publication venue for
- Damage related material constants in continuum damage mechanics for unidirectional composites with matrix cracks. 28:690-707. 2019
- Micromechanics based discrete damage model with multiple non-smooth yield surfaces: Theoretical formulation, numerical implementation and engineering applications. 27:611-639. 2018
- Variational analysis of cracked general cross-ply laminates under bending and biaxial extension. 24:582-624. 2015
- Computation of Homogenized Constitutive Tensor of Elastic Solids Containing Evolving Cracks. 21:267-291. 2012
- A synergistic damage mechanics approach to viscoelastic response of cracked cross-ply laminates. 13:301-334. 2004
- Damage Mechanisms in Nanolayered Metallic Composites. 12:365-376. 2003
- Damage Mechanics and Fatigue Life Assessment of Composite Materials. 8:339-354. 1999
- Crack Opening Displacement and the Associated Response of Laminates with Varying Constraints. 8:174-193. 1999
- An Inadequacy in a Common Micromechanics Approach to Analysis of Damage Evolution in Composites. 7:238-249. 1998
- Surface Damage Modeling of Oxidized Metal Matrix Composite Laminates under Axial and Transverse Tension. 7:209-237. 1998
- Modelling of Damage Evolution in Laminated Viscoelastic Composites. 6:5-22. 1997
- On Representation of Damage Evolution in Continuum Damage Mechanics. 6:62-95. 1997
- Preface. 6:4-4. 1997
- Evolution of Void Shape and Size in Creeping Solids. 4:134-152. 1995
- Modeling of Delamination Damage Evolution in Laminated Composites Subjected to Low Velocity Impact. 3:378-407. 1994
- A Micromechanics Approach for Constructing Locally Averaged Damage Dependent Constitutive Equations in Inelastic Composites. 2:209-228. 1993
- A Study of the Opening Displacement of Transverse Cracks in Cross-Ply Laminates. 2:272-289. 1993
- Analysis of Damage in a Ceramic Matrix Composite. 2:246-271. 1993
- Preface. 2:208-208. 1993