publication venue for
- Early detection of ovarian cancer by wavelet analysis of protein mass spectra.. 42:2257-2273. 2023
- Determination of the number of observers needed to evaluate a subjective test and its application in two PD-L1 studies.. 41:1361-1375. 2022
- A semiparametric risk score for physical activity.. 41:1191-1204. 2022
- A penalization approach to random‐effects meta‐analysis. 41:500-516. 2022
- Conditional adaptive Bayesian spectral analysis of replicated multivariate time series.. 40:1989-2005. 2021
- Analysis of linear transformation models with covariate measurement error and interval censoring.. 38:4642-4655. 2019
- Instrumental variable approach to estimating the scalar-on-function regression model with measurement error with application to energy expenditure assessment in childhood obesity.. 38:3764-3781. 2019
- Initial severity‐dependent longitudinal model with application to a randomized controlled trial of women with depression. 38:1678-1689. 2019
- Sequential prevalence estimation with pooling and continuous test outcomes.. 37:2391-2426. 2018
- Three-part joint modeling methods for complex functional data mixed with zero-and-one-inflated proportions and zero-inflated continuous outcomes with skewness.. 37:611-626. 2018
- A joint modeling and estimation method for multivariate longitudinal data with mixed types of responses to analyze physical activity data generated by accelerometers.. 36:4028-4040. 2017
- Wavelet-based scaling indices for breast cancer diagnostics.. 36:1989-2000. 2017
- Statistical issues related to dietary intake as the response variable in intervention trials.. 35:4493-4508. 2016
- Calibration and seasonal adjustment for matched case-control studies of vitamin D and cancer.. 35:2133-2148. 2016
- Residual risk and waste in donated blood with pooled nucleic acid testing.. 35:5283-5301. 2016
- A statistical model for measurement error that incorporates variation over time in the target measure, with application to nutritional epidemiology.. 34:3590-3605. 2015
- Assessing correlation of clustered mixed outcomes from a multivariate generalized linear mixed model.. 34:704-720. 2015
- STRengthening analytical thinking for observational studies: the STRATOS initiative.. 33:5413-5432. 2014
- Multiple indicators, multiple causes measurement error models.. 33:4469-4481. 2014
- Improved survival modeling in cancer research using a reduced piecewise exponential approach.. 33:59-73. 2014
- Regression calibration with more surrogates than mismeasured variables.. 31:2713-2732. 2012
- Some insight on censored cost estimators.. 30:2381-2388. 2011
- Bias reduction in conditional logistic regression.. 30:348-355. 2011
- Ecological-type inference in matched-pair studies with fixed marginal totals.. 30:541-548. 2011
- A mixed-effects model approach for estimating the distribution of usual intake of nutrients: the NCI method.. 29:2857-2868. 2010
- A two-component nonlinear mixed effects model for longitudinal data, with application to gastric emptying studies.. 29:1839-1856. 2010
- Bayesian spatial modeling of disease risk in relation to multivariate environmental risk fields.. 29:142-157. 2010
- A Bayesian multilevel model for estimating the diet/disease relationship in a multicenter study with exposures measured with error: the EPIC study.. 27:6037-6054. 2008
- A comparison of regression calibration, moment reconstruction and imputation for adjusting for covariate measurement error in regression.. 27:5195-5216. 2008
- 'Mendelian randomization' equals instrumental variable analysis with genetic instruments.. 27:2745-2749. 2008
- Analysis of matched case-control data with multiple ordered disease states: possible choices and comparisons.. 26:3240-3257. 2007
- Comparing onset of antidepressant action using a repeated measures approach and a traditional assessment schedule.. 25:2384-2397. 2006
- A Bayesian hierarchical approach to multirater correlated ROC analysis.. 25:1858-1871. 2006
- Covariance analysis in generalized linear measurement error models (vol 8, pg 1075, 1989). 24:2746-2746. 2005
- Simple fitting of subject-specific curves for longitudinal data.. 24:1153-1167. 2005
- Mixed modelling to characterize genotype-phenotype associations.. 24:775-789. 2005
- Efficient regression calibration for logistic regression in main study/internal validation study designs with an imperfect reference instrument.. 20:139-160. 2001
- Estimating the reliability of an exposure variable in the presence of confounders.. 14:1437-1446. 1995
- Measurement error, instrumental variables and corrections for attenuation with applications to meta-analyses.. 13:1265-1282. 1994
- Estimating HIV prevalence and projecting AIDS incidence in the United States: a model that accounts for therapy and changes in the surveillance definition of AIDS.. 11:1633-1655. 1992
- Covariance analysis in generalized linear measurement error models.. 9:583-586. 1990
- Author's reply: (I: Reply). 9:585-586. 1990
- Covariance analysis in generalized linear measurement error models.. 8:1075-1093. 1989
- A joint latent class analysis for adjusting survival bias with application to a trauma transfusion study.. 35:65-77.
- Segmented regression with errors in predictors: semi-parametric and parametric methods. 1997
- The partial questionnaire design for case-control studies. 1994