publication venue for
- Additive manufacturing of personalized ankle-foot orthosis 2014
- On surface damage of polymer coated sheet metals during forming 2014
- A haptic position measurement system for compliant objects and an application in guidewire suturing of soft tissue 2013
- Study of factors impacting remote fault diagnosis performance on a PLC based automated system 2013
- Towards control of carbon nanotube synthesis process using prediction-based fast monte carlo simulations 2012
- Failure analysis of hydroforming of sandwich panels 2012
- Influence of kinematics on lapping efficiency and lap wear 2010
- A statistical mechanistic model of acoustic emission generation from shear zone of machining 2005
- An effective dimensional inspection method based on zone fitting 2005
- Model based tampering for improved process performance - An application to grinding of shafts 2003
- An experimental investigation of coating durability in forming pre-coated sheet metal 2003