publication venue for
- Detection and Analysis of Cybersecurity Challenges for Processing Systems. 185:1061-1071. 2024
- Inherent Process Risk Index (IPRI) A tool for analyzing Inherently Safer Design using Aspen Plus simulation 2024
- Extending the empirical evidence for process safety climate. 177:734-740. 2023
- A Bayesian approach to assess under-deposit corrosion in oil and gas pipelines. 176:489-505. 2023
- Modeling and analysis of domino effect in petrochemical storage tank farms under the synergistic effect of explosion and fire. 176:706-715. 2023
- Integrating process dynamics in data-driven models of chemical processing systems. 174:158-168. 2023
- How to account artificial intelligence in human factor analysis of complex systems?. 171:736-750. 2023
- A methodical approach for knowledge-based fire and explosion accident likelihood analysis. 170:339-355. 2023
- Probabilistic model for hydrate and wax risk assessment in oil and gas pipelines. 170:11-18. 2023
- Investigation of aluminum dust cloud dispersion characteristics in an explosion hazard testing device using laser-based particle and flow diagnostics. 166:310-319. 2022
- Investigation of niacin and aluminum dust cloud ignition characteristics in an explosion hazard testing device using high-speed imaging. 166:320-327. 2022
- Process Risk Index (PRI) - A methodology to analyze the design and operational hazards in the processing facility. 165:623-632. 2022
- Process safety on utilization of emerging energy. 164:247-248. 2022
- Resilience assessment framework for fast response process systems. 163:82-93. 2022
- A stochastic approach to evaluating the economic impact of disruptions in feedstock pipelines on downstream production. 162:187-199. 2022
- Suppression behavior of water mist containing compound additives on lithium-ion batteries fire. 161:476-487. 2022
- A framework to identify and respond to weak signals of disastrous process incidents based on FRAM and machine learning techniques. 158:98-114. 2022
- Development of a model for the prediction of the ignition properties of combustible dusts undergoing homogeneous combustion: Application to sulfur dust. 168:526-534. 2022
- Safety and health management response to COVID-19 in the construction industry: A perspective of fieldworkers.. 159:477-488. 2022
- A deep learning model for process fault prognosis. 154:467-479. 2021
- Modeling of thermal runaway propagation of NMC battery packs after fast charging operation. 154:104-117. 2021
- Data-driven operational failure likelihood model for microbiologically influenced corrosion. 153:472-485. 2021
- Deep learning based quantitative property-consequence relationship (QPCR) models for toxic dispersion prediction. 152:352-360. 2021
- Dynamic risk modeling of complex hydrocarbon production systems. 151:71-84. 2021
- A data-driven Bayesian network learning method for process fault diagnosis. 150:110-122. 2021
- A data-driven approach of quantifying function couplings and identifying paths towards emerging hazards in complex systems. 150:464-477. 2021
- Pandemic risk management using engineering safety principles.. 150:416-432. 2021
- Rare earth mine wastewater treatment via modified constructed rapid infiltration system: Nitrogen removal performance and microbial community. 150:223-232. 2021
- Risk-based fault detection and diagnosis for nonlinear and non-Gaussian process systems using R-vine copula. 150:123-136. 2021
- A probabilistic model to estimate microbiologically influenced corrosion rate. 148:908-926. 2021
- Comparison of safety indexes for chemical processes under uncertainty. 148:225-236. 2021
- Predicting flammability-leading properties for liquid aerosol safety via machine learning. 148:1357-1366. 2021
- Review and analysis of supervised machine learning algorithms for hazardous events in drilling operations. 147:367-384. 2021
- A review of aerosol flammability and explosion related incidents, standards, studies, and risk analysis. 146:499-514. 2021
- Identifying causality and contributory factors of pipeline incidents by employing natural language processing and text mining techniques. 152:37-46. 2021
- Time-trend analysis of offshore fire incidents using nonhomogeneous Poisson process through Bayesian inference. 147:421-429. 2021
- Experimental studies on influencing factors of stress corrosion in rectifying column. 144:123-132. 2020
- Precautionary Principle (PP) versus As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP): Which one to use and when. 137:158-168. 2020
- Analysis of the corrosion failure of a semiconductor polycrystalline distillation column. 135:244-256. 2020
- Process Safety Assessment Considering Multivariate Non-linear Dependence Among Process Variables. 135:70-80. 2020
- A 2-D CFD model for the decompression of carbon dioxide pipelines using the Peng-Robinson and the Span-Wagner equation of state. 140:299-313. 2020
- Bayesian network and game theory risk assessment model for third-party damage to oil and gas pipelines. 134:178-188. 2020
- Dynamics of gas flow between interconnected vessels: Experiments and simulations. 134:381-391. 2020
- Towards a causal model from pipeline incident data analysis. 143:348-360. 2020
- Hierarchical Bayesian model for failure analysis of offshore wells during decommissioning and abandonment processes. 131:307-319. 2019
