyment and conservation suggests that events like the Birding Classic can effectively blend avian habitat protection and enjoyment. 1999 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

published proceedings

  • Human Dimensions of Wildlife

author list (cited authors)

  • Scott, D., Baker, S. M., & Kim, C.

citation count

  • 45

complete list of authors

  • Scott, David||Baker, Stacey Menzel||Kim, Chulwon

publication date

  • January 1999