publication venue for
- Competition, profitability, and discount rates. 140:582-620. 2021
- Sophisticated investors and market efficiency: Evidence from a natural experiment. 138:316-341. 2020
- Cross-sectional alpha dispersion and performance evaluation. 134:273-296. 2019
- Disagreement about inflation and the yield curve. 127:459-484. 2018
- Managerial myopia and the mortgage meltdown. 128:466-485. 2018
- Micro(structure) before macro? The predictive power of aggregate illiquidity for stock returns and economic activity. 130:48-73. 2018
- Corruption culture and corporate misconduct. 122:307-327. 2016
- Dual ownership, returns, and voting in mergers. 120:58-80. 2016
- Optimal inside debt compensation and the value of equity and debt. 119:336-352. 2016
- Redacting proprietary information at the initial public offering. 120:102-123. 2016
- Does ambiguity matter? Estimating asset pricing models with a multiple-priors recursive utility. 115:361-382. 2015
- Smart money, dumb money, and capital market anomalies. 118:355-382. 2015
- Can hedge funds time market liquidity?. 109:493-516. 2013
- How does capital affect bank performance during financial crises?. 109:146-176. 2013
- CEO optimism and forced turnover. 101:695-712. 2011
- Local underwriter oligopolies and IPO underpricing. 102:579-601. 2011
- Measuring the timing ability and performance of bond mutual funds. 98:72-89. 2010
- Subsidiary debt, capital structure and internal capital markets. 94:327-343. 2009
- Why do corporate managers misstate financial statements? The role of option compensation and other factors. 85:667-708. 2007
- Dividend policy, signaling, and discounts on closed-end funds. 81:539-562. 2006
- Indexed executive stock options. 57:35-64. 2000
- The value and incentive effects of nontraditional executive stock option plans. 57:3-34. 2000
- Privatization and efficiency: Industry effects of the sale of British Airways. 43:275-298. 1997