- Review of recent developments of quantitative structure-property relationship models on fire and explosion-related properties. 129:280-290. 2019
- Artificial bee colony Based Bayesian Regularization Artificial Neural Network approach to model transient flammable cloud dispersion in congested area. 128:121-127. 2019
- Modelling an integrated impact of fire, explosion and combustion products during transitional events caused by an accidental release of LNG. 128:259-272. 2019
- A bibliometric review of process safety and risk analysis. 126:366-381. 2019
- Dynamic domino effect risk assessment using Petri-nets. 124:308-316. 2019
- An ontology-based methodology for hazard identification and causation analysis. 123:87-98. 2019
- Copula-based Bayesian network model for process system risk assessment. 123:317-326. 2019
- Improving the stability of high expansion foam used for LNG vapor risk mitigation using exfoliated zirconium phosphate nanoplates. 123:48-58. 2019
- Comparative study on vulnerability assessment for urban buried gas pipeline network based on SVM and ANN methods. 122:23-32. 2019
- A stochastic defect growth model for reliability assessment of corroded underground pipelines. 123:179-189. 2019
- Assessment and validation of evaporation models for cryogenic liquids. 121:50-61. 2019
- Improved partial inerting MIE test method for combustible dusts and its CFD validation. 122:192-199. 2019
- Online reduced kernel PLS combined with GLRT for fault detection in chemical systems. 128:228-243. 2019
- Lower flammability limits of hybrid mixtures containing 10 micron coal dust particles and methane gas. 120:215-226. 2018
- A hierarchical Bayesian approach to modelling fate and transport of oil released from subsea pipelines. 118:307-315. 2018
- Investigating the effect of inherent safety principles on system reliability in process design. 117:100-110. 2018
- Location of contaminant emission source in atmosphere based on optimal correlated matching of concentration distribution. 117:498-510. 2018
- Security assessment of process facilities - Intrusion modeling. 117:639-650. 2018
- An integrated approach for dynamic economic risk assessment of process systems. 116:312-323. 2018
- Investigating written procedures in process safety: Qualitative data analysis of interviews from high risk facilities. 113:30-39. 2018
- Is it the time to say bye to the phi-factor?. 113:193-203. 2018
- Experimental measurements and numerical calculation of auto-ignition temperatures for binary miscible liquid mixtures. 113:22-29. 2018
- Failure analysis of the offshore process component considering causation dependence. 113:220-232. 2018
- Dynamic failure analysis of process systems using neural networks. 111:529-543. 2017
- Failure probability analysis of the urban buried gas pipelines using Bayesian networks. 111:678-686. 2017
- Accident risk-based life cycle assessment methodology for green and safe fuel selection. 109:268-287. 2017
- Major accident modelling using spare data. 106:52-59. 2017
- Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of toxic gas building infiltration. 111:687-700. 2017
- Dynamic hazard identification and scenario mapping using Bayesian network. 105:143-155. 2017
- Involving economic, environmental and safety issues in the optimal purification of biobutanol. 103:365-376. 2016
- Development of an integrated tool for risk analysis of drilling operations. 102:421-430. 2016
- Process accident model considering dependency among contributory factors. 102:633-647. 2016
- The importance of public participation in legislation of TENORM risk management in the oil and gas industry. 102:606-614. 2016
- A risk-based shutdown inspection and maintenance interval estimation considering human error. 100:9-21. 2016
- Domino effect analysis of dust explosions using Bayesian networks. 100:108-116. 2016
- Runaway decomposition of dicumyl peroxide by open cell adiabatic testing at different initial conditions. 102:251-262. 2016
- Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in oil and gas production: A silent killer. 99:237-247. 2016
- RCNet: An optimisation software for the synthesis of resource conservation networks. 92:917-928. 2014
- A comparison of pretreatment methods for bioethanol production from lignocellulosic materials. 90:189-202. 2012
- Calorimetric studies on the thermal stability of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) formulations. 89:424-433. 2011
- Modelling spills of water-reactive chemicals. 89:415-423. 2011
- Decomposition products of 50 mass% hydroxylamine/water under runaway reaction conditions. 81:121-124. 2003
- A study of the dynamic response of emergency shutdown valves following full bore rupture of gas pipelines. 75:201-209. 1997
- Analysis of sustainability metrics from a process design and operation perspective
- Comprehensive analysis of leak impacts on liquid-gas multiphase flow using statistical, wavelet transform, and machine learning approaches. 194:825-843.
- Performance analysis of various machine learning algorithms for CO2 leak prediction and characterization in geo-sequestration injection wells. 183:99-110.
- Research on pinhole accidental gas release in pipelines: Statistical modeling, real gas CFD simulation, and validation. 176:786-796